I am sorry to inform you that all of my stories are going on a permanent hiatus in their current forms. Each story, except for the poems, will be rewritten in their own time. I do not know what story will be first, so please do not ask. I will not, however, delete the stories and then put them back up. They will stay where they are, under the same titles, and I will just overwrite each chapter. So, please do not take them off of your Story/Author alerts unless you have no desire to read them at all. The full reasons for this decision is in my profile, in case you would like a detailed reason. If you have any questions feel free to review on this chapter or to PM me at any time.

(On a side note, as the chapters are rewritten and posted I will delete all of the reviews for that particular chapter so you can review again, if need be.)

I apologize for any problems this has caused anyone.