Oh my god! I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I kept saying I'd have so much time over the summer to write and now it turns out I have less than I did over the school year. I'm sooo sorry.

Thanks so much to those that read and reviewed my other fic, His and Hers. I was only planning on making it a one-shot, but I've decided to make a sequel, not another chapter,after capoload and NarutosGirl52 suggested that I write more. However don't expect any update any time soon.

Well, here's my new story, Ninjas in High School

New Mission


(A/N: everyone is about 17.)

Ring! Ring! Tenten reached out and clicked the snooze button on the alarm clock. It's only 6:00. A nearly incoherent, "Five more minutes, Mommy," escaped from her mouth. The girl was obviously still half-asleep. Her mother and father had passed away 7 years ago, sacrificing their lives for the town of Konoha.

Her eyes shot open, and made their way to the window. It was open. I know I closed it last night. Gracefully, she got out of bed without making a sound, grabbed the kunai from underneath her pillow, and slinked into the kitchen where the light was on. In a flash, she had her kunai to the intruder's throat and hissed, "Make one move and you're dead."

A familiar voice said, "Tenten, it's only me."

Tenten dropped the kunai. "Lee, what are you doing here? I thought you were a burglar." But then again, what would a burglar steal from my house? It was true. Tenten had almost nothing of real value in her home, unless someone wanted to steal her toaster or microwave, there wasn't much at her place.

"I came here to talk to you but you were asleep so I figured I would just get something from your fridge to eat until you woke up. Your frigde was empty so I ordered a pizza. It should be here soon."

Tenten sighed. "Next time, Lee, if you want to talk to me, give me a call like everyone else, instead of climbing in through my window. What did you want to talk about?"

Lee's eyes got really big and watery.

"Let me guess. You asked Sakura out and she said no?"

Lee nodded.

Tenten sighed again. "Lee, why don't you just give up on her already? It's pretty obvious she likes the Uchiha. I'm sure you can find someone else who'll like you more than Sakura."

Lee shook his head. "I can't just do that. I can't give up. I'll keep asking Sakura until she says yes."

It was Tenten's turn to shake her head. She didn't understand why Lee kept on hoping with Sakura. But, if she couldn't talk Lee out of it, then all she could do was support him. Lee was a big boy now. He was a jounin, and a strong one at that. He could take care of himself. Eventually, things would work out for Lee.

Ding-Dong. The pizza had arrived.



Neji sat up in bed and looked at the clock. It's only 6:15. Who would come to my house this early? He groggily got up and opened the door. It was Sakura.

Neji frowned. "What are you doing here? Isn't it a little early to be waking people up?"

"The Hokage requests your presence."

What does the Hokage need me for at this hour? Neji just nodded. "I have to get dressed first." (A/N: don't worry. Neji doesn't sleep nude. He just has to change out of his sleeping clothes)

Sakura nodded and left.


Tsunade was in her office talking to her pink-haired apprentice and a man covered in a cloak when someone knocked on the door. Speaking to the mysterious man, she said, "That's probably Neji." A little louder, she yelled for him to come in. When Neji had opened the door and taken a seat, Tsunade told Sakura to leave the three of them alone.

"Neji, I'm sorry for waking you up this early, but it was urgent."

Neji nodded.

"A form with an A-rank mission on it has just been turned in this morning. Since you're one of the strongest Anbus I have, I have assigned you the role of captain for this mission. You'll need to leave soon."

Neji nodded again.

"It's going to be very dangerous. It's ranked as an A mission, but it could very possibly be an S-ranked one. This man right here," Tsunade nodded to the man in the corner, "will give you further details. Any questions at this point."

"Who else will be coming with me?"

"You're the captain so that's up to you. However, I will make a suggestion." She looked straight at the Hyuuga. "Do not try to complete this mission by yourself. I know you, Hyuuga. You may think you're invincible but you're not." Speaking in a lighter tone, she said, "I suggest you take perhaps four or five others to go, but who they are, is your choice."

Neji nodded.

"So, do you know who you want for this mission?"

Neji without a moment's hesitation rattled off four names. "Tenten, Rock Lee, Uzumaki Naruto, and Uchiha Sasuke. I believe none of them are off on a mission right now."

Tsunade nodded. "Then I believe you are right. They are all good choices." She looked at the man in the cloak. "All four are Anbu members. Rock Lee is the one of the strongest taijutsu users in Konoha. Uzumaki Naruto is overall, very strong with great stamina. Uchiha Sasuke is the last surviving Uchiha, also very strong. And Tenten is one of the strongest female Anbus Konoha has." Turning back to Neji she said, "The four of them will go with you. Do you want any others?"

Neji thought it through. The four of them are strong, but will they be enough? After all, this is an A-ranked mission, possibly S. Who else will I need? A medic would probably be a good idea. Sakura? I know she was rather weak before, but after training with Tsunade, she's gotten much stronger. But, she only just turned Jounin a few months ago. I don't know if Tsunade will let her go on such a dangerous mission. Oh well, the only way to find out would be to ask. "Tsunade-sama, would you mind if Haruno Sakura came?"

The hokage looked surprised at the request. "Sakura? Well, I suppose it is time that she went off on an A-ranked mission as a medic-nin without me. The experience will be good for her. I'm sure Sasuke and Naruto will look after her. It should be fine."

Neji nodded.

"Anyone else?"

Neji thought it over. "Hokage-sama,I know that Hinata has just become a Jounin, but i still request that she come."

Tsunade nodded. "It'll be good for her if her first mission as a jounin were with you. She'll learn a lot. Permission granted. Anyone else?"

"No Tsunade-sama."

"Good, here is the mission paper. If there are no more questions, I'll introduce to you the man that requestedKonoha's assistance. He came all the way from Kumogakure. Neji, meet the raikage of Hidden Cloud."


Well, what do you people think? Good, bad? Well, like I said, don't expect an update too fast. I'll try and get one up, but I'm not very sure of my summer schedule. I don't have a lot of time. Whatever happened to having fun over the summer?

I don't really know ifI like the title of my story yet, so it might change, but it probably won't.