Disclaimer: I don't own FF:U or anything to do with it..

michievious-lil-kitsune: So sorry I couldn't do DDR, maybe in another fic, I have been recently planning another FF:U one!

This is the one, it's THE chapter! The one you might have been waiting for, if not dreading or just sitting thinking "...Yeah, whatever...", no it's not the end, it's not the chapter where some maniac comes running in, shooting all the main characters, it's just the chapter.. now... um, you can read it...

Chapter 7:

Blossoming Love

Mary and Joe came back at about two thirty, while Ai and Yu arrived home at around four o'clock. They asked Lisa a few questions about Herba and Oscha, none of which she could answer. They wanted to help, but she, along with their parents decided it was far too dangerous to even consider it. They had gotten into enough trouble already.

The afternoon seemed to pass faster than that morning, and the previous day. Ai and Yu disappeared to their rooms to do some homework of about an hour, while Mary began thinking about dinner, coming to a conclusion of Joe going out and buying something.

"Hey Lisa," Yu asked as he entered the living room, sitting down beside Lisa, with Ai following him "what are you guys actually going to do once Makenshi is better?"

"Well... we haven't really talked about it yet."

she told them, glancing off in Kaze's direction


Ai muttered, frowning at him.

"But it's not like I play a big part in this fight, we just have to get to Oscha and Herba before this new Chaos is created, and I'm sure Kaze and Makenshi will know what to do when the time comes."

She glanced over at Kaze again, who looked back at her.

The evening was quite relaxing. Lisa ate dinner with the Hayakawa's, and joined in on the conversations, but her mind wasn't really on the subjects. No matter how relaxing it was, her mind was on what Oscha and Herba could be planning, or doing right at that moment.

After watching some television, Ai and Yu left for their bedrooms, that was around nine o'clock, soon after ten Mary and Joe also left, replacing Makenshi's bandages and giving him some food, before also disappearing to their room. Soon after, Makenshi made his way down to the living room, giving Lisa quite a surprise. Perhaps they would be leaving sooner than she had expected.

"Makenshi! Are you feeling better?"

she asked as he entered the living room.

"I think we can leave soon, the cuts are almost closed up."

he said, putting on a weak smile, holding a hand to a bandaged slash on his chest.

"We only leave at full strength, not until you are fully healed."

Kaze suddenly told him, standing up. Lisa turned, surprised at Kaze's sudden interest in Makenshi's health. She smiled, nodding in agreement.

"He's right, we... well you guys have to strong, and at your best for your battle.."

she decided not to say anymore. Kaze and Makenshi exchanged serious glances, they both knew that if they waited too long it would be too late and they would have no choice but to fight the new Chaos, and they knew Lisa knew just as much as they did.

"So... where's Crux?"

Lisa asked, relieving the trio from the awkward silence.

"She has been watching me for so long without any rest, she finally got too tired and fell asleep." he smiled "I'd better get back before she wakes up and starts worrying."

He turned, walking, with only a very slight limp, that reminded Lisa of a question she had wanted to ask.

"Makenshi?" he turned back, looking at her "How did they do that to you?"

"I don't remember much, but they somehow used the Omega crystal.."

he turned once again, leaving.

The Omega crystal? She hadn't expected that, they must have been using it for more than just Chaos.

There were a few moments silence as the pair listened to Makenshi's fading footsteps. Lisa looked over at Kaze, he stared back at her, she walked slowly over to him.

"I know that you can't fight until Makenshi is healed, but I also know that the longer you wait, the closer Chaos is to being reborn. I don't want the same thing to happen that did last time.."

she looked up into his pained cerulean eyes, as a frown came across his face, not an angry one, but more like one that showed her he understood her.

"Please tell me you won't die again.." she whispered in a begging voice, she reached for his hand with hers, holding it tightly. Her voice shook as she spoke "Please...?"

Kaze let his fingers close around hers, his frown disappeared into a look of sorrow. He swallowed hard, letting all his pride drop.

"I won't."

he whispered back to her in a hushed, hoarse voice.

Lisa smiled, she made herself trust his words no matter what the odds. She flung her arms around him, letting tears fall freely into his shoulder. Kaze was the one person she could let her emotions go with. He let her cry, without a word, maybe not words of encouragement, but he wouldn't say a single thing to hurt her.

Lisa didn't sob or wale, she kept silent as tears rolled from her eyes onto Kaze's shoulder. Suddenly she felt him gently push her back slightly, he looked down at her lifting his hand to her cheek and wiping a tear away. She lowered her head, feeling him lift it again. He actually looked concerned, deeply worried. She could tell by the look in his eyes, an emotion showing that she had never seen. She became transfixed, unable to take her eyes away from his.

Kaze felt as if no part of him was listening to his brain. He had thought he had complete control over his actions, either he was being proven wrong, or this was what he truly wanted to do but couldn't admit it to even himself.

He lowered his head, slowly closing the distance between them.

Lisa suddenly felt his lips press firmly against her own. It took her a second to realise what was going on, then another to forget the shock, before she closed her eyes letting everything around her but Kaze disappear. His left arm supported her back, pulling her against him, she felt so safe when he held her, all her fear dissolved into nothing. The fact that the Magun disabled him from being able to wrap both arms around her didn't matter at all. Their lips parted for a moment, while they caught their breath, only moving away by a few inches.

