Disclaimer: i don't yugioh

Note: Yes i reviesed chapter one. i didn't really like it. so here it is. please read and review it. its now longer and better than ever!

Ch 1 "Full House"

It was second to last week of the ninth month, the first day of autumn. It supposed to be a happy time for her. But being on the side of good, neither gets a day off nor relaxes. Does evil stop causing trouble? The night was heavy dripping with mist, cold night indeed. The moon was full, the best time to eradicate them, but it was never that easy there were too many of them. She was a vampire slayer, one of preeminent in her clan. She once fought blind, only following her instinct. She was in a clan of slayers trained by the finest. But without her weaponry she is helpless, useless, and powerless. It was clumsy dropped by her due to her hast from him…

Her clan was ever so small, increasing not an inch. She needed to find some additional slayers quickly before the vampires find her. Slayer blood is rare to find among individuals now and days, centuries ago vampires swept the earth almost dry searching for humans with slayer blood. Slayer blood was the one of the key elements to their immortality. The leeches don't know who she really is. Slayer blood was flowing through her veins. She is the one who will stop this war between humans and vampires. But one immortal stands in her way, him…

The dark alley was crammed with over turned garbage cans rusted doors and rats scurrying around for food. The alley way produced a fowl odor of smoke and old littered trash mixed with creatures of the night. Running through there just made her feel dirty. Her boots slap the cement flooring with splashes. The flooring was worn away; it was no longer flat cement. It was now dented full of holes and cracks, mud and water innards the gap from various storms from the past. The muddy water sprayed her boots and leather pants. The women cursed her self. The outfit was new and it was a gift. Her black leather jacket flowed behind her. The hems were painted color of the sludge water. The buildings surrounding her were painted a dull red. The color had long since faded away by a variety of conditions. Mold and stains splattered the bricks illustrated how old the buildings were.

She whipped around a corner reducing her breaths to a slow and quiet rhythm. She pressed her back against the wall close to it as possible trying to blend into the shadows and listened to the darkness; she heard sounds of a creature with wings searching for her. Flaps of a wing maybe too low of a frequency to hear for an average person but being blind for so many years has heightened her other senses. Shadows loomed over her for a few seconds then vanished. She darted her pupils back and forth but saw nothing. Her eyes could play tricks on her but sounds can't fool her hearing. The winged creature was coming for her. Spinning around she ran from him…

She ran for her life, he was too rapid, he flew toward her from the darken skis. The auburn haired women quickened her pace. Running was the only thing on her mind. It played over and over in her mind like a broken record.

He found her at last, through the long nights he has been searching. He longed to see her from the first time he laid eyes on her. At last


She was assigned to hunt him down and vanquish him. Weeks of hard work and dedication she was tipped off that the vampire she was trailing would be at a local bar.

She arrived.


And before she can get to conquered

She realized…

She and two other buddies walked in. One with long blond hair while the other with short black hair and her the shortest one standing in the middle with her waist length auburn hair. They stood transfixed at the pub door unsure of what to do next.

Her eyes met his for a second, him from the bar holding his half drunken drink to the entryway where she stood, glossy hazel to icy blue Her long auburn hair, slim figure and black leather outfit, his long overcoat dragging down the stool and lightly tinted shades of spectacles gave him a calm presence. Smoke filled the inn of the dimly lit area. Wooden round tables assembled themselves in various patterns neighboring each other in the pub. Groups of alcoholics of all ages gathered themselves bordering the worn away wooden table cheering their buddies on and some celebrating birthdays.

She on the other hand was not here to have fun at all. This was all strictly business. She stared a moment at his very attractive features admiring his every quality. Then she grimace, an aurora floated about him indicated that he was the vampire she was understood to kill. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath depositing all her thoughts of him, and went after him. But when she reopens her eyes he was gone. The glass emptied.

End Flashback

He smirked at the thought, their prologue of a meeting. He expected someone sooner or later that would be going after him, as soon as he saw her walk in he knew that she was the one. It may have been for a split second but it gave something he sought for. He coveted to see her again. Her bright red aurora out shined every other woman there. She was certainly not at the tavern at all to have fun with her two girl friends behind her. Their tied back hair, leather outfits, and serious expression gave them the presence of superiority.

