I know that this idea (for the story) is really weird but I loved it so (sticks tongue out). I also love the idea of Kai being an Angel…but a Bad Angel…ok but not too much…How strange did that sound…oh well shrugs.

Ok well I am really sorry to anyone who is waiting for an update! But I had my idea that I loved so…um…SORRY!

Fallen Angel

Tyson walked. He didn't know where but he was walking. He just kept going because he knew that he didn't want to be at home. His Father had been beating his Mother again and he was almost unconscious on the floor watching. He had tried to help but his father was, taller, stronger and had a chain. His Mother was screaming as she had tried to go help her son. He had grabbed her and hit her over the head with the chain. She had fallen unconscious but he hadn't noticed. All of his anger was coming out on her and he kept hitting her. She was bleeding badly and she didn't move. Tyson tried to crawl over and see his Mother, the one person he trusted, to help her if he could but he was kicked away and as much as he fought to stay conscious, he couldn't and he lay limp in the living room floor as his Father continued to hit his mother. Tyson had seen the murder of his mother at 16 years old and had no one left.

Tyson walked along a street that was almost empty and decided that his body needed to stop at three in the morning.

Tyson saw an empty bench and lay down on it. He was cold but he would much rather be off the ground than on it.

Tyson pulled his coat over him, put his head down on the cold hard bench, and closed his eyes.

Every time Tyson dreamt, he dreamt of his Mother dying again and again and he heard her screaming but there was no escape and he was dying. It was like a nightmare that won't go away. Tyson was afraid to sleep so he stayed up as long as he could without collapsing, but then he was more tired so he slept for longer so he dreamt more about his Mum dying and so on.

Tyson lay there and began to cry. He was crying because he was afraid of the dream he knew was about to come. He was crying because he missed his Mum. He was crying because his Father was evil. He was crying because he had no one left.

Tyson's dream:

Tyson was in a black room. It was empty except from his Mother and Father. His Mother was on her knees and her Father was about to hit her. Someone came into the room and grabbed Tyson around his shoulders so he couldn't run and help his Mum. Tyson tried to yell at the stranger to let him go but no sound came out of his mouth. Tyson stopped moving as his Father hit his Mother again and again. Why was the stranger doing this? Why was he stopping me from getting to save my Mum, Tyson thought.

Suddenly Tyson's Mum stopped moving and was dead. The stranger whispered in his ear, "You can't change the past but you can change your future, do it now."

The stranger let go and Tyson turned around to see a black shadow flying into the sky (that was also black). The stranger had large wings and looked truly beautiful. Tyson stood and watched the stranger fly up into sky. Tyson turned around and saw his Mother's spirit float upwards. She was going to heaven.

Tyson smiled, "Your right," Tyson said in his dream, "I can't change the past, but I will change his future."

Tyson glared at his father then began to run towards him, to kill him anyway possible.

Then every thing around him began to fade away and as he was about to reach his Father…he woke up.

Tyson looked around to see the sun beginning to come up. He wasn't tired anymore, but he was angry. Tyson sat up and his back ached. He felt stiff all over his body (DO NOT TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY!) and he wanted to lie back down again but he didn't. He wanted to find his Father. He would pay.

Tyson's stomach rumbled as he remembered that he hadn't eaten since last night. Tyson rubbed his stomach as he realised that he had no way of getting food…apart from begging.

Tyson stood shakily up and began to walk towards the high street. His feet felt heavy and every step took more and more effort. When he got there, he took off his baseball cap and put it in front of him. He sat down on the ground and watched people go by. Some people put money in his hat; others pulled their children away. Tyson felt truly upset when he saw a young boy go by and he heard him ask his Mother, "Why is that boy on the ground?" He had also heard the Mother reply, "Because he didn't work hard, now don't make eye contact, all they want is money."

Tyson felt ashamed but he didn't know why. It wasn't his fault that his father was an evil raping bastard that should rot in hell.

