Okay, okay, I said Monday, but I decided to put it a day early.

Chapter 17

Plusle Power

Upon the horizon, behind the beautiful purple mountains the golden yellow sun started to come into the sky, as the clouds were painted red, and the sky starting to become sky blue. The sunlight shone upon the forest where Mags and Mudkip's tent was. They still snoozed inside.

Outside of the tent, not too far away from the campground, a lone Plusle woke up from a nights slumber upon the branch of a tree. Rubbing his eyes he began to climb down the tree carefully, touching the soft ground in its feet. This was the perfect time for this little Plusle to find some delicious berries to eat. He was up and early, not the usual time for Plusle's to wake up so early in the morning.

The Plusle turned his head around to check his surroundings, making sure no danger was near. He nodded his head in satisfaction. He walked around his forest environment in search of food. He then looked above him, seeing other Plusle's snoozing up in the trees. He didn't want to wake them... or else...

Walking towards a tree, he saw up above the ripe cheri berries above him. His favorite kind! The little Plusle's eyes widened when he glanced at the delicacies up above him. He climbed up the tree, carefully not to fall, and began to climb himself up to a branch, looking at the Cheri berries. He picked one and nibbled on the ripened fruit, savoring the taste. Then he picked a few more, but dropped them to the ground, to gather some to eat in a more isolated location.

He approached a bigger cheri berry and began to tug it off of its stem, to eat later. There seemed to be a problem... it was hard for the little electric mouse to pull it off of its stem. As he tugged on the red berry, he didn't realize that he was going to the edge of the branch, after a long struggle he finally got the berry into his hands, but lost his balance when he realized how close to the edge he was.

He immediately dropped the berry and tried to balance himself to stay on the branch, swinging his arms in circles, to maintain his balance, but he couldn't...

He slipped off the branch and landed on the ground, as a loud thud echoed throughout the valley. Plusle opened his eyes as he saw the other Plusle awake, after his fall, this Plusle had to run away now!

There were other wild Plusle surrounding the poor hungry Plusle, who began to pick up his cheri berry, then hastily pushed his way out of the crowd of Plusle and began running.

The Plusle that were chasing after the famished Plusle were actually bullies, making the life of the poor little Plusle very miserable each day of his short life. The shouting of the other Plusle chasing after the running small Plusle were heard throughout the valley, and the noise was headed towards Mags and Mudkip's campground.

The Plusle runt, which was the cheri berry in his mouth was headed towards Mags and Mudkip's campground. The small Plusle wasn't watching where he was going and he hit the tent, sending him to bounce back a few inches to the ground, dropping his cheri berry.

The chatters of the group of Plusle could be heard behind him. One larger Plusle ran up to the small Plusle and tackled him, sending him to fly into the air and landing just two feet away from him.

The chatters awoke Mags, who immediately woke up, and a very dozy Mudkip's sleep was interrupted. Mudkip popped out of his miniature sleeping bag and stuck is head out from the tent curiously, wondering what the ruckus was all about. Mags stuck her head out of the tent too.

'' Hey look there's Plusle!'', mags said, happily,'' You've got anything to say in this Mudkip? ... Mudkip?''

She saw that Mudkip was sleeping beside her leg. Mags nudged the drowsy little mudkip.

'' Mud kip kip mud kip kip!'' (I've finally caught that Magikarp that was chasing after me!)

'' What?'', Mags asked.

'' Mud kip, Mud kip...'' (Oh uh, nothing.)

They both focused on that Plusle fight. The small Plusle tried to attack the bigger foe, but he was too small to do a thing. The bigger Plusle had more experience in battling then the weak and now injured Plusle runt. He was ready to do a Double-Edge attack at the injured Plusle, who was down and out, collapsed to the ground.

'' Mudkip, you've got to help him!'', Mags shouted, worriedly.

'' Mud kip!'' (Okay!)

'' Mudkip, I choose you!''

'' Mudkip!'' (Okay!)

The little Mud fish leapt up in front of the Plusle, who immediately stopped his attack, now wanting to challenge the intruder.

'' Plusle plus!'', the Plusle squeaked. (Battle now!)

'' Mud kip!'' (Fine with me!)

Mags hopped out of the tent, as the Plusle runt began to drag itself out of harms way. She made a serious look on her face, as her mudkip was ready for a battle.

Mags began to shout commands,'' Mudkip, go!''

Mudkip leapt up into the air as Plusle stayed put.

'' Mudkip, iron tail!''

Ready to attack, mudkip's tail began to glow, aiming at the little Plusle, but the Plusle smirked. As soon as Mudkip was about to hit the Plusle... Plusle picked up mudkip's tail and slammed Mudkip into the ground.

'' OH! This Plusle knows seismic toss?''

