It was hard to believe how much had changed in the past month. Josh had gone from loving a woman in denial, to admitting his own denial, to loving Donna, which was the best night of his life, absolutely. But he still couldn't help but wonder about how much it had all changed. It had all been so perfect, what happened? He was pondering this as he subconsciously walked back to his office to get his backpack before he went home, alone, without her. He was tempted to make a detour, go to Donna's but he didn't know what to say and he was fairly certain she didn't want to see him. What was he going to do? He couldn't live without her, if he had he'd have let her go a long time, couldn't she see that?
He got his backpack and left, not noticing the post-it note stuck to the front of it. In unnatural silence he drove the long way to his apartment, the way that passed Donna's apartment. There were no lights on but he knew she was in there, he could feel it. Fighting the temptation to knock on her door until he knew what he was going to say, Josh drove on eventually finding himself in his own apartment.
Shattered and broken he sat on his couch and thought about all the times she'd been in his apartment, all the times he'd been in hers, every interaction the two had ever had, the day they met, the previous night…Basically he thought about her and soon his thoughts drifted to what he'd told Sam earlier that day.
I never believed in soul mates, I mean, it's all fairy tale stuff, right? The stories your parents read you to help you sleep, it's not real. At least, that's what I thought, until she entered my life. I never really realised at first, but she's mine.
He was so stupid, he should have realised sooner, she might still have left but at least they'd have had longer together. He looked around his apartment and gave a heavy sigh. He'd made an unconscious effort to keep it tidy after Donna had tidied it for him and seeing his backpack sitting on the floor by his door just made it untidy. He picked it up, ready to put it away when he noticed two things; the first was the post-it note on his bag, the second was a rectangular piece of paper underneath the bag.
He picked the latter up and noticed Donna's handwriting on the envelope immediately. He tore it open and read the letter inside.
By now you'll have noticed I've gone and you'll still be wondering why, please don't worry about it, it's something that had to happen.
I've not been happy in my job for a while, you know that and I understand why you wouldn't let me go but I need to grow Josh and it's not happening with you. You tried, I know you did, but you slipped back so quickly and it's stifling me. You remember when we met? You knew instantly about 'Dr Freeride' and everything that had happened, I knew from the way you sounded you were nothing like that and I don't think you are, but you're still stopping me, you understand? I needed to get out of that before it happened again. I have a new job now, a place where I can grow fully and it's all because of you, I thank you for the opportunity.
And I know the timing couldn't be more worse, we finally find truth in each other and I leave but please, don't think it's because I don't love you because I do Josh, more than you'll ever know but that's why I have to leave. If we get together now then it'll be disaster for everyone…Us, the administration. We'll never be private, they'll think I'm with you to get ahead and there's been enough scandal in this administration it'll ruin the chances of all Democrats. I know you understand Josh, maybe one day we'll be alright but right now it can't happen. Another reason I had to leave, I can't stand to be so close to you after last night. So close and yet so far, it'd kill us both.
You know I'm right and I know we'll be together one day. Until then remember us Josh because it's just a case of wrong time, wrong place at the minute.
All my love
There were no kisses at the bottom of the letter, there didn't need to be, her words said it all and Josh, finally knowing the reason, didn't feel any resentment towards Donna. In fact, he felt more admiration and love for the woman than he had ever felt before. He looked at the post-it note and saw Donna's cell phone number scribbled on it. He immediately dialled the number, still unsure of what to say but knowing that if Donna could write that he could say something.
- - - -
Donna was crying into her pillow when the guitar-like sounds of They Say that was her cell phone ringtone, sounded. She knew who it was instinctively. Josh was the only one who rang that early or late. She shut out the sound, letting it ring off. It rang again, and again, and again until eventually the tune annoyed her so much that she answered it.
"Josh, please don't," she whimpered down the phone.
"I got your letter," he said, ignoring her plea.
"Good," she answered. "So now you know, leave it at that until it's time."
"And how will I will know when that is?" He asked her urgently.
A small smile played on her lips, he wasn't angry with her. "When the reasons don't matter."
"They don't matter to me now."
"But they will, one day they won't, and then love will be enough Josh but right now it's not."
With that she hung up on him. When he didn't ring back she knew he was alright and that no matter what happened, they would both be waiting for that day to happen. The day when the reason had no consequences. Until then they would wait, and hope and remember because that's all there was left to do.
A/N Alrighy, I don't want to say much and lose the impact but that's the end! There are no plans for a sequel but that doesn't mean there won't be. And I know you all wanted a happy ending but it was never on the cards, I'm a big JD fan but they were never going to end up together, not here. Look back at the A/N on the first chapter, I did say that it was the real reason for Donna leaving. That said I'm going because I have a room to tidy before it gets redecorated at the weekend. I'll respond to all reviews by email when I've managed to avoid the flames heading my way! So if you want a response I suggest you leave an email address. BYE!