Tyson counted the money in his hat. There still wasn't enough for a decent amount off food. Tyson began to shiver as a cold breeze hit him. Then, on top off everything else, it began to snow.

"Today isn't my day," Tyson muttered.

He pulled his arms inside his coat and folded his arms. He was freezing and the snow got thicker. Tyson closed his eyes and felt the cold slip away.

He was about to be engulfed by eternal darkness (i.e. freeze to death) when h some one sat down beside him.

Tyson opened his eyes and slowly turned around. He saw a strange boy with long, blonde hair sit down beside him. The boy looked about 18 and in a strange way, Egyptian.

"Come with me," said the Boy not looking at Tyson through his golden mask.

"What?" Tyson said still shivering.

"Come with me," said the Boy again but this time he got to his feet.

"Why?" asked Tyson.

"So many questions, so little time," said the boy who looked at Tyson. He had electric blue eyes that make Tyson nervous.

The boy grabbed Tyson by the arm and pulled him to his feet.

"What are you doing?" asked Tyson who was unsteady on his feet.

"Follow me," said The Boy urgently.

"Who are you?" asked Tyson.

The boy glared at Tyson, "I am Mystel, now will you follow me!"

"Where are we going?" asked Tyson not moving.

"I can explain on the way," said Mystel, "Please follow me."

"Not until I know every thing I need to," said Tyson, "Where are we going?"

"This is against orders but I have to hurry," said The Boy, thinking aloud.

"What is against your orders?" asked Tyson nervously.

The Boy looked at him then smiled, "This." He said just before he hit Tyson on his head knocking him out.


When Tyson woke, he was on a stone cold floor somewhere. He heard people talking.

"I told you not to hurt him," said one voice angrily.

"But he wouldn't come quickly, he kept asking questions," said the voice of Mystel.

"I told you not to hurt him and I would expect him to ask questions, I mean if you were asked by a complete stranger to follow them, wouldn't you ask questions?" said the first voice again.

"Yeah," said Mystel, "But he would of frozen to death. Anyway, why do you want him, he is as good as dead I take it? I mean I could have killed him then and there, I haven't killed in a long time and he…" Tyson felt panic well up inside him.

"Just get out of my sight," said the first voice.

Tyson heard Mystel leave the room. He finally opened his eyes to see that he was lying in a huge room with an extremely high ceiling. Tyson sat up and looked around to see a large room with a boy standing at the other side looking straight at him.

Tyson just stared at the boy. He had a long coat on and had blue at the front and grey at the back hair. He was truly beautiful.

"I hope that idiot didn't hurt you," said the boy walking towards him.

"No," said Tyson rubbing his head, "Not that much."

The boy had reached Tyson and he sat down beside him, "Any questions?"

"Yeah," said Tyson smiling, "A lot…ok who are you, where are we, who was he, why am I here, does this have anything to do with my father and…I think that's it."

"Well," said the boy, "I am Kai, we are in Russia, he was Mystel, a friend of mine who is good at and enjoys killing, and you are here because I wanted to save you from the cold weather and I don't even know who you are so how would I know your father."

"Ok" said Tyson slowly, "But I still don't know why you saved me, why not any other person on the street?"

"Well," said Kai sighing, "I can see things in people that others can't. Strengths, weakness', power. Tyson, you are a very strong man and I know that you will do great things with your life, I couldn't let you die."

Tyson was shocked. A stranger was complimenting him and said he was strong, when he just had sixteen years of how weak and pathetic he was, "Thanks," was all he could manage."

"I know that your life hasn't been easy but I think that I can make a difference and help you on your way to becoming the best," Kai said looking over where he had been standing before.

Tyson looked at the profile of his face. It was perfect. He had blue triangles on his face. Tyson wasn't sure if they were tattoo's or face paint but they suited him so that it didn't matter. His hair was beautiful and shiny.

