Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Final Fantasy: Unlimited! If I did This fanfic most likely wouldn't exist. Unless I created a sequel that- Okay! No sequel because I just don't own it, but I think it would be pretty cool if there was a sequel, like an anime of Final Fantasy: Unlimited After Spiral, that would be soooooooo cool!

Okay, so unlike Plan B, this story is going to be completely serious, not half serious and half strange and crazy.


Just a few moments ago, a great explosion hit, as the two known as the Black Wind and the White Cloud succussed in finally putting an end to Chaos, avenging their loved ones, and finishing the war between themselves. As both disappeared for the second time in their lifetimes, they both silently vowed to finally end their once thought to be inevitable war against each other.

In the wreckage of the floating isle, the survivors lay. Ai, Yu, Mary, Joe and Lisa. Mary held protectively onto her daughter, and Joe held his arm over their son. Below the newly reunited family, Lisa felt numb, she wondered if she was in any way physically hurt. She was still in major shock from the events, so many lives had been sacrificed, yet she was still alive.

The twins were back in their parents arms, but she lay alone with only a silver earring with a red stone inches from her hand. Kaze's earring. Lisa knew it wasn't there by coincidence, nothing was that coincidental. She wondered how different it would be if he and the others hadn't died.

A single tear rolled down her cheek, and still, she lay motionless. So close to the others, yet so alone. There was the sound of wings cutting through the air, and a machine could be heard soaring nearer. Lisa wrapped her hand tightly around the earring, feeling its points dig into her palm, the feeling in her body was coming back.

She heard Chobi, as he landed, and Yu as he laughed in delight that his friend was alive, but still, didn't want to move, she held more tightly onto the earring, she didn't want to ever let it go, just as if it were Kaze himself.

The machine landed somewhere nearby, Lisa was becoming more aware of her surroundings. If Chobi had made it through Chaos's attack on Jane, then the Comodeen must have too. They were coming to rescue them.

Miles, Knave, Cid, and various members of the Comodeen that had survived, found them and first carried the twins back to the airship, Silvia. Next Lisa heard as Knave introduce himself, and direct Mary and Joe to the airship.

Moments after, they had left, she felt someone's hands on her shoulders, her eyes opened abruptly, and she found herself staring up at Miles, who was smiling softly at her.

"Come on, we have to get you out of here, do you know if anyone else made it?"

Lisa shook her head, which gave her a headache, she must have taken a hard fall. Only now that Miles lifted her to her feet could she feel the aches ands pains serge throughout her body.

Finally getting back to Silvia, Lisa heard applauds and cheering of the whole Comodeen, it sounded like there was going to be a celebration, but she was in no mood for one at all. The only thing she wanted to do was sleep, forget everything that had happened.

"Could I rest?"

She asked Miles, who was probably the only thing stopping her from collapsing into a heap on the floor at that moment. Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Sure, that's a good idea. By the looks of things you guys have been through a lot."

Miles answered her. Her voice sounded almost cheerful, like everyone else on the airship. Lisa had no idea how anyone cold be so happy at a time like this, didn't they understand what had just happened?

As Miles lugged her from the loud main room of Silvia, she saw Ai and Yu with their parents, they looked so happy, she guessed that was understandable though, they were finally all together and there was no threat to Wonderland anymore. It seemed like the deaths of everyone had hurt her the most, but the thing that truly amazed her was that no one even seemed fazed by the deaths of Moogle, Lou, Makenshi and Kaze.

Entering a room, Miles sat Lisa down on the bed in the middle, then sat beside her.

"This can be your room for the duration of the trip. We decided to go back to the base, then you and the Hayakawa's can decide where you want to go from there." she was suddenly silent. like she wanted to say something but couldn't "You should get some rest."

She then stood up, and walked out, sliding the door closed behind her. As soon as it closed, all the noise from the main bridge was blocked out. Lisa was thankful. She leaned back to the soft pillow, closing her eyes. Her mind began to drift, as she thought back to when the journey through Wonderland had began.

All up until she remembered meeting Kaze. She felt a pain in her throat, and suddenly let out an uncontrollable sob, her eyes stung with hot tears that began to cascade down her pale cheeks. She was so tried on the inside and out, mentally and physically. After a while, she cried herself to sleep.

Within a few hours, Silvia had made it back to the Comodeen's base. Miles came back into Lisa's room to inform her they had arrived, she found her, with her knees curled up to her chest, and tear stained cheeks.

"Lisa.." she whispered, Lisa didn't stir at all "Lisa?" her whisper became louder "We're here, you can come out when your ready."

Miles then left the dark, silent room.

Out at the base, Knave and the Hayakawa's stood around Cid, who was rummaging through tools and pieces of machines.

"So, is there a way back to their world Cid?"

Knave asked with impatience. Cid kept digging through the metal, shaking his head

"I can build a new Subway Train.." He turned away "But it could never replace my dear Elizabeth..." turning back to face them he continued "Bt to travel from world to world we nee a piece of Omega, which we unfortunately, don't have"

Yu suddenly gasped, and turned to Ai.

"Sis, what about the crystal of Clear? We could use that, then we can go home!"

Ai looked infuriated, she scowled, looking like she was about to explode.

"WHAT! No way am I giving up Clear, just to make some stupid train!"

She crossed her arms stubbornly. Joe kneeled down beside her, resting his hands on her tiny shoulders.

"But Ai, if you don't do it we can't get back home. You want to go back don't you?"

Her expression softened a bit, as she grabbed Poshiepocket from her side.

"Poshiepocket, I want Clear." She said, with a sigh. Poshiepocket grinned and spat the glistening purple pointed crystal into her open hand. She then handed it to Cid. "This had better work!" she muttered.

"Don't worry, good old Cid here can make anything!"

Knave told them proudly.