Title: Guilt is the Mother of Invention (working title)

Author: KSchmidt

"A guilty conscience is the mother of invention." –Carolyn Wells
Prologue: Don't Call Me Princess

This should hurt. Why does this not hurt?

"Because you have chosen so."

Huh? What does that mean?

"You know what it means. You have willed it to be so," the sage voice sighed. "Princess, you have trained and you have mastered all that you have attempted, including that was given to you as your birthright. This is evident in the ease in which you use your telepathy. Why do you question what you have accomplished?"

"Because it isn't enough. It will never be enough," her voice quietly resonated in the Temple room. With that said, she released the bloodstained shard of glass that had been embedded in her side. She padded inaudibly out of the Great Room.

By the by, DON'T call me Princess. I am no Princess! You'd do best to remember that.

The sage voice chuckled. "My Lady, if you only realized how truly you have become the Princess you were destined to be." Then she too left the Great Room, thoughts of the reluctant royalty placed on hold for the moment.

Hey y'all! This is my first real attempt at writing fanfiction, so be nice! ;) I'm also looking for a an editor, so if you're interested, send me a message. Alright, I also have to put in the standard "Please read and review." So, you guys know the drill. Love all!
