Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Promise.

Love Never Dies

I never got a chance to say it

Not before, and I just can't now.

Never got to say how I really felt…
But maybe you already knew.

You know so much about me.

Do you know, Kikyo?

Do you know how I feel?

Do you know that I'm sorry?

I'm sorry I couldn't-

Didn't save you.

I'm sorry that I've fallen in love

With another woman.

I'm sorry that I never got a chance to kiss you, to hold you

Before you died.

Where are you now, Kikyo?

What are you now, Kikyo?

Do you exist just to haunt me?

Just to get back at me

Because I didn't save you?

Do you hate me, Kikyo?

Do you love me, Kikyo?

Will you ever tell me?

I keep remembering when we embraced.

I didn't lie, you know.

I would've just stayed there,

I would've welcomed time stopping.

I would've forgotten everything.


The Shikon Jewel

Becoming a demon.

I would've become human for you, Kikyo

I swear to that.

But I know better now.

I was weak as a hanyou,

That's why you died.

I was weak.

I'll never be so weak again, Kikyo,

I promise.

I'll never let the one I love fall

Because I was too weak to stop it.

I'm watching the moon, now.

Are you watching it too?

Do you wonder if I'm watching it?

Maybe someday

We will watch it together.