Her snide comments and playful smirks gave him of feel of what life could be like if she was with him. The way she was head strong and stubborn. She gave him a challenge, a challenge he will not fail in succeeding…

He followed swiftly behind her; his black wings shifting his movements in the cramped alleyway. He lowered himself to eyelevel from behind, his shadow gliding with his even movements. Her knee high boots fall short of splashing him but only his shadow. All she could hear right now was the sound of her heart beating and her foot steps on the ground.

He was a tall figure about six feet, towering over her more than a foot in height, chocolate brown hair scrapping his face in the speed he was using to chase her, cerulean eyes as cold as the night and hash as the wind in the artic, and pale skin that would make any copied paper dark. He was Seto Kaiba one of the vampire lords of the Iniquity Elite, he was known for his hatred and cruelty, sinful venomous ways and looks that can kill.

Now only a foot behind her, his wings flapping rancorously. Strands of reddish-brown hair flew into his face. He smiled to himself. Her scent over washed him giving some type of pleasure. He gave a few big flaps and flew beside her. Serenity gasped as head came into her view. She was face to face with him again. He smirked at her alarm expression. His enormous bat like wings shadowed her vision. "Who you running from?" he asked in a snide remark.

She gave him a death glare. "You" she halted and began to dash the other way. But before she could make her full 180 degrees turn. He had landed himself in front of her slamming her across the brick wall. She yelled out in pain. With one thrust, his cold hand dived for her neck. He had pinned her against the wall, breathing in her scent, memorizing her complexion, and searching her eyes for fear. There it was written in her hazel eyes. It pleaded him to let her go.

She remembered his face too well, their second encounter. Those fierce blue eyes, pale skin, and cold hands. He had corned her that night. She was counting her lucky stars that she got away from him with minor bruises and a haunting dream, but sadly for her this night wasn't going to end just yet. He stared into her eyes long enough to make her melt at his glare, but she didn't flinch or fidget. She was too busy trying to pry his hand away from her throat but he was too strong. He strengthens his grip against her struggle.

Once he thought it was enough of torture he released her neck letting the air rush back into her lungs. She kneeled down in coughing fits. He watched for a moment of her humiliating defeat. Once her eyes locked into his with threatening glares, he moved his face in closer crashing his body against her. He slammed a hand to the right side of her temple against the moist wet brick wall.

"My, my, my you have gotten faster since I saw you last" he bawled. He had glued her against the wall quite tightly. He placed on icy hand on her stroking her auburn bangs out of her face to see those lovely eyes.

She twisted her face in dissatisfaction and flinched from his touch. "I have gotten faster, or you have gotten slower" she fired, poking a slim finger at his face.

He gave her a defiant stare. Grabbing her cold finger he pulled himself closer to her, closing every inch between them as possible. "Come on, I always play with my prey" he smirked. She really wanted him off of her but somehow she couldn't resist his touch, it was so delicate and velvety. He made her feel somewhat safe in places like this even if it is from himself. "Don't you think that you got away last night that I wasn't coming back for you?"

"I thought I made it pretty clear last time that I didn't like you" she spoke, her courage was gathering itself slowly to defend herself with her witty tongue.

"You shouldn't safe stuff, which you are unsure about" he stated with a simper at the end. "You should come with me. I can give you anything you want. Anything…" he whispered into her ear.

"Well I don't want anything" she glared back at him is disgust. "Especially from you" He sneered. He hated when somebody wouldn't listen to him. But for her it gave him this sensation like his heart was about to beat again.

"How could you be so cold?" he answered in a sadden tone, placing a palm over his non-beating heart.

"Don't you get it? I don't like you. So stay away from me" she hollered attempting to push him away, but failed.

"Stay away from you?" he asked in a sarcastic tone. "You are the one that is trying to kill me" he said in a quiet voice, poking a finger at her nose. "You stay away from me" he demanded raising his eyebrow in humor of his own answer which was in a tone not at all to her liking.

"Get off of me" she shrieked pounding her small fist against his chest. "What do you want?"

"Well, I do want something." He answered in a hushed tone lifting her chin so she eyed him. His face was venturing closer and closer to her lips but then at the last moment he moved away and into her left ear. "You… Serenity" He breathed into her ear. Shivers went up and down her spine and it was not cause of the moldy wall behind her. He wanted her. WTF! She was a vampire slayer. What is he thinking? His eyes grew dark and moved toward her lips. He was so close to her now that she could get a whiff of his last meal, which was very recent. The smell of blood of innocent people this was what got her into this crime fighting business anyway not just because of her slayer blood.

