The mission was simple. Go to where Dark Rockman was predicted to strike next and wait. Not too much to follow in any respect, just pray they had good luck and something would happen.

Netto fell out of his crouching position onto his butt and stretched his legs yawning. "This is so boring," he whispered to Enzan and Laika who were next to him.

Enzan and Laika had been called in as part of a special task unit to capture Dark Rockman and disband Neo WWW once and for all. They were called along with Jasmine, Dingo, Pride, Meiru, Raoul, Charlie and Nenji but the latter weren't at the post. It was too dangerous because they didn't have syncro chips and Rush had mysteriously disappeared into a Rush Hole earlier that afternoon with no trace of his whereabouts left.

Laika looked at Netto, his green eyes unforgiving, "Well, you wanted to do this," he said.

Netto resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at the Sharro solider. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered.

Rockman gave laugh from his PET. "Well, at least you're doing something, right?" he pointed out.

Netto smiled, "Yeah, I guess so."

There was a rumble and crackle of electricity as four Dimensional Areas appeared out of nowhere. "This is it," Enzan hissed.

Dark Rockman appeared right behind where Netto, Enzan and Laika were hiding. "Oh?" he asked in an amused voice. "What's this, a trap?"

The three boys jumped and spun around to see the purple navi grinning maliciously. "Did I startle you?" he asked in a mocking voice. "I'm sorry."

Netto's eyes narrowed as he pulled out his Syncro Chip. Laika and Enzan did the same and together they slotted the silver chips into their PETs. Dark Rockman watched with amusement as a green, blue and red bubble appeared around them, expanded and disappeared to reveal R-Rockman, R-Blues and R-Searchman in their wake. "Isn't this fun?" he whispered and launched himself at Enzan.

Enzan barely had enough time to bring up a sword to parry the blow. The sword shattered on impact and Enzan flew backwards a few feet and skidded on the ground. "Weak," Dark Rockman sneered.

Netto yelled out and brought an Elec Sword down to Dark Rockman. Dark Rockman sidestepped but Netto managed to turn in mid air and clip the dark navi on his shoulder. Dark Rockman jumped back and his red eyes danced with delight. "Very good, Netto-kun," he cheered.

Laika waited in the back and as Dark Rockman's attention was diverted he released a beam of red energy at Dark Rockman. Dark Rockman noted it and took a step forward to avoid it. "Impossible," Laika said in shock.

Dark Rockman smirked, "No, you're just too slow. This is how you fight!" he yelled and disappeared from his spot. He reappeared in front of Laika and shot him point blank with his buster.

"Laika!" Netto and Enzan yelled. There was dust around where their comrade was and they couldn't see the damage inflicted on their friend. Dark Rockman flew out of the cloud of dust with a sword and went after Netto. Netto summoned a sword and managed to block the incoming blow, but barely.

"You're weak, Netto-kun," Dark Rockman jeered, "you and your navi."

Netto glared at him and pushed back his blade. "We are not," he hissed, "Rockman and I are stronger then you'll ever be."

"Oh?" Dark Rockman asked, grinning fiendishly. "All right then, how strong are you when you don't have your navi?" he asked and brought up his buster. Netto blocked the attack with a shield but when he looked up Dark Rockman was gone. "Too slow," he heard a voice whisper in his ear. Netto felt the blow on his back as he flew forward into the ground. He lay there for a few seconds and then fell out of Cross Fusion.

Enzan had run over to where Laika had been shot. He looked around to see a huge hole blown into the ground and Laika in it. "You aimed your sniper at the ground," Enzan said in awe, "nice."

Laika grimaced, "Yeah, but it still hurt."

The two's heads snapped over to where the other battle was going on when they heard Netto cry out. They saw their friend land on the ground then fall out of Cross Fusion. "Netto!" they yelled.

His PET lay there and the Syncro Chip fell out of it. "Netto-kun, get up!" Rockman yelled.

Netto brought his arms under him for support and pushed himself up painfully shaking his head to clear it. Dark Rockman walked over and picked up the Syncro Chip, he turned it over once, then crushed it with his hand. "Oops," he said.

Netto and Rockman watched in horror as they saw the Syncro Chip destroyed. Netto's expression turned angry and he brought up his fist and swung at Dark Rockman. Before it made impact, Dark Rockman caught his fist. His red eyes locked on Netto's brown ones and showed no sign of mercy. "That was stupid, Netto-kun," he said maliciously. He pulled on Netto's arm to throw him off balance then threw him into the wall of a building across the street.

Dark Rockman looked down at the PET resting at his feet. He picked it up and grinned at his double. "Did that hurt?" he asked Rockman.

Rockman's green eyes widened in anger, "What are you planning to do?" he yelled.

Dark Rockman frowned, "I asked first," he said. Before Rockman could answer another Dimensional Converter appeared and the PET glowed a bright blue. Netto sat up just in time to see his PET disappear.

"Rockman!" Netto yelled.

