A/N: I'm sooooo sorry for this, but I needed to write something and nothing was coming for my other fics! Anyhoo, this is just me messing oh and Nicole, feel free to make a sequel if you want.

Disclaimer: I don't own Nicole, I just decided to insert her here cuase I needed a sidekick of some sorts. Please don't sue.

Other Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed either. Jeez.

Title: Writer's block.

The portal opens in the middle of Prescott street in a display of swirling blue bright lights. Nicole and me stepped out of it and the portal closes. We found ourselves in front of the famous Halliwell Manor. "It worked." I say satisfied with my brilliant plan being unfold.

"Don't you think we're exaggerating?" Nicole asked looking uneasy.

"Why? Cause we were so desperate to get out of this writers block we opened a portal to the Charmed universe so we could get inspiration from the source?"

"No. I meant these." She gestures to our T-shirts. Mine was a 'I heart Piper' one and hers was an 'I heart Prue, Phoebe and Paige'.

"It's so they know we like them." I explained.

"But why do you get to wear the Piper one?"

"Don't whine! You got three sisters on yours."

"But they're no Piper." Nicole kept going.

"Hush! Now let's not waste more sentences on us. We're here to see the Sisters!" I said dragging Nicole, literally to the Manor door. I knocked and waited patiently. Phoebe opened the door.

"Hi." She greeted.

"Oh my God! It's Phoebe!" Nicole beamed.

"Don't act like a 14 year old crazed fan!" I warned.

"I'm 15!"

"Can I helped you?" Phoebe asked, interrupting us.

"Yes." I continued. "Can we come in?"

"I'm not suppose to let strangers in."

"We're not strangers." I quickly say.

"Oh, then that's completely different." She said opening the door so we could entered. As we stepped into the manor our eyes widen as we see the greatness of it all. The Halliwell Manor, in all its glory.

"This is so cool!" I exclaimed.

"Now you're the one that's acting like a crazed fan." Nicole noted.

"Look who's talking!" I say pointing out several lamps and other objects Nicole has already slipped in her backpack.

"Hey, we're aloud to take souvenirs! Besides, you know Paige is just going to TK-orb it to some demon and ruin them anyway."

"What is you problem with Paige?"

"Who are you people?" Ms. Matthews herself says as she walks down the stairs and stares at us with caution.

"Paige! Oh my god!"

"Alex, chill out." Nicole warns me.

"You're right." I compose myself. "Hi, Paige."

"How did you get in the house?" Paige asked still not trusting.

"Phoebe let us in." Nicole blamed.


"They said they weren't strangers!"

"You idiot." Paige shakes her head. She then notices our T-shirts. "Are those us?"

"Well... yeah." I answer.

"We're your fans." Nicole adds.

"Ok, you two are staying put until I figure out what you are." She says and the calls: "Crystal." The crystals orbed in as she motions with her hand. "Circle." A circle forms around us and traps me and Nicole, and Phoebe too.

"Paige!" Phoebe whines. "I'm stuck too!"

"Well serves you right for letting them in." Paige shrugged. "No I need to get someone to watch you while I go get Piper at the club. Leo!" She calls. Leo walks down the stairs.

"What is it, Paige?" He then turns to the crystal cage. "Oh. who's the cute one?" He asked.

"I'm-" The three of us in the cage start and then look at each other. "He was talking to me!" We say simultaneously.

"I don't know who they are." Paige explained. "But they seem to be weird enough to be a threat."

"Phoebe, he knows you already why would he asked who you are?" I explained to the idiot, unaware of Paige and Leo's conversation.

"Well I can watch them, I guess." Leo offers.

"Good. I'll be back soon." She says orbing out. Leo walks closer to the cage. By now we have stopped fighting and are rightfully eyeing Leo.

"I got my eye on you guys." Leo tries to act tough. "There's nothing that will moved me from here." Cole walks down the stair. The rest of us drool. Mostly cause he's only wearing a towel. My story, my rules.

"Hey Cole..." we all greet.

"Hmm, who are the new guys?" He asked as he eyes me-ahem-I mean, eyes us.