"You want me, come and get me" She broke him out of his trans and his eyes darted back to her eyes, moving them away from her orifice. The vampire gave her a confused look unsure what the women would do next. He stood there waiting for her next move. She smirked. His face grew serious he figured he wouldn't like this at all.

She kneed him. He fell forward grabbing her shoulders for support. His grips on her were stalwartly strong. She could feel his fingers rubbing into her shoulder blades through her leather coat. His hair scratched the side of her neck as he moved his head up and down following his breathing patterns. Ok I screwed up normally when you kick somebody right there, they fall back and you run, but…he did the exact opposite.

He could kill her right now. God I'm screwed I should do something else to get him down for the count. The vampire was right he didn't like this at all. She was going to pay for this. The vampire leered in his thoughts. His vision was blurred through the immense amount of pain he was absorbing. His face was drooping down to the side of her neck breathing heavily.

Making sure that he would be down for the count she raised her arms quickly making both of her hands into a huge fist one wrapping around the other and pounded them against his back. He lost his grip on her shoulders. Then fell to his knees. Once he was on the ground and she was safe from death. She ran from him never taking a glance back. Next time I'm getting a couple extra weapons, a knife or dagger wouldn't hurt maybe also pepper spray. She turned down the dark deserted ally way, and back to the safety of her friends.

The mist in the air soaked her figure away from his pain revealing eyes. "I'll get you one way or another" was the last threat before he too vanished into the fog.

Serenity reached her house in time; falling and tripping on her way back but still managed her determination not to get caught again. She slammed her door shut locking all the locks there were upon the hinges of the door. She lay against her door feeling the warmth of her apartment loft. All her friends pitched in to buy the two-story like house for her as a present to congratulate her on going off to college. But they were always at her place for one special reason.


Yami and Tea were in front of the TV playing video games swaying their bodies to the movement of the racecars. You still need to have fun while you're there. Yami was and still is a vampire. He used to be on the dark side until Yugi convince him that his mistake would be his downfall. Yami doesn't kill anymore for his meals. He was now slowly learning how to consume solid food, for example like learning how to chew his food.

"Hi Serenity, where have you been we were all worried about you" Yugi asked cheerfully from the sink. He carefully chopped some carrots to throw into the soup he was serving for dinner, very, very, very, late dinner. "Everyone was worried about you"

Yugi was a tri-colored hair boy much like his yami. Quiet, nice, shy and very easy to get along with he could be anybody's best friend. But when things get out of hand he starts taking control, and getting things done. He was in control of the medicine cabinet taking care of any wounded teammates. His yami was too strict with the killing business and would never bring him along. He was always stuck in the apartment constipating over them.

"You guys don't seem that worried" she said glancing over at a laughing Tea as her blue racecar crashed into a curb thus making her lose the game. Tea, Mai, and Serenity got separated during a vampire raid at a dance club, it was everyone for themselves. The bloodsuckers were getting smarter. They had many slayers being their victims of seduction. So many slayers have been turned into vampire puppets. Solis, a good friend of Serenity's was taken away by a white haired vampire, which Serenity never saw her friend again. "Yugi can you go upstairs and get the others we are going to have a little meeting. I will serve the soup for you"

"Sure" Yugi said cheerfully whipping his hands dry on his cooking apron and ran up the stairway. Serenity picked out bowls and a dipper for the soup. She carefully placed the bowl of soup centered in the middle so everyone can get their fair pick over which one they wanted.

Mai, Ryou, and Malik were upstairs in the entertainment room deciding on which movie to watch. Ryou pushed a few commands from behind a painting and whoosh the back walls slid to the side while the object inside was revealed moved itself to the front. Cold smog was emitted into the room from behind the walls. There it was the most expensive flat screen TV ever in the book of records. Ryou installed it due to the handiwork of Malik cause of his very nice purchase or should I say stolen from an over sea ship. Bwahahahahaha.

Most of the money that went into buying the house was by having no other choice. They had to take it. The money was just lying there calling their names. The vampires didn't need it they were dead anyways. So much money should not have gone to waste. So they packed the suitcase packed full of millions of dollars and had a heyday.

