A/N This little thing came about while spending a day on the beach, and well, I kept getting images of Jordan on the beach and it took me a little bit of time to actually formulate a plot for this, although it's mostly an extended length introspective thing with a lot of fluff between the introspect. A week at the beach can do a lot to make you realize what your feelings exactly are...And I don't own Crossing Jordan, but if I did, well, let's just say I'd have a LOT of fun with it, oh, and this is post Jump-Push-Fall, so it does contain some spoilers for it...
The knock on the door startled him and he muttered a profanity as the cup of coffee in his hand sloshed over the side. He got up and wiped his hand hastily on his shirt before setting down the cup of coffee and opening the door. He had no sooner opened it than a set of energetic arms wrapped around him. "Hey Gar," the owner of the arms said, all but shoving him aside as she walked into his house, "I thought you might like some Chineese." She said setting a bag down on the table next to his coffee. She turned around to face him and frowned. "You look pale, you should go out and tan."
He smirked at her as he grabbed two plates from a cabinet along with the silverware from the drainer on the sink. "So why are you here, aside from pointing out that I'm giving Dracula a run for his money with my complexion?" He asked her as she divvied out the food in the bag.
"I just thought you might want some company." He glared at her knowing that there was much more to it than she was letting on, and she squirmed for a minute before finally talking as they sat down. "Fine, I was lonely. Nigel and Bug are working and Lily's got a date, and I've given up on Woody, every time I go to visit he kicks me out." She stared down at her plate.
"Just give him some time, he's going through a lot right now." He told her as he stole a piece of sweet and sour chicken off her plate, earning him a playful swat.
"I don't know." She said, as she poached some of his food in return. "I mean, he acted like it was nothing that I gave back his ring, but I mean, I know he was upset." He nodded, the young detective had been hurt that Jordan had flat out refused the thought of even the possibility of something bigger. "And, well, I told him I loved him when he was going into surgery, but he thinks I didn't mean it."
"Did you?" He asked her and she thought for a long moment.
"I don't know." She said again. And he could see it on her face, the mess of emotions. "I really care about him, but I don't know if I love him, not that way. I know I really like him, but I can't help but think it's in the same way that I love Nigel or Bug, not the way he wants me to love him." She got up, grabbing his plate as he resealed the containers.
"You want any of this?" he asked as he headed towards his fridge.
"No, keep it." She said, as she turned the sink on. "You know what I need?" She said as she handed him a plate to stick in the washer after a precursory rinse.
"What?" He asked as he flicked the appliance on.
"A vacation." He gave a snort of laughter.
"Sounds great."
"Let's go then!" She said somewhat enthusiastically. His eyebrows shot up.
"Did you just say 'let's go?'" He asked her pouring out a cup of coffee for her.
"C'mon, it'll be fun. You, me, a couple of Mai-Tais, you need some sun, I need a vacation, and I have a friend who's got a beach house down the Jersey Shore, it's only a couple hours drive, and he said I'm welcome to it whenever." She all but rambled on, obviously enjoying her idea. She was all but tanning just from the thought of it.
"And I wondered why you came over." He teased her.
"C'mon Gar," She was all but begging, "Nigel and Bug already have plans-Nigel is planning to go back to England and doesn't want to waste his vacation, and Bug's got some bug-hunting expedition that he's saving his days for, and Lily's already used hers, and I refuse to go alone to the beach." He thought for a moment.
"And when are you planning this little outing?"
"We can leave tomorrow. Slokum can't argue me taking my vacation, I have enough time stored to take a month off if I wanted to, I definitely have one week." He took a contemplative sip of his coffee.
"I'm probably going to regret saying this but, sure, sounds fun." She hugged him again.
"I knew I could count on you. I'll pick you up at six, it's a bit of a drive down, don't forget your swimtrunks and the sunscreen." She said as she walked towards the door. She waved as she walked away and he smiled faintly. He looked at himself in the mirror as he headed towards his closet, he was looking a little on the pale side, maybe a few days of fun in the sun would lighten his mood.