Since You Were Four Years Old

The Streaking Incident

DISCLAIMER: Don't own 'em.

A/N: Rating for the nakedness of small children. I will be continuing this, as soon as I get a good idea for a new chapter.

Four-year-old Shigure Sohma squirmed uncomfortably from his seat under a tree. It was a sweltering August afternoon. The sky was a wavering, hazy mass that pressed down on every living thing stupid enough to venture outdoors. The only good place to be out of doors was in water. And that was Shigure's exact problem.


"GURE!" Ayame shouted while tackling Shigure to the floor and snuggling him, "I missed you so much! It's been such a long time since I saw you last!"

"AYA!" Shigure snuggled back, "And Hari! I haven't seen you two since right after breakfast!"

"Good afternoon," Hatori said, bowing to Shigure's mother, who had been reading a book at the table, "Ayame and I were going to go swimming in stream near in the woods. Would it be alright for Shigure to come with us?"

Ayame leapt off Shigure, "Oh please let him come with us! Oh please oh please oh please oh please oh PLEASE!" Ayame batted his eyelashes and tossed his silver hair.

"Mother, may I please go?" Shigure said, getting up.

Shigure's mother frowned a bit as she said, "Shigure, I don't know. It rained the other day. The stream has to be swollen. It could be dangerous."

"Aw mother!" Shigure made puppy-dog eyes, which was obviously highly effective, "I'll be careful, I swear!"

The cute look only served to remind Shigure's mother what life might be like if Shigure was drowned. Not wanting to be made the bad guy in the situation, she thought up an excuse, "Shigure, I'm afraid your swimming trunks are all in the laundry."

"Aw!" Shigure whined.

"However, you may go, just no swimming."

Shigure brightened visibly, "Okay!" He grabbed Hatori's left hand while Ayame grabbed his right and the two boys shot off down the path to the woods dragging Hatori.

"You're clothes had better be dry when you return!" Shigure's mother called at the three boys' retreating forms.

End Flashback

"A-ya!" Shigure called from the bank, "Hari! I'm bored..."

Ayame stopped splashing Hatori who was diligently trying to improve his swimming, which was good anyway because of the Spirit of the Dragon (Sea Horse.) He got out of the water and plopped down next to Shigure. Hatori finished his lap and got out as well, using his blue towel to dry his hair.

"Well, Gure, what should we do? It's so hot..." Ayame trailed off and began drying his hair with his purple bubble towel.

"I wish I could go swimming," Shigure said mournfully, staring at clear, cold water.

"I've got it!" Ayame cried, "I know how you can go swimming!"

Shigure looked up with a doubtful expression that was nonetheless mingled with hope, "How? My clothes can't get wet or my mother will be angry."

Ayame beamed and began fiddling with Shigure's obi, "Who said you'd be wearing your clothes?"

Shigure blushed slightly and grabbed Ayame's hands, "That would be a good idea, but I would feel a bit odd being the only one naked."

"Oh. Okay, you coward!" With that, Ayame stripped himself of his trunks.

Not about to be outdone, Shigure followed suit. Soon both boys were having a grand ol' time splashing about the stream. Hatori looked on with a look of annoyance.

"Hari!" Shigure cried from the water, "What are you doing? Get in!"

"Yes, come on!" Ayame cried, sending a splash toward the future doctor's direction.

"No." Hatori said, putting his shirt on, "I'm not going to be caught like this. I'm going home."

"Aw! Ha-ri..." Shigure whined as Hatori continued to walk without a backward glance.

"Gure...I've got an idea." Ayame whispered into Shigure's ear.

The next thing Hatori knew he was being held down by Shigure, stripped by Ayame, and thrown into the water by them both.

Hatori surfaced more angry with his two friends than he had been in a long while.

"Give me back my clothes!" Hatori yelled, not getting out of the water, "NOW!"

Shigure, upon seeing Ayame about to do what Hatori said, grabbed Hatori's clothes and towel and took off on the path, followed closely by Ayame.

"You'll have to catch me first!"

Hatori's mother was on Shigure's front porch chatting with his mother before going to get the three boys when the two heard shouts coming from the area near the forest. Momentarily fearing for the boy's safety, the two began charging down the path. They were stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of a very naked Shigure and Ayame who soon crashed into their legs.

In spite of being caught streaking, Shigure and Ayame couldn't stop laughing at the sight of an angry, dripping wet Hatori who looked so much less dignified than usual.

"My goodness! Hatori!" His mother said as she retrieved his towel and began to dry her son.

"Shigure... what happened?" Shigure's mother asked him, giving his the look that said oh-so-clearly that he was in trouble.

"Well mother, you see..." Shigure turned to Ayame for support.

Ayame jumped, "Oh my goodness! It's gotten so late! I would love to stay longer, but I need to be getting home so I'll just get my clothes and leave. Bye!" With that, Ayame ran off.

"Shigure, you're grounded for a week."

A/N: Thoughts? Comments? Money? Yes?