The Cost of Freedom
I watched as he brewed his first potion,
I saw his first flight on a broom,
His laughter and joy of discovery,
Carefully nurtured he started to bloom.
He conquered each challenge that faced him,
His courage was never in doubt.
So why didn't anyone notice,
As our saviour slowly wore out?
His laughter is fading away, now,
And I fear that his childhood has fled.
The battle is quick to consume him,
He won't rest 'til the other is dead.
His friendships are all that sustain him,
But friends can be fallible, too.
All we can do is support him,
He's the one who must see this through.
The fates are preparing their scissors
Contrasting the two strands of thread.
For the climax is growing much closer
Soon one of the two must be dead.
It looks like he's certain to win this,
The hero always does save the day.
If death is the next great adventure,
At least he'll be free, either way.