And here it is. The last chapter to Lonely Goddess. This chapter couldn't have come without all your support. My faithful reviews i thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for sticking with me. To the new readers thanks for stopping by! To ErisRocks and Jellicos, you two were there from the beginning, my thanks to thee. Special thanks to Jellicso who helped me get this chapter. You rock!

Athena didn't know what to say. Aphrodite had just told Ares off. Surprised she stood glued to the spot while her lover approached. There was a tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach, something that she had grown costume too in the short time she'd been with Aphrodite.

It was a tingle of excitement, of not knowing what would happen next but the security that Aphrodite would be at her side no mater what. A small grin spread across Athena's face and she cleared her throat as she pushed off the door frame and turned to walk in the room, knowing Aphrodite would follow.

"Where have you been?" Aphrodite asked as casually as she could. She was positive Athena already knew about her roughing up Odysseus. She hovered around the door way as Athena walked over to a jug and poured two cups of wine.

"I had some thinking to do." Athena explained before taking a large drink and holding out the other cup. Hesitantly Aphrodite entered the room and looked around. She'd never seen inside Athena's War room.

Brushing her finger tips over Athena's knuckles Aphrodite smiled shyly but took the cup then sipped it slowly. Her eyes met Athena's and both goddesses sighed softly. "This isn't going to be easy." Aphrodite whispered sadly then quickly looked away. She couldn't bare to see the hurt in Athena's eyes.

Athena was feeling her heart break. She could make out the faint mark of a kiss on Aphrodite's neck, from her husband no doubt. Pressing her lips together she shuffled her feet on the floor then walked over to the large map and studied it for a few moments as if trying to lose herself in anything she could.

All happy feelings that she'd had coursing through her only a moment ago had vanished with Aphrodite's simple statement. Of course Athena knew it wouldn't be easy. Nothing could be easy in her life. If it something was easy then she gave up on it. She didn't want to give up on it, but her head was telling her she needed to think not with her heart.

Finishing the wine in two quick gulps Aphrodite placed the cup on the stand next to the jug and walked slowly to Athena. Placing a hand on her back she watched as the proud head dropped and her shoulders sagged in defeat. Wrapping her arms around Athena's slim waist Aphrodite laid her cheek against the broad shoulders.

Sighing deeply Athena placed her hands over the other goddess's, rubbing her thumbs against the back of Aphrodite's hands. The action seemed to calm both goddesses and they closed their eyes, content in the moment with their contact.

Finally gathering the courage to speak Athena cleared her throat and whispered with her eyes fixed on a city on the map. "This isn't wise Aphrodite." She whispered, her throat feeling dry and she was on the verge of crying. Gripping the edge of the table she pressed her lips together and looked ahead, at a spot on the wall.

With a frown Aphrodite let go of Athena and took a few steps back. "What are you trying to tell me?" She asked, her voice shaking as she shook her head. "You don't really mean that Athena." she said as Athena turned around. "Things will get better. Hephaestus is clueless you saw that." She reasoned urgently as she reached out for Athena's hand.

"We are fooling only ourselves if we think we can get away with this." Athena said harshly as she turned her back to Aphrodite and started to walk out of the room. "The best thing for us both is to just forget what has happened." She said in a rush as if it hurt her to say the words. She knew if she stayed with Aphrodite she would only find pain and heart ache. Maybe more then if she was without her.

Aphrodite felt her heart stop. Putting a hand out to steady herself she leaned against the table. Lowering her head, she looked at Athena's empty cup as if trying to find some answer it. She couldn't believe what Athena was suggesting. "And can you do that Athena?" She asked venomously, leaning forward over the table. "Are you truly so heartless that you can go back to ignoring the feelings you have for me? Because I don't think you can."

Halting in her escape Athena frowned as she looked at the door. She didn't know how to answer. Playing with the bracelets on her right arm she turned slowly and met Aphrodite's smoldering gaze. Speechless Athena licked her dry lips then let her head fall in defeat. "You know damn well that I won't...can't, forget those feelings." She whispered urgently, reaching a hand out to Aphrodite she pulled it back quickly when the goddess pushed off the table forcefully.

"Forget it Athena. You said you wouldn't be like my other lovers, well I won't be pushed aside so easily by you." Aphrodite warned, pointing a finger at Athena. "You are either in this relationship or you aren't. No running away when things get tough or you get scared."

Athena opened her mouth to speak but she closed it quickly when Aphrodite hurried around the table and pushed her back. Stumbling to keep her balance Athena put her hands up in a sign of peace. The only time she'd seen this violent side of Aphrodite was when she was talking to Odysseus.

"It won't be easy, it will hurt and you'll have to hide your feelings a lot." Aphrodite promised as her tone softened and tears formed in her eyes. "But I swear that my love for you is stronger then any love ever witnessed in any time. But for every tear you cry I'll pay you back with a hundred thousand of the sweetest kisses ever tasted."

Reaching out Athena grabbed Aphrodite around the waist and pulled her into a deep kiss. For minutes they met in their sweet embrace trying to join their beings together in one form. When Aphrodite finally pulled away she was gasping for air.

Leaning forehead to forehead Aphrodite smiled a biter sweet smile. "It will be kisses in the dark and meetings in the night"

"Sharing secret looks when we think no one is looking. And hiding our feelings deep in our eyes." Athena finished as she squeezed Aphrodite lovingly. "If thats what i can get then I'll take it. Anything to be with you." she breathed as she pressed her lips against Aphrodite's lips.

The end! I hope you all have liked this story. It is the first one i have completed! Of course the adventures of our goddesses are far from over! As we speak i am working on another story with them. I hope to have it posted within the next two weeks. We shall see what happens. Let me know what you thought of this chapter and the story. Please!