Mudkip struggled to get up onto his feet. The plusle snickered, as mudkip growled. Plusle's cheeks were charging electricity.

'' Uh-oh, charge...''

The Plusle finished storing up electricity, now ready for an electrical attack, ready for a thundershock attack.

'' Mudkip, dodge the attack!''

Mudkip dodged the electricity that sparked out of the Plusle's cheeks.

'' Mudkip, use dig!''

'' Mudkip!'' (Okay!)

Then Mudkip could be seen digging a hole into the round. The plusle stopped his electrical attack, lowering his guard, thinking that the little mud fish fled from the battle.

'' Plusle plus plus.'' (I knew he'd run.)

No sooner has those words left his mouth, he felt the earth rumble beneath his little feet. Mudkip pranced up from the ground and hit the Plusle sending him flying into the trees, it was a super effective hit. Plusle landed to the ground, blown away from that attack, now hurt. He chattered a few pokemon words and his friends retreated before he did, disappearing into the forest.

Mudkip picked up the cheri berry that the small Plusle dropped, as Mags walked up to the injured plusle runt, who was laying behind a bush with his eyes closed. The Plusle opened his eyes, shocked at Mags' presence.

'' It's okay, little guy... I'm here to help you.''

The Plusle got up onto his feet and glanced at Mags, as Mudkip walked up to him, handing him the cheri berry he'd dropped.

'' Mud kip mud mud.'' (You can trust us.)

'' Plusle plus plus plusle?'' (You aren't going to hurt me like everybody else?)

'' Mud.'' (No.)

Plusle glanced at the two,'' Plus plus plusle plus. plusle plus plusle.'' (I hate living here. Those other guys tease me.)

'' Mud kip mud kip mud?'' (Wanna come with us?)

'' Plus?'' (Huh?)

'' You could come with us. I'm on my pokemon journey, and training to become a pokemon master'', Mags said.

Mudkip's jaw dropped,'' Mud kip kip mud?'' (You could understand him?)

'' I know what you guys say.''

'' Mud.'' (Oh.)

'' So if you want to come with us in our pokemon journey, you can. Just tell me. In the meantime I'll pack up the tent so we could get going, we need to get to Rustburo City, to look forward to our first Gym battle. Mudkip ran up to Mags wanting to help her unfold the tent.

Plusle had never seen such a cute sight before, a human and a pokemon working together despite their differences. he wished he could be friends just like them... he was going to. he walked towards the pair and decided to help them fold up the tent.

'' I guess we made a friend'', Mags said.

'' Plus. plus plus plusle plus.'' (Not yet. You have to catch me with those round things to make it official.)

'' You want me to capture you?''

'' Plus!'' (Yes!)

'' Okay... If you really want to.''

She picked up her knapsack and dug around and found a pokeball. She faced Plusle, who stood there glancing at Mags. Mags threw the pokeball.

'' Pokeball go!''

The pokeball spun in the air and it touched the Plusle sending the little electrical mouse inside. The pokeball began to wiggle a bit, as the center of the pokeball flashed a glowing red light. There was silence.

The wiggling and red light stopped and then Mags picked up the pokeball,'' All right! I caught a Plusle!''

Mudkip smiled,'' Mud kip mud!'' (All right, Mags!)

Mags let the Plusle out of his pokeball, and took out her pokedex.

'' Plusle the cheering pokemon: When Plusle is cheering on its partner, it flashes with electric sparks from all over its body. If its partner loses, this pokemon cries loudly.''

'' Awesome. I'm gonna think of the perfect nickname for you... I know, It's gonna be...''

Mudkip interrupted,'' Mud.'' (Phlegm.)

'' NO! I'm not nicknaming a pokemon Phlegm! You're nickname little Plusle shall be Positive.''

Plusle smiled at his nickname... Positive.

They continued to fold the tent, and Mags tied it upon her knapsack, and lifted it up, as Mudkip rolled up the sleeping bags and gave them to Mags to put them into the knapsack. She sighed as she lifted her knapsack, and got up on her feet.

'' Ready for our pokemon journey, Mudkip and Positive?'', Mags asked, glancing at her two pokemon.

'' Mudkip.'' (Ready.)

'' Plusle.'' (Ready.)

They began to walk to the direction the sun was shining, their shadows were stretched out as they walked towards the mountains, the breeze swaying causing Mags' mudkip print bandana to wave along with the wind. With Mudkip and Positive beside her, they were ready for their pokemon journey, just the three of them, now wondering what adventures out in the land of the Hoenn they'll have, and what other pokemon they'll encounter...

The End

Well, the end of this story, but its sequel will be written sometime in the future...

Mags and Mudkip 2: Kyogre's Reign

Thanks for the reviews for this story, I will be back sometime in the future with its sequel... thank you!