Author's Note: I would say this would be my last story for the Lion King, but what can I say, writing is one of my passions so after a lot of thinking I came up with some ideas to do a part four.

The title might be a little different then what I typed in my profile and it will probably be a while til I uploaded since I'm trying to finish up another story I'm doing.

Anyway, I just have to say thank you for reading my story (despite my grammar problem and the fact it takes me a week or two to update a chapter and the criticism from some of the reviews, which I don't mind, it a good way to improve) and I hope to see you again in the part four.

Here's the epilogue


Two weeks had past since the war at the pride lands and the clan settle in a new place that was across the river that Banzai found a while back. The river provided water and greenery and with that it provided them with food as well.

Shenzi's wounds were recovering slowly and were surprised that she made it out of the pride lands alive. Something inside her kept her going despite the pain and the fact that she inhales so much smoke that it made her spit turn black. Banzai told her after they made it to their new home, she fainted from exhaustion and slept for three days.

Some of her fur was burned off but that will go back, and the scars on her back looked like spots to her and the others and the cuts on her neck were now scars but Banzai told her she was still beautiful in his eyes.

Her wounds were the last thing on her mind as she listens to the two females begging and pleading for mercy on their punishment. It was kinda funny and ridiculous at the same time.

"I couldn't help myself, he offered us so much food and you know how much we loved food, especially during that bad times" Gossip said

"Curse the fact I didn't listen to mother about my father's genes, she always said I was just like him, a big know-it-all" Info said

"Will you two shut up for once in your life" Shenzi shouted.

The two shut up and waited for her to tell them their punishment. Shenzi sighed "After all you did and all the stuff you hid from me, the best punishment besides death would be exile" She said

Info and Gossip frowned "But since your Silet's friends and she asked me to save your pathetic souls, I'm not going to do that"

"You're not" Info said smiling.

"But don't you think you guys are getting off that easy" Shenzi said "there are a few conditions"

"A "few"' Gossip asked

"Yeah and I know you'll follow them if you don't the entire clan to find out your real names" Shenzi said

"Fine, what are they" Info asked

"You can no longer treat Silet like dirt, you can no longer spread rumors, you can no longer bribe others for food, you have to do your own hurting, no more spying, blackmailing and for now on Silet is the leader of your little group. And trust me, if you break any of these rules, Silet will tell me and your names will be heard all over the land"

She noticed the two females' eyes were twitching, Info took a deep breath and sighed "fine"

"Deal" Gossip said, while looking away.

"And cheer up about which male she wants to be with, doesn't her happiness matter the most"

They didn't answer, Shenzi rolled her eyes and went off to walk around the land like she been doing for the last two weeks.

She looked at the clan that was adjusting to their now home. Some were catching food, others playing around, sleeping or just enjoying the nice sunset. She spotted Silet and Ed under a small tree giving each other nuzzles knowing that they were finally together even though it shattered a lot of hearts of Silet's many admirers.

This give Shenzi a break from watching over Ed twenty-four hours a day and she did have more patients with him then Shenzi would ever have. With Banzai out to get some food for her and him, Shenzi finds this an opportunity to have some alone time. She walked through the plain fields and stared at the sky, the first stars started to appear in the sky full of warm colors of red, orange and a bit of blue.

Shenzi couldn't believe it was all over, after all the days of suffering and almost being killed, she couldn't believe it was done, it was over just like that.

"Mom, do you think this was all too easy" She asked

"Since when do things come easy in life" a voice said

Shenzi turned to her left to see Shentana sitting next to her. Shenzi didn't scream or jumped away from the spirit of her mother, she just smiled when she realizes something differently about her. "You look beautiful, Mother" she said

Shentana didn't have cuts or blood on her anymore, with everything back to normal in life, her spirit can rest now. "Thank you my pup, it feels good to look nice for your father again" she said

"And feel better knowing everything is well again too" Shenzi said

"After all the suffering and deaths" Shentana added

Shenzi agreed "but why did I make this far, after everything that happened"

"Cause you had you light Shenzi, that's why"

"I know that but I'm talking about, if I didn't join up with Scar none of this would happen and you'd still be alive"

"You need to stop blaming yourself for my death Shenzi, it wasn't your fault and you know that"

Shenzi frowned and holds back the tears."I just wish you were still here with me"

"I was always here for you my pup and just remembered what I said a while back. If you have your light, I was never abandon you"

"Thanks mom" Shenzi said "can I asked you something"

"What" Shentana asked

"How's Dad and Banzai's friend doing up there" she asked

Shentana smiled "Your father is doing well, he didn't suffer when he died and wishes Shenzen didn't blame himself for not preventing it from happening. I saw Todei so I know he was save thanks to Banzai's forgiveness and I saw Mufasa up there as well. He's a very forgiving person after talking to him about the past"

"Well that nice to hear Mom" Shenzi said

They sat there for a few minutes when they heard Banzai calling for Shenzi. "You better get going, he's waiting for you" Shentana said

Shenzi smiled "Well, I can say just one thing about all this"

"And what's that" Shentana asked

"The hard part of my life is finally over" Shenzi said, then heard her mother giggling. "What's so funny"

"About what you just said" Shentana said, as she started fading away.

"Why, is there something you're not telling me again" Shenzi said

"The hard part in your life has only begun" She said as she pointed at Shenzi's stomach.

"What are you talking about, what are you hiding from me" Shenzi asked

"You just have to wait and see, take care Shenzi" Shentana said then disappeared into a faded white smoke. "I love you"

Still confused, Shenzi watches her mother's spirit fly into the air and into the night sky.

A second later, a star started to twinkle . . .