"They came in here or something. Paige went to look for Piper." Leo explains.

"Why is Phoebe in there too?"

"Cause she's Phoebe." I say. This satisfies Cole. He, he, I satisfied Cole.

"Wait, that means the girls are busy." Cole notes. "We can go..."

"Try our wives clothes!" They both head up the stairs, giggling like schoolgirls.

"Hey, Alex, I got one right!" Nicole gloats as she turns to see me. I had a bat in my hands and Phoebe's lying unconscious on the floor. "Wow, you really came prepare."

"I know, now to get out of this cage." I look around. "I know, use your powers!"

"I only can freeze Prue for ten seconds..."

"No, I gave you a new power when you got inserted to 'Charmed together', you can blow stuff up too. Try blowing one of the crystals away." Nicole does that Piper thing with her hands and blows one of the crystals away, breaking us from the cage. "It worked."

"Let's go to the attic." Nicole offers. "We can get the book and when they see us touching it they'll know we're good."

"What if the book doesn't trust us?"

"Oh it will, you worry too much." We quickly head up the stairs. Momentarily stopping to spy on Leo and Cole. And then going through Paige's drawers and stealing some cash she had lying around. Oh and then we stole Phoebe's dairy. Ok, but after all of that we got to the attic. There, laid the Book of Shadows.

"Is so cool!" I say snapping pictures.

"Let's steal it too!"

"No! They need the Book. We can't."

"Like hell we can!" Nicole says walking towards the Book. A box suddenly explodes. We turn around to see Piper and Paige... oh and Phoebe rushed in. I guess I didn't hit her hard enough.

"Stepped away from the Book!" Piper said powerfully.

"Yes, sir." Nicole obeys.

"How did you get out?" Paige asked, giving Phoebe a look.

"Don't look at me! You told Leo to watch them!"

"Well, you could've use your powers against them!"

"Oh please!" I rolled my eyes. "What is she going to do? Premonition us to death?" We all laugh hard at Phoebe. She cries. Oh the joy.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't think because you made fun of Phoebe we're just going to let you go." Piper says firmly.

"How about we can prove we're only here to talk to you guys." I offer.

"How?" Paige inquires.

"Yeah, Alex, how?" Nicole asked, out of the loop.

I start to intone. "Hear my words, hear my cries, Prue, the one with the lazy eye, come to me, I summon thee, now from Hell rise." In a fiery display of lights, Prue falls out of a portal with a loud thud.

"Ow!" She grimaces as she stands up. "What the fuck am I doing back here?" She looks around. "Alex? Nicole? What are you doing here?"

"Prue?" Phoebe asked, tears in her eyes. Not from Prue, but from us mocking her. But it totally looks Emmy award winning if you take it out of context.

"So this is Prue, huh?" Paige is not impressed.

"You know these kids, Prue?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, sort of." Prue admits. "When you die you'll see that there are many dimensions and... Oh my God! What the hell did you do to your hair!" She screamed at Phoebe. More laughing at her ensues.

"You were saying, Prue.." I moved things along after the laughing ends.

"Oh yeah, I know them. They're cool." She says putting her arm around me. I groan, disgusted.

"Well then I guess I can trust them." Piper gives in.

"YAY!" Nicole runs and hugs Piper. "Can you be my new mom?"


"So, why did you come again?" Paige asked me giving Prue evil looks.

"You see..." I begin. "We're kind of writing stories about you guys and we're sort of stuck between chapters so we thought it would be cool if we came her to get ideas."

"Wait! What kid of stories?" Piper seemed mad. Or probably creep out since Nicole hadn't let go of her.

"Don't worry." I dismissed. "You come cool in every one."

"Yeah!" Nicole butts in. "I even let you kill all the elders in one."

"Kill the Elders, hmm..." Piper considers.

"So what do you guys say? Can we stay here for a few weeks or months?" I asked eagerly.

The charmed ones share a look and then Piper declares: "I guess so."

"YAY!" and so we stayed. And I have my way with Cole and Leo. Woo!
