Yuki grows a lot of plants in his garden, and many of them have the potential to heal the heart and body. Yuki doesn't realize, however, that catnip is one of those 'healing plants'. The events that follow will change his life forever. K/Y slash.

Disclaimer: Kyou/Yuki Slash. If that's not your thing, then don't read it. A rather alternating warm-cold Yuki Sohma picture. Not the standard fanfiction fare, but, it's just an interpretation of the prince in a less, or infinitely more, sentimental light. Non-canon pairing per se, but this is Fruits Basket. So who's to say if isn't? Also, there will be a sort of lemon in this story, so if that is not your thing, then please don't read it as well.


A dopple ganger of noon shadows drifted across the pine and cedar clearing. Plants, illuminated by the golden sun, waved gently in the breeze. The air was crisp and fresh from a mid-morning shower and a cold front from the mountains. Loose clods of soil still carried the scent of the summer. Here, practically untouched by the city, things could truly grow.

It was contentment, embodied in a garden plot and a pair of misty violet eyes.

As a sunbeam cast its' glow upon his head, breaking free from the shadow, it became apparent that the violet eyes belonged to a prince - and as the prince knelt to the rain-fresh soil, he was not stooping down but in fact bending to his throne.

His hands caressed a pale green shoot with helpless affection. The newborn leaned into his hands in a gentle reply. A simple conversation between creator and creation; master and subject, perhaps. But which was the master? Whom depended upon whom for sustenance? Whoever had started the garden did not own the garden, and the garden did not own itself. No - the garden and the prince owned each other perfectly. And together they grew, as if nothing else was missing.

Deep within the prince's heart, he knew it was a lie.