As soon as the screen was presented. Malik came dashing over and gave the screen a huge hug over his success. Malik an extraordinary thief his rival is Bakura. Malik always wanted to beat him in everything. The screen TV was one of Malik successes over Bakura by a mere couple of minutes. Malik has great talents to predict vampire moves before they can reach a decision.

Mai the only other person standing in the room wondered why she was there it was too late to be watching a movie. Mai was the eldest in the household by a several years. She was known for her headstrong boldness. She could be distance for days then snap out of it like nothing happened. Strange she was, but not her skills to fight. She fought to let off steam that has been building through her long days at her work. Her job was very stressful and demanding.

Serenity's residential area was fairly large to fit six or more people as guest. Mai, Malik, and Ryou came dashing down the flight of steps fighting over something in the entertainment department. "Food" Ryou said joyously forgetting what he was talking about. Everyone grabbed a chair and sat around the small wooden table swiftly making themselves comfortable as possible. Some fancied to sit in their seats backwards, others prefer to sit cross-legged, and few rather stand including Serenity.

Once everyone was situated and at least took one sip of their soup it was begun. "Where were you hun?" a woman asked in doubt not wanting to know the answer, with long curly blond hair, her curves made her very sedating, but too bad she was already taken by a silly but charming and cute blond boy, that has no idea there were eradicators in his place. He just thought of them as normal people. He will be in for a surprise.

"That's what the meeting is about Mai." Serenity responded setting a soft hand on her forehead soothing her appalling headache. "I was cornered tonight" Her face was sweaty due to the amount of running she had. Dirt and stains smeared themselves covering the young women's complexion. Spattered on her new leather outfit including muddy water were tarnishes of dried blood, which Mai brought for her, and her red hair had a wild night. So much precipitation in the air made it somewhat puffy.

Mai, Tea, and Serenity were on duty tonight. Killing as much vampire and demons as they can with a giving amount of time and returning home around two in the morning. It was already 2:37. Tomorrow will be the guys' turn to do the massacring Malik, Yami and Ryou. She really needed a day off. Yugi knew of their secrets. He would come, visit them, and try to help out as best he could. Yugi really doesn't have the necessary skills to perform this type of art.

"By who?" Tea asked in her friendly demeanor.

Serenity waved her hand to dismiss the subject. "It doesn't matter, where's Joey?" Serenity whispered.

"He's asleep." Ryou assumed from his position at the table. He had long white hair that matches his skin. You might mistake him for a vampire. He was the smartest in the group. He provides all necessary gun power and the big toys. He was a guy with much potential.

"Ok let's make this quick before Joey wakes up, is everybody here?" Serenity murmured pausing to do a head count. She wasn't seated to demand more respect, in a way, due to her lack of height. "Ok, we need more members and tools. There is too many of them, and there is about 6 of us," Serenity paused to get a good look at everyone to make sure there full attention was used "At this rate they will surely kill us and find a way to locate humans with slayer blood."

"I have to agree. They do have the upper hand" Yami replied in support.

Serenity eyed Ryou. "Have you anything new yet?"

"Lucky you I do." The middle of the table flashed a transparent hologram of some type of a silver blue gun. The yellow light flew onto everyone's faces. "This is a new stun gun I invented" Ryou paused for the noises his companions made when they see something extraordinary. "Stretching to five inches in length and rising three and a half inches in height. This is the Double Paralysis 3000"

"How long did it take you to make this" Mai asked staring at the hologram as it spun slowly on an invisible axis.

"Two weeks" Ryou answered proudly "I thought it was going to take a month to finish. The DP 3000 can take your opponent down in a few seconds due to it special chemical I installed in the tubing. When fired it attaches itself to your opponent paralyzing the skin it touches. Thus your vampire friends won't feel a thing when he has been hit. By the time he gets knocked out it will be too late for him to wonder what happened. It will paralyze the bloodsuckers a good couple of hours depending on who you choose to paralyze some recover quicker then others."

"How far can it shoot?" Malik asked stroking his chin at the masterpiece.

"A good 500 meters. You have to have very good aim, when and if you hit a human there is huge chance of them dying by the strong poison" explained Ryou. "Harmless physically but dangerous mentally."

"Good work Ryou" Serenity cheered. "And Tea your report"

"Let see vampires have been-"

Knock Knock

Silence. Everybody full attention was now shifted toward the unopened door along with their heads. Who would be knocking on their apartment door at this hour? "All the girls upstairs now, let the guys handle this" Malik ordered putting his hands together in amusement. The girl didn't object, going upstairs and peeking around the corner they watched from afar. Let see what these guys can do?

