Author's Note: This is my last author's … not including the one at the end of the chapter! Cries I WILL BE WRITING MORE ZOEY 101 SLASH ASAP!

I promise, but I might not have a lot of time so be patient with me. I'm sorry for any miss spelling of names. I will miss all of you. I bid you farewell.

Love Zephie

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nothing at all…I wish I owned the new 2006 Lamborghini…so awesome…drools

Warnings: A straight pairing… gasp!


Ten Years Later...

After the death of Chase, Logan's life turned around for the better. He smartened up, stopped drinking and went to UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). He majored in sociology and minored in math. Yes, Logan Reese willingly studied math.

Now ten years to the day of Chase's death Logan has returned to the spot where he had seen his best friend in a different light for the first time. He was in their secret garden.

He whistled while he worked, digging and packing down soil. He was planting a rose bush, not any rose bush though this was white rose bush. Logan had spent a lot of time in this very garden over the last few years. He never told any one where it was and he never took anyone to it. This was their garden and would remain so, until the day he dies.

After completing his years at university Logan had come back to PCA. He was now the new math teacher; he enjoyed watching the teens play around on the very campus that gave him his first love. He thought that it would be hard to come back to school after so many years away, but it wasn't. He fit right in, and for the first time in a long time he felt closure. That was three years ago.

Now Logan Reese was on his hands and knees in the dirt planting a memorial rose bush. He had talked to the dean and he had agreed to allow Logan to turn the garden into a memorial for Chase.

Even though this was their garden he was willing to share it with those who wished to remember. They could never steal what they had here.

Once the bush was planted he walked back towards his apartment on campus. As he entered he saw it. The frame that was hanging in the centre wall of the apartment it contained an important part of Logan's past. The white rose that Logan had woken up to find with him the day of Chase's funeral, the very rose that Chase had given him in his dream. He had recovered from his lost love years ago but he couldn't give up the rose. Everyone knew this.

"Home?" Came a voice from down the hall.

"Yup." Logan responded as he walked towards the voice.

When he found her, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"How is our little guy?" Logan asked as he looked into his lover's eyes. Slowly they walked into the nursery.

"Daddy, daddy!" Came the voice of his two year old son, Duke, who was struggling to get out of his sitter, Abigail's arms.

Sarah and Logan got increasingly closer after Chase's death. Soon they had found that they had fallen in love, and they gave Abigail a real family. They married five years ago and had a son who they name Duke.

Sarah had found it incredibly hard to get Logan to let go of Chase. She knew that he never really could, but he had to at least let some of Chase rest in peace.

Twice a year Logan goes to Chase's grave to pay his respects, they day he saw his best friend in a different light and Chase's birthday. Every week he goes to their secret garden and remembers how things used to be.

I'll Miss You All. Say Tunes For My Next Zoey 101 Slash Fic. It Will Be Up Eventually! I Promise.

Please Review!

Love Always,

Zephr Wiltshire.