Dark Rockman took a cheeky bow and grinned at the three boys and two remaining navis. "Well, I have what I came for, bye!" he waved and disappeared. The Dimensional Area disappeared and Enzan and Laika were returned to their original state.

Enzan ran over to help Netto to his feet. "Are you okay?" Enzan asked, then winced at his words. 'Of course he's not okay,' he chided himself.

"Rockman," Netto whispered, his eyes widened in shock.

Enzan and Laika exchanged nervous glances and helped their friend to where Manabe was waiting for their report.


"Why?" Netto asked, "Why did he do that?"

Enzan sighed, "Well, considering how much he hates Rockman, I'm not surprised."

"But why kidnap him?" Netto asked. "If he hated Rockman so much, then why not delete him?"

Laika shrugged, "Who knows? Best thing to do now is wait for Dark Rockman to contact us."

Netto's fist tightened but he didn't say anything.

Manabe knocked on the open door and the three boys turned to face her. She smiled weakly and walked in. "Well, Dark Rockman has given us a time a place to meet him, what do you want to do?" he asked.

"Go save Rockman," Netto hissed.

Enzan and Laika nodded.

Manabe sighed, "I thought that's what you would say. Well, since you're agents you can say that but I'm warning you, don't get in over your head."

"Don't worry," Laika said. "We won't."

Manabe nodded and opened a portfolio in her arms. "Well, he said to meet us in a half an hour; I suggest you three get ready. I'm taking most of security and a special force team, we'll see if we can't capture Dark Rockman while we're at it. Maybe we can end all this tonight." She smiled at them and left the room.

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Enzan smiles without humor.

"Wishful thinking," Laika scoffed.

"It can't hurt to try," Netto said thickly and walked towards the door.

Laika caught Netto by his arm. "Netto, maybe you should stay here."

Netto spun around, "What?" he yelled.

Laika locked his green eyes with Netto's brown ones, "Netto, you can't crossfuse, you don't have a navi or PET, and for all we know this can be a trap. You're defenseless! You should stay here because you can't fight."

"I can too fight. I'll do whatever it takes to get Rockman back," Netto yelled throwing his arm out of Laika's grip. "I owe him that much."

Laika's eyes softened. "I know you do."

"Then let me go," Netto said evenly. "I want to fight, I want Rockman back."

Laika sighed and Enzan watched the exchange, "Netto, maybe he's right," Enzan said.

Netto glared at Enzan. "You too?" he asked.

"Netto, you say you will fight, but how? All you will end up doing in hurting yourself. And you're already hurt from today's battle. Maybe you should stay here, just in case we're walking into a trap," Enzan said.

Netto glared at both of them, "I don't care what you say, I can do whatever the hell I want. And I'm going."

Laika sighed and walked up to Netto. "I'm sorry," he murmured.

Enzan watched as Netto eyes widened in shock and he looked down to see Laika's fist buried in his stomach. "Laika!" Enzan gasped.

Netto collapsed into Laika's arms and Laika cradled Netto's body. Then he turned to Enzan. "Dark Rockman is planning something, you know it, and I know it. And from what little I've seen and heard about this guy he won't do something like give Rockman back so easily. It's a trap for Netto and Rockman and we both know it."

Enzan gave Laika a weak smile, "He is going to kill you."

Laika looked at the unconscious Netto in his arms. "Oh well," he said coldly.

"Laika-san, are you sure this is wise?" Searchman asked.

"Yes," Laika replied, carrying Netto over to the couch in the room they were in and laying him down on it.

"Should we leave Netto-san here without anyone to watch over him?" Searchman asked. "What if this is a two way attack or what if he wakes up?"

Enzan blinked, "He's right. This could be a two part attack, what if Dark Rockman is trying to get us out of Net Saviors HQ to get something? The security here was cut in half to go get Dark Rockman."

Laika nodded, "Maybe one of us should stay here. Just in case."

Enzan looked at Netto and sighed. "I think I should, because if he wakes up when you're here you might have to worry more about Netto then Dark Rockman."

Laika glanced at Netto and gave Enzan and half grin. "All right, I'll see you when we get back then."

"Good luck," Enzan said, holding out his hand.

Laika looked at it and then gave Enzan a genuine smile, "You too," he said and took it in a firm shake.

Laika walked out of the room and down the hall where Manabe was waiting for him. She gave him a puzzled look, "Where's Netto-kun and Enzan-kun?" she asked.

"Netto fell asleep and Enzan is going to wait for him to wake up," Laika said simply and walked past Manabe to the car that was waiting for them.

Manabe sighed and followed Laika. It was probably for the best anyways.


Laika was at the front of the task force team and Manabe was in the back giving orders. "I want everything air tight here. Nothing can go in or out with out our knowing, understand?" she yelled.

People ran around trying to set up the defenses and traps on time. Laika glanced nervously at his PET. "Searchman?" he asked.

"Yes, Laika-san?" Searchman replied.

"Do you think this can all end tonight, all neat and clean like Manabe-san wants it?" Laika asked.

"Do you think so?" Searchman countered.