Kai turned to face Tyson gave him a fight. Tyson looked away and blushed. He had the most enchanting eyes I have ever seen, they were red like fire, yet gentle like water.

"Oh," said Tyson, "I have one more question."

Kai smiled, "Yes and hurry before we are disturbed again."

"Well," Tyson was grinning, "There are actually two."

"Go on then," encouraged Kai.

"Well firstly," said Tyson looking at the floor, "Why do I smile whenever I see you even though," Tyson paused, "My mother recently passed on."

"Well" said Kai looking deep into Tyson's eyes, "You have the same effect on me, your other question?"

"Um," said Tyson thinking about the answer. Wait, Tyson suddenly thought, is this gorgeous guy hitting on me, "Are you hitting on me?" It came out and Tyson so desperately wanted those words back. That wasn't what I was meaning to ask.

"Well," said Kai leaning closer to Tyson, "That depends if you want me to."

Tyson looked at his pale face and leant forwards as well, "I do."

Kai took his hands and put then on either side of Tyson's face. Then he looked into Tyson's eyes before leaning in and kissing him.

Tyson didn't do anything. This kiss was warm and loving, unlike his fathers that was angry and desperate. Kai stopped and looked at his eyes again. Tyson was longing for Kai to kiss him again and give him that wonderful feeling of being loved. Tyson leant closer and touched his lips against Kai's. Kai kissed back and touched Tyson's lips with his tongue. Tyson opened his mouth and then Kai deepened the kiss. Tyson was lost in it, never wanting to leave that place where he actually felt happy and loved.
Kai pulled away because of a knock at the door. He smiled at Tyson then stood up.

"Come in," he called.

Tyson sat there, confused. He wasn't sure if he had just been kissed by a really beautiful guy or was he dreaming.

Mystel walked in. He glared at Tyson who was still sitting on the floor and looked very pleased with himself.

"What is it?" Kai asked in a tired voice.

"Um," replied Mystel, "Are you really sure you want to keep him, I mean, I could kill him quickly, no torture or…"

"Why did you come here Mystel?" asked Kai again but a bit louder.

"Um," said Mystel, glancing at Tyson, "I am supposed to tell you that luck is on the table and that there is someone at the door.

Kai paused for a moment, who would come to visit him? Then a look of fear came over his face.

"Mystel?" said Kai staring at Tyson, "When you knocked out Tyson, did a lot of people look?"

"Um a few," said Mystel, "I mean I would look if I saw someone knocking someone else out."

"Shit," said Kai and he ran over to Tyson, grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him to his feet, "Follow me and don't ask any questions. If you want to stay safe follow me."

Tyson ran after Kai who was running towards the door very quickly.

"Slow down!" Tyson called.

Kai stopped, "Oops I forgot."

He ran up to Tyson and the grabbed him by the arm again. This time Kai didn't let go and when he ran, Tyson found that he could run just as fast.

"Why are we running?" Tyson asked as they ran up some stairs.

"Because your Father is at the door," said Kai looking quickly at Tyson then back on where they were going.

"How do you know," asked Tyson panicking.

"No one ever visits me unless they want something and you are the only thing that I have got right now."

Tyson was silent. His father had tracked him down to here. I don't even know where I am but my Dad does, thought Tyson.

They ran along a hallway. This is a big house, Tyson thought.

Suddenly Kai stopped outside a room.

"This is my bedroom," said Kai panting, "Stay here until I come to collect you ok. Only answer the door if you know it's me."

Tyson nodded. He didn't feel tired and yet Kai did. That was strange, Tyson thought, this boy if fitter, faster and taller than me and I am not tired and he is.

Kai turned and walked quickly away, still panting.

Tyson opened the door and walked into the huge bedroom. There was a four poster bed at the far left hand side, a door that Tyson supposed led to a bathroom and a huge bookcase filled with books. There were some lovely pictures of Angels and Demon's hanging on the walls. Tyson sat down on the bed and waited for Kai to come back.

