Ginny closed the book because she now had finished it. "Okay...I think I'll just...take a walk," said Ginny, as she was sitting in her common room finishing up a book so she could know who to pick, Harry or Draco.

Ginny was walking down the halls when she heard voices...Hermione and Harry's voices. "So Harry do you like Ginny or not? I think she still likes you so you should do something now!" cried out Hermione, she seemed like she really wanted Ginny and Harry to hook up. "Well...I do...but do you really think I should do something?" "Yes Harry! You should!" "Okay next time I see her I will do something..." Ginny couldn't see them because she was standing behind a wall and when she heard them stop talking she guessed that they were walking towards her so she ran! She apparently didn't want to be near Harry.

Ginny was still running just to make sure that she was really away from harry. And of course who does she run into? Non other than Draco Malfoy. "Hello can't believe you would stick your wand up to Harry in my defense." Malfoy seemed...almost embarrassed. Ginny didn't look up at Malfoy but just said, "uh-huh whatever." Then she kept on walking, more like speed walked because she seemed that she didn't want to be near Malfoy either. Draco ran after her and said, "What is your problem? I can't keep this little games up with you forever Ginny! I can't just keep waiting and running for you! I could move on any day now, I bet Pansy is even still waiting up in the Astronomy tower for me! And yet just keep running from me when I want you the most and I only did it once because I didn't want to just stand there, so make your pick Ginny! Will you just stop all of this crap and we can meet up regularly for snogging or you could just walk away...forever." Ginny looked up in his eyes and just whispered out, "I'm sorry Draco." And then she walked away. Draco watched her as he saw her vanish into an empty room, he considered going in the room with her but then he rememberd what he had just said to Ginny and he just walked away.

Harry was walking down the hall when he heard someone in an empty room, the room Ginny was in. Harry walked in the room and saw Ginny just facing the window...just staring...Malfoy was outside. "um...hello Ginny." Ginny jumped and looked over at Harry and said, "Oh...hello Harry." Harry was just walking closer and closer to Ginny and he ended up sitting right beside her...more like on her! "Um Harry can you just...leave." Harry was staring at her like she was crazy. "What?" he said. "I said just leave Harry." "Not until I do something, Ginny, It should cheer you up." Malfoy was no longer outside, apparently his Ginny senses were tingling. Harry leaned in and kissed Ginny, he was holding on to her tightly unaware that he was hurting her and that she didn't want him to kiss her at all. "" whimpered out Ginny. I guess Harry wasn't listening because he kept on kissing her and then Malfoy ran in the room and punched Harry. Harry fell to the floor and yelled, "What the hell is your problem, Malfoy? Does it bother you that I can get girls and you can't? Does it make you mad? HUH?" "Well I know for a fact that Ginny doesn't like you, nor did she want that kiss." "Oh yeah? And how would you know a thing like that?" asked Harry sounded bewildered he pushed Ginny behind him and was holding her hand, Draco saw that he was holding on to her and she was trying to let go but his grip was to tight. So Draco punched him again and Harry fell over once more, releashing his grip on Ginnys arm and so Ginny was free to move and so she did. She moved imbetween Malfoy and Harry, "No more punching! Please!" cried Ginny, she was now crying. "Like I said Potter, leave Ginny alone because..." "Because want malfoy!" "Because...because I like Ginny! Okay? I like her!" "Well she doesn't like you so such a shame Malfoy and good day." Then Harry punched Malfoy so hard he flew backwards and fell over. Harry was about to punch him again with Ginny pushed Harry aside and went down to Malfoy. "Draco? Draco"
Draco looked up at Ginny. "About what you said earlier...I don't want to walk away forever..I want to be with you." Ginny and Draco kissed again while Harry was in the room and he yelled, "NOOOO! This can't be happeing! I'm going to go file a complaint to Hermione for making me do this! She's the one who told me that Ginny liked me! Why should I believe her anyway? She's always wrong...well no that's a lie she's always right but.." Harry was cut off by Ginny and Draco they both yelled, "Shut-up Harry!" Harry ran away and Ginny and Draco stayed in the room snogging for quite some time.

Later Ginny was talking to Hermione about everything that happend with Harry and Draco and the book. "So you read the book to make your decision?" asked Hermione. "Yeah it helped in a way, I mean I guess I always wanted to be with Draco...but I wanted to make sure." "So you had to make sure that Draco thought that you were over him and be with Harry alone and make sure Draco knew where you were just to see if Draco would come back for you even after your break up. That's a mean way. And so Draco fought for you just how Allen fought for Annie! Brilliant." sighed out Hermione. "Yeah well I didn't think it was to great," sighed Harry. "Whatever, I'm going to go meet Draco bye!"