Whipping from his chair and pulling out a slick black crowbar it was his weapon of choice in any situation to Malik. No matter pounding some vampires or the cops. Malik always had a thing with the law enforcements, never liked them. Sure he steals here and there but it was for a good reason, to save money. Doesn't mean every time he walks into a store they can start giving him looks of disapproval and wondering if they had saw him somewhere before. For Malik it was a one-time thing in Mexico before all this vampire business. But that's another story for another time.

Malik stood to the left side of the door readying his crowbar to strike. Ryou stood the right side of the green apartment door readying his stake in case it was a vampire. He always wonders why the apartment door was green and there no peephole to tell whom it was. Yami was answering the door with a knife in his back pocket.

Knock Knock

It came once again Yami beckoned on the count of three, putting his figures in the air. 3…2…1… He grabbed the golden doorknob yanked aside. Standing there was a guy with emerald eyes holding a brown grocery bag nearly gasping of the weight and with roses in his right hand. Before Yami can recover from the shock and telling that everything was ok. Malik let his crowbar swing Bang. The guy fell back. "Ouch!" Yami winced. The person was sprawled out on the dull red carpet knock out cold.

Malik turned his head to peek at his victim. As he realized who it was he let out a slight chuckle and replied with an "Oops," he mumbled in tone of humor. "It was just self defense" Malik explained as Yami gave him a look of disapproval.

The girls rushed to the man on the carpet once they heard the conversation between Malik and Yami. Next time they will answer the door. Dragging him inside very quickly they prepared a bag of ice for the man. When he wakes up his head will be pounding like the drums at a concert. The twelve red roses were crushed due to the falling, crashing, tugging, moving, and dragging. Ryou retrieved the grocery bag inside swiftly. He was hungry. The soup was not really fulfilling. Searching through the bag for a snack the girls joined him, all this commotion has caused them to have an appetite. They made sure not to eat anything that was microwavable. The scent of the food will follow to Joey's room waking him up thinking it was breakfast. The soup however did not emit any kind of odor. Joey really did not want to see this right now. Each of fighting experts made a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Ryou made around five of them eating them all under several minutes flat.

"Hey, don't eat too much. There is still dinner leftover" Yugi pleaded.

"No offense aibou but your cooking sucks" Yami commented.

"Wh-" Yugi was cut short.

"Ugh" they heard a groan from the couch. They went over there abruptly apologizing to him and keeping him quiet not wanting to cause a yelling riot.

"Duke are you ok?" Tea asked in a worry tone helping him sit up.

Duke knew pretty well that these people were slayers. They made Duke swear never to spill the beans to Joey. He caught them holding a vampire captive, tied to a chair, and threatening the leech with a flashlight. It was very awkward indeed to see Duke coming through the doorway to give flowers to Serenity. Back then he had a crush on her.

"Is this how you greet people, my god!" he bellowed, wincing from his forehead pain. "Which one of you whacked me!"

"Me" retorted Malik putting a hand in the air in a shy manner. There was jelly at the corner of his mouth. He hastily wiped away.


"Because who, in their right mind would go to somebody else's apartment in the middle of the night. Huh?" Malik shoot back ending it with a smirk. Duke's reaction was priceless.

"I was here on business" Duke defended.

"What sort of business?" stated Yugi from the kitchen pondering over his soup tasting it and adding ingredients making it acceptable.

"Where are the roses?" he croaked searching for them, ignoring the question.

"Outside where you left them, sure they are a bit trampled, but hey it wasn't our fault, you fell on them." Mai put in

He turned to Serenity "Those were for you" He seemed like he failed a horrible assignment. "Don't get me wrong." He cooed seeing her expression of confusion. "I don't like you more then a friend, my feeling for you has long subsided, you see this guy he paid me to give them to you. But I argued that you would be asleep by now. But he threatens me so here I am. But I don't know how that he knew you were up and that I even know you. Seem to me Serenity that you have a stalker."

"Or maybe a secret admirer" cheered Tea, cupping her hands together in delight.

"What?" Serenity said shocked, angry, confused, and awed at the same time. It can't be… "What did he look like?"

"I didn't get a good look of him, he was wearing a long rob with a hood covering his face, but one thing was for sure he had very dark blue eyes." Duke replied.