After about ten minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Tyson asked.

No one answered, instead, some one began to open the door slowly.

"Who is it?" Tyson repeated.

The door opened fully to reveal Mystel standing smiling.

"Me," he said smiling insanely.

"What do you want?" asked Tyson feeling on edge.

"Oh nothing really," said Mystel walking towards Tyson.

"Why are you here?" asked Tyson standing up.

"Fun," said Mystel smiling again looking at Tyson with his blue eyes.

"What kind of fun?" asked Tyson backing away from the advancing Mystel.

"My kind of fun," said Mystel still walking straight towards Tyson.

Tyson walked backwards, keeping an eye on him until he hit the book case behind him.

"I'm gonna like this," said Mystel, "I haven't done this for a while."

"What is this," asked Tyson looking around for an escape route.

"Murder," said Mystel with a gleam in his eye.

"Kai wont like it," said Tyson, realising it sounded weird but couldn't think of anything else to say.

Mystel laughed, "Kai dislikes most things I do."

He had got to Tyson hand stared at him. Their blue eyes met and Tyson panicked. He hit Mystel on his face. Mystel pulled his head back and faced Tyson.

"I can see why Kai likes you," said Mystel, "But you are nothing more than another way to get back."

"What?" said Tyson.

"Pity," said Mystel, "You will never find out."

He grabbed Tyson by his neck and pinned him against the bookcase. Tyson grabbed Mystel's hand and tried to pull them away but Mystel was too strong and Tyson began to feel very weak. He tried to kick but any time he hit Mystel, he just gripped his throat harder. Tyson looked at Mystel and saw pure insanity in his eyes. He was enjoying killing for the sake of killing. Tyson felt himself begin to black out when suddenly Mystel let go. Tyson fell to the ground and so did Mystel. He rubbed his throat as he gasped for air. Mystel didn't move and Tyson saw the reason. He had a knife in his back. Tyson looked up and saw Kai standing there panting.

"Are you hurt?" he asked.

"Not really," said Tyson in a slightly hoarse voice.

Kai smiled, "Sorry about him. He got out of prison and he came to work for me. He was a hit man but then he got caught. He enjoyed killing too much poor bugger."

Kai looked down at Mystel's body then at Tyson still rubbing his neck.

"Is he…?" Tyson asked.

"Yes," said Kai, "Come on Tyson, you…must…be…"

Kai began to shake. His face was going red and he grabbed onto a near by metal statue.

"What's wrong Kai?" asked Tyson, he tried to put his hand on Kai's shoulder but it was thrown off.

"Get…back," Kai managed through gritted teeth.

"What if wrong Kai?" Tyson asked again taking a step back.

"Get…back," he repeated but this time it seemed harder.

Tyson went back a few more paces and watched Kai, "What if wrong?" he repeated.

Kai didn't reply instead he focused on staying upright.

Tyson looked at Kai's hands and they began to dent the solid metal statue. Kai's arms tensed and then he ripped the statue in half. Tyson leapt back more but didn't want to leave Kai on his own. Kai threw the statue to the floor and yelled out in pain. Kai fell to his knees and thumped the floor with his fists, which made it shake and break up around where his fists were.

"GET OUT!" Kai yelled.

Tyson stood there and saw Kai in so much pain, "What is wrong?" Tyson repeated refusing to leave him.

Kai let out one more yell then collapsed to the floor and everything was silent.

Tyson ran over to Kai and rolled him onto his back. His face was pale again but his hand were bleeding where the wooden floor had cut him. Tyson sat by his side waiting for him to wake up. He had become very fond of Kai and knew that what had just happened must of hurt him a lot. But, Tyson asked himself, what was hurting him and why?

Kai stirred as he began to regain consciousness.

Ok most people probably wont get this yet but I hope it does in the next chapter when Kai explains it, until then, you have to wait (MUHUHUHA aren't I evil). Hope you enjoyed it, please R&R.

Bubi Grufflump