Laika looked at the ground and sighed, "No, I don't."

"Do you want to believe it can?" Searchman asked.

Laika nodded.

"Then the most you can do is try your hardest to make that happen," Searchman replied.

Laika looked up with a resolute glint in his eyes, "Thank you, Searchman."

"You're welcome, Laika-san."

There was a hiss and four Dimension Converters appeared out of nowhere. "Get ready!" Manabe yelled. The Dimensional Area came up and covered the area they were in.

Laika pulled out his Syncro Chip and slotted it into his PET. "Cross Fusion!" they yelled in unison and the tell tale green glow told the other people on the field that Laika and Searchman were ready.

Dark Rockman appeared in a shower of purple with the small blue PET in his hands. "Good Evening," he said. "Glad to see all of you here."

Laika brought up his gun and pointed it at Dark Rockman.

Dark Rockman looked at Laika with a mocking pity in his eyes. "I never break my promises so here," he tossed the PET to Laika who barely managed to catch it he was so surprised. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got other things to do, bye!" he waved and disappeared. The Dimensional Area vanished and Laika returned to his normal form catching his own PET in mid air.

Manabe walked over and took Rockman's PET out of Laika's hands. She turned it on and Rockman's face appeared on the screen. "Where's Netto-kun?" he asked.

"Back and Net Saviors HQ," Laika said.

Just then the task unit turned to see another Dimensional Area appear in the far distance, right over… "The Head Quarters," Manabe gasped.


Enzan looked over at Netto who was sprawled on the couch in a more natural sleep. "I don't want… homework…" he said in his sleep.

Enzan shook his head amusedly and continued to read a book he picked up. "Enzan-sama?" Blues asked.

"Yes, what is it, Blues?"

"Laika, Searchman and the others should have been back by now, do you think…" Blues paused.

Enzan glanced at the clock, "Give them ten more minutes and if they don't contact us send them and E-mail."

"Yes, Enzan-sama."

Five minutes had passed when a loud rumble shook the building. Enzan looked around and saw a Dimensional Converter appear outside.

Netto groaned and flipped over in his sleep. Enzan shook Netto's shoulder, "Netto, wake up!" he yelled.

"What?" Netto asked groggily.

The Dimensional Area appeared around the building.

"Netto!" Enzan yelled.

Netto sat up, "What? What happened?" He looked around and remembered what had happened. "You…" he started.

"Yell at me later, we have a problem," Enzan said and pulled out his Syncro Chip.

Netto watched as Enzan crossfused with Blues and then looked around at the room they were in as if expecting a ghost to pop out of the shadows at any time.

Dark Rockman appeared behind the two of them and laughed. Netto and Enzan jumped and spun around. "So you stayed here, Netto-kun. That was smart," he smirked.

Enzan stepped in front of Netto. "What do you want?" he yelled.

"That is for me to know and you to find out," Dark Rockman jeered and launched himself at Enzan with a charged buster.

Enzan used area steal to get away but the shot that was fired went into the floor creating a large explosion that rocked the building to its foundation. "Enzan!" Netto yelled and ran over to where his friend was.

"Netto, get out of here," Enzan hissed.

"But…" Netto started.

"NOW!" Enzan yelled as loudly as he could.

Dark Rockman smirked and held up his buster. "Let's try that again shall we?" he asked.

Netto glared at the navi and ran towards him in an effort to keep him from firing. He did fire but Netto managed to knock the buster off balance enough so that it didn't hit Enzan. Dark Rockman smirked and knocked Netto into the far wall for the second time that day.

Enzan brought up his sword and slashed at Dark Rockman forcing the navi to temporarily go on the defensive. Enzan took the opening he created and thrust his sword into Dark Rockman's arm. Dark Rockman smiled and snapped the sword in two. He looked at Enzan and took the piece of the sword that was in his arm out and snapped that in half as well. "Is that all you have?" he asked.

Netto threw the book Enzan was reading at Dark Rockman's head. "You leave him alone!" Netto yelled.

Dark Rockman sighed almost comically. "You're getting annoying, Netto-kun," he said and a Dimensional Converter appeared next to Netto. A light appeared around him and Netto's eyes widened in fear as he started to disappear.

"Netto!" Enzan yelled and ran over to where Netto was. He reached out to see if he could pull Netto out of the light but right before Enzan's fingers reached Netto's hand he disappeared.

Dark Rockman crossed his arms and smirked. "Well that was just too easy." He reached over and picked up a case Enzan didn't see him with before. "Well, I have what I need, see you!" he said and disappeared. The Dimensional Area disappeared and Enzan heard the dull clatter as his PET hit the floor.



Okay, this is my take on what I would like to happen with the dark Rockman saga. I'll let you know, I've almost finished this fic and the whole point is for it to be read before the next ep. Therfore I'll post one chapter a day every day until it's done. And these are long chapters too, so be ready.

Also... beware the angst, as I'm still not comfortable with writing it.

Deadly Serenade, this is for you :3 I hope you like it.