Both interlocked their lips once again without a word. For once they could both forget about everything. Every pain they felt, everything that was happening around and inside them. All that mattered for that one moment was that they were together, finally.

"Promise not to ever leave me..."

Lisa whispered, burying her head into his neck. Kaze's head lowered, with a look of profound happiness, yet deep pain at her words. He let his head rest against hers, closing his eyes. What if he did die? Forgot everything, causing Lisa to lose everything?

Morning came and Ai was the first one up. She snuck down to the living room, careful not to wake anyone. She suddenly became shocked to see the sleeping Lisa huddled against Kaze, who's head was lowered. She quickly backed around the corner she had come out from, trying hard not to snigger, and tiptoed back upstairs to her room. She didn't want to be the one to humiliate Lisa if not both of them when they awoke to an audience.

Lisa discreetly watched as Ai snuck back around the corner, a small, soft smile gracing her lips She disentangled her hand from the tight grip of Kaze's gloved left hand and stood up. She silently crept up to the guest room where Makenshi was resting. Knocking lightly on the door, she didn't expect it to be heard, but within seconds Makenshi greeted her with a warm, although tired smile. He was fully dressed in his swordsman's attire, and by the looks of things almost at full strength.

"Makenshi... I came to ask you about Herba and Oscha."

Lisa whispered, as he let her into the small room. A slightly puzzled look crossed his face.

"What is it?"

he questioned, rather curiously.

"You've spent a bit of time near them, right? I was wondering if you had any clue as to where they could be right now...?"

she asked him somewhat unsurely, wondering if he had even the tiniest clue, but he was probably their best, maybe only hope to finding them anytime soon.

"I can't imagine them returning to the Inner World, now that the easiest route has been destroyed by them... but I don't know my way around this island, so I don't know the possibilities of where the could be."

"What do you mean by 'easiest route'?"

Lisa asked, wondering if there were other ways to get back to Wonderland.

"The Pillar of Darkness, as you call it holds a connection to the Inner World; Wonderland, so there must be away to get through. Although they plan to destroy and consume this world which means they have no need to travel back as of yet." Lisa nodded, taking all this information in. "Perhaps it's best if we wait for them to come to us."

"So the first place to look should be..."

"The subway."

both said at once. Lisa let out a small laugh, exchanging a smile with Makenshi.

"I'd better get back."

she said quietly, getting up and silently leaving the room.

She made her way back to the living room, sitting back down beside Kaze, who looked wearily down at her.

"You're awake.." she smiled "I was just talking to Makenshi, he seems much better. I asked him if he knew where Oscha and Herba could be, and we thought that we should wait for them to come to us. And the best place we could think of was the subway."

she talked quietly, wrapping her arms around his, and resting against his shoulder. He looked down at her, listening silently.

"What do you think?" she asked him, receiving the silent gesture of a small nod "I don't know how you will be able to use the Magun though..."

she said, her voice becoming a soft whisper.

Kaze didn't know either. I was broken now and the twins seemed to be the only ones with the power to thaw it. They couldn't just tag along, it was far too dangerous.

Suddenly Lisa shifted away from his arm, standing up again.

"Ai came out before." she said, an enlightening grin on her face "I don't think you'll want the whole family, and Makenshi catching you with me on your arm."

she got up, moving soundlessly over to the couch, only moments before Yu came stumbling, half asleep down the stairs and into the living room, trudging in his slippers.

"Morning Lisa," he smiled, trying his hardest to look presentable "Good morning Kaze."

The next half hour was very hectic. The twins rushed around the house trying to prepare for school, and Mary and Joe did much the same, although Mary was getting ready for a days shopping, and Joe had to go to their lab to check up on his employees. They had promised to give Ai and Yu a ride to school, so everyone would be out of the house early.

The twins basically followed one another from one room to the next, brushing their teeth, packing their bags, bushing their hair, then bidding farewell to their visitors.

"See you when we get home, unless you guys leave in the middle of the day."

Yu laughed, slipping into his school shoes at the door.

"Yeah, and don't get into any trouble you to!"

Ai warned, pointing her finger towards Lisa and Kaze. Kaze, of course, did nothing, and Lisa gave a wave and a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about us."

Mary and Joe then quickly rushed over to the doorway, slipping their shoes on as well.

"Are you two ready to go?" Mary asked the children, they nodded eagerly as Ai flung open the door, waving a final goodbye, rushing down the stone steps out the front of the house "Call Joe at work if you need anything."

she told Lisa, Joe nodding, with a wave goodbye.

"Hurry! We're going to be late!"

Ai suddenly yelled from somewhere outside, and within moments the door was closed and the Hayakawa's had left the hose again.

Lisa approached Kaze again.

"I think we should leave while they are out." she said to him. Kaze stood up as she neared him "Makenshi seems strong enough to leave. You were right about the fast healing." she smiled, looking up at him, his facial features seemed to soften now. "What do you think?"

"You should get him, we have to find them now."

Kaze responded. He couldn't wait any longer while Herba and Oscha resurrected what could cause the destruction and demolition of this world, just like what had happened to his world, and Makenshi's. He had always fought to stop it from happening, but it was a personal war now too. Lisa relied on him, not just a world of strangers, but his love.

Sorry it was shorter, and took way to long to update! Please, please, please forgive me? My life is very hectic with a sick cat and depressed friends... it's true. Oh yeah! And please read and review. Next chapter will be bigger and better because- I can't tell, you'll have to keep reading.