Sorry I haven't updated in a while…school, holidays…you know. Anyway here's the next chapter in Heart of Ice…

Cornelia walked through the streets of Heatherfield. Kids were running around in the park, people walking their dogs while listening to their Ipods…it was a normal Saturday evening.

Cornelia was headed toward the Silver Dragon. The guardians were having a meeting there at 4:00. Cornelia looked down at her gold, diamond encrusted watch…4:36. She didn't mind. She knew the others would be enraged but she didn't care. She had other things on her mind. Cornelia walked down the sidewalk, carelessly, and accidentally bumped into a passerby.

"Sorry," she said looking down.

"Cornelia?" the guy said. Cornelia looked up. It was none other than Caleb.

"Caleb?" Cornelia said like she hadn't seen him for ages. "Wow…what are you up to?"

"Oh…nothing just…you know walking around…" Caleb said.

"Are you going to Meridian with us?" Cornelia asked, continuing her walk to the Silver Dragon. Caleb followed right beside her.

"Yeah…unless you don't want me to go..." Caleb said

"Oh…it's not that…" Cornelia said blushing. Caleb looked over to her.

Caleb's POV

She's so beautiful. I should take Will's advice…


Caleb sees Will at a smoothie bar, alone. He walks up to her. She faces him and waves.

"Hey Will…" Caleb said.

"What's up?" Will replied. "You sound…not very happy…do you need something?"

"Yeah…an answer. Can I ask you something?" Caleb said.

"Shoot," Will said.

"Well…I have this friend…and he likes this girl…" Caleb said. He hoped that this "friend/girl/what should he do?" approach would work…unfortunately it didn't.

"Caleb, if you really like Cornelia go for it," Will said simply.

"What? What makes you think that I'm talking about Cornelia and me? Like I said before, I have a friend…" Caleb said, shocked.

"I'm not an idiot. People always say that their "friend" needs some help when it's really them that needs the advice," Will said. "And like I said before, go for it. Chances are Cornelia likes you back." She grabbed her smoothie, waved goodbye, and left.

"Hey Cornelia…could I ask you something?" Caleb said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Sure," Cornelia said.

Caleb stopped walking and so did Cornelia. They faced each other. Caleb reached out and held both of Cornelia's hands. She blushed. Caleb was too nervous to notice.

"Well…I was just wondering if…if you would like to…you know…uh…" Caleb said. But just then, Hay Lin came running toward them. She looked quite angry.

"Cornelia! You should be at the meeting by now! Sorry Caleb, but whatever you were saying, it'll have to wait." Hay Lin said grabbing Cornelia's hand out of Caleb's and dragged her to the Silver Dragon. Caleb stood there and sighed. Maybe next time...

"Everyone ready?" Will asked. The other guardians stood around her and nodded. Everything was ready. The portal, the guardians…all they needed was Caleb…and there he was. "It's about time…" Will said and the other guardians faced Caleb.

"Sorry I'm late…" Caleb replied. Then, they all faced the portal and stepped cautiously inside…

Yay! I updated! R&R! Bye!