A/N: The season finale is here! And please note that the seasons for these things will be 12 eps and though I'm not sure of a season three I already started on season two. and I hope you all will ove it! Warning, this ep contains a hell of a lot of cliffhangers... and some are even for this show lol Review and if you can read too.

Title: Charmed! If you can still call it that…

Episode 12: She had enough! (Part 5)

Fade in:

(Int. Jewelry place. Prue and Dood barges in and shoot everyone with their shotguns. Everyone dies except for Cole who was standing around looking pretty.)

PRUE: Cole!

COLE: Prue!

DOOD: Dood!

(Prue and Cole give him a look.)

DOOD: Just wanted to feel included.

PRUE: Cole, what are you doing here? And why do you have an engagement ring on your hand?

(Roll credits. Fade in: Police station holding room. Piper and Darryl are cuffed. Andy is nowhere to be seen. Sheridan walks up to Piper.)

SHERIDAN: I finally got you. You guys are witches and you murdered your sisters!

PIPER: What are you talking about? Paris is the only one dead.

SHERIDAN: What about Prue? And Pepper? And Phobia?

PIPER: Prue's alive. Phobia wasn't really our sister, and Pepper… well, she's dead.

SHERIDAN: Enough! I got you now, Halliwell. There's no way you can get rid of me.


(Zankou flames in. he conjures a fireball and throws it at Sheridan killing her.)

ZANKOU: You made the right choice, son.


ZANKOU: As for you, Piper, I'll let you go for now since you're sister took the book from me. But I suggest you do something to make the cops stop going after you. Maybe fake your own death or something.

PIPER: Um… ok.

(Zankou and Darryl flame out.)

PIPER: Did we get our effects back?

ALEX: (Off screen) This is the season finale. We need to look cool!

PIPER: Well, then I better glamour before and scrammed.

(Piper turned into a sassy cop. Cut to: Manor. Paige was hanging out in the living room. Precious comes in with a serious look on her face.)

PAIGE: Is about time someone came here. (Noting her face.) What's wrong?

PRECIOUS: Is Patience.

PAIGE: Our sister/pop singer?

PRECIOUS: Yeah… she died. The police found her here.

PAIGE: So there's a killer in the house.

PRECIOUS: Probably one of us.

PAIGE: Well, we'll have to deal with it next season.

PRECIOU: Figures. Hell of a cliffhanger though.

PAIGE: Yeah.

(Prue and Cole walked in. Prue returns to her body.)

PRUE: What happened?

PAIGE: Oh don't pull the "I can't remember what I did" bit.

PRUE: Find, but I refuse to apologize.

PRECIOUS: (To Cole) How did you get her to comeback?

COLE: I told her I found her secret box.

PRECIOUS: Secret box?

COLE: I don't know what it is either, but now I want to know!

(The sounds of the police are heard all over the place. They all look out the window and see a bunch of police cars and shooters pointing at the house. A swat team is surrounding the house. Also there, many people who are curious or think there's some sort of rave going on.)

PRECIOUS: What the...?

PRUE: I think we're busted.

(A crazy hippie woman comes in from the solarium door.)

HIPPIE: I'm a witch too! We're sisters! I'm just like you!

PRUE: The fuck! Get out of my house!

(She TK's the hippie out. Piper rushes down the stairs.)

PIPER: Guys, I have a plan!

PAIGE: Where did you come from?

PIPER: I learn how to orb.

PRUE: That makes no sense.

PIPER: Well, I learn how to astral project or blink or shimmer, whatever got me here.

(Then the hippie woman comes back in with a shotgun.)

PIPER: This seems scarily familiar...

HIPPIE: Kill the bad witch!

(She shoots Prue. Everyone shrugs. Cole throws a fireball at her.)

PIPER: Anyway... let's fake our deaths!

PAIGE: What?

PIPER: Is the perfect solution. We get the demons and the cops off our tails.

PRECIOUS: How do you propose we do that?

(Piper takes out a potion.)

PIPER: This thing will blow the house up. All we need to do is orb before the big bam and presto we're presumed dead.

COLE: That could work. They all saw us in the house.


PRUE: (Barely alive.) Can... someone... get me... to a... hospital?

PAIGE: What about Leo? And Wyatt? And Chris? And Phoebe?

PIPER: Um... ok, so my plan has a few holes.

(The police throw a smoke bomb in the house.)

PIPER: But... we ran out of time!

(Piper throws the potion. Cut to outside the manor. A huge explosion occurs. And the Manor explodes into tiny pieces. Weirdly enough, the other houses didn't suffer any damage.)

FBI GUY: Well, their dead.

COP: Are you sure?

FBI GUY: No. But this season is over so why bother searching now?

(They both shrug. Cut to the underworld. Wyatt is in an altar being worshipped by dwarfs. He smiles that sweet diabolical smile. Leo the goat can be seen tied to a corner. Cut to the Kent farm. The meteor shower is still in full swing. Phoebe is randomly avoiding getting hit. The huge piece of meteor rock falls on the house and Phoebe stumbles when that happens.)

PHOEBE: My house!

(She realizes that she's not in Prescott Street. She walks to Jonathan's truck and drives to the town. Everything is burning by the aftermath of the shower. Lois is leaning on the ground watching in despair.)

PHOEBE: (Lively.) Hi Lois!

(Lois looks at Phoebe annoyed and ignores her. Phoebe keeps driving and stops where Lana is standing in front of what appears to be a black spaceship.)

PHOEBE: This season finale was amazing! Wait! Who's closing the door?

(She thinks and then gets a bright idea. She gets out of the truck and closes the door. Fade to black.)


A/N: Be on the look out for Season The Two... coming soon... or Tusday