Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat around the campfire, staring into the flames. Hermione shivered slightly, and Ron silently put his arm around her. Other than that no one moved.

Suddenly Ginny pounded her fists in the air and exclaimed, "Oh, I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Dratted school."

"Oh Ginny, don't be such a baby about it," replied Ron. "It's not like you weren't expecting it."

"Shut up Ron. You get to spend all the time you want with your girlfriend," retorted Ginny. At this Harry put his arm around Ginny's shoulders.

"Oh, Ginny. It's not like you won't hear from me," said Harry. "And we've got all the Hogsmeade weekends, and I may be able to fix it so I can floo in sometimes," Harry added gently.

"It won't be the same, Harry," replied Ginny. Ron could hear Ginny start to choke up. Oh no. She's going to cry. I can't stand it when girls cry.

"Uh, Mione, could you help me get some uh…hot chocolate?" asked Ron.

Hermione gave him a strange look then said, "Sure." The two got up and headed back to the house.

"Why are we getting hot chocolate, Ron?" asked Hermione.

"Because I'd like some," replied Ron.

"No, Ron. There's another reason," replied Hermione.

"Fine. I figured they could use the alone time," said Ron.

"And…" urged Hermione.

"What? Can't I just care for my sister's and friend's well-being?"

"Yes you can, and you do it well, but not in this case," replied Hermione, rather matter-of-factly.

"Fine. I didn't want to see Ginny cry. I hate it when girls cry," said Ron.

"You mean like…like…sniff, this?" asked Hermione. Ron saw tears in her eyes and became alarmed.

"No! Stop it! Don't you cry, too!" he exclaimed.

Hermione laughed and brushed the tears away quickly. "I was just kidding, you know. There's no reason for me to cry." Hermione laughed again as she saw and heard Ron release a large sigh.

"You know, I'm going to miss having Ginny around, but there is a perk to her being gone," said Hermione as she wrapped her arms around Ron's waist.

"And what's that?" asked Ron, wrapping his arms around her.

"I'll have more time with you," replied Hermione, kissing Ron on the nose. Ron returned her kiss with a small kiss on the mouth. They heard some movement from in the house nearby, so they pulled apart and went in to get their hot chocolate.

"Is everything alright here?" asked Hermione from a distance away as she and Ron held mugs of hot chocolate and a bag of marshmallows.

"Yeah, it's all clear," replied Harry. Hermione handed a mug each to Ginny and Harry and returned to her seat by Ron.

Hermione looked up at the sky. Ron looked up to see what she was looking at and saw the most beautiful night in weeks. The sky was clear, the stars shone as brightly as diamonds, and the moon above seemed bigger than ever. He caught his breath and grabbed Hermione's hand. She looked over at him and squeezed his hand, and he felt the old butterflies returning to his stomach.

"You know what we should do tonight?" Hermione asked. Harry shook his head and Ginny just sat there, still a little mopey. "We should sleep out under the stars."

This perked Ginny up. She looked up at Hermione and smiled.

"That's a great idea," replied Harry. "C'mon, Ron, let's go and get the sleeping bags."

As the two boys ran back to the house Hermione took Harry's spot next to Ginny. She sat leaning over on her knees, her hands together.

"So, are you just moping because you don't want to return to school, or is there something else?" Hermione asked quietly.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's silly, I can handle it," replied Ginny, looking at the ground.

"I promise I won't laugh. You can tell me."

"Well, I'm afraid that if I'm away from Harry for so long, he'll…move on," said Ginny. "I know, it sounds silly, and I know you're going to say that he adores me and whatnot, but I just can't shake the feeling that we'll just…grow apart."

"Oh, Ginny," replied Hermione, putting a comforting arm around her friend. "You're right, he does adore you. And like he said, he'll see you at Hogsmeade, on breaks, and he even said he was going to try and see if he could floo over once in awhile. Do you think he would do that if he didn't want to put any effort into dating you while you were at school?"

"I know you're right, Hermione, but it's not just that. What am I going to do without you and Ron there? I've never been at school without either of you. I don't even really like the girls in my year."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We'll owl, and Ron and I can meet you on Hogsmeade weekends, and you can vent to us anything you need to. Besides, why don't you give the girls in your year a chance? I know I did, and by the end, we all got along well enough," replied Hermione.

"Yeah, I guess. Well, whatever. I know you'll be there if I need you. Hey look, the boys are back." Ginny got up to grab her sleeping bag from Ron. Harry came over to the fire and handed Hermione her sleeping bag.

"Why don't we set up in a row right here?" suggested Ron, pointing to a spot near the fire.

"I have a better idea," replied Ginny. Ron frowned at her. "No, Ron, you're spot is fine, but I don't like the idea of a row. Why don't we lie in a circle with our heads toward each other so we can all be next to one another in some way."

"That's a great idea, Ginny!" exclaimed Hermione.

"Yeah, I like that idea, too," agreed Ron, pulling Hermione next to him by her waist and kissing her on the top of her head.

The four laid out their sleeping bags, went to the house to change and to let Mrs. Weasley know where they were going to be sleeping, and returned to their bags. Harry put out the fire and they crawled in.

Once the other three had fallen asleep, Ron lay on his back with his hands behind his head and thought about the past summer. So much has happened. I mean, we graduated from Hogwarts! We're fully certified members of the wizarding community, about to head out on our own. And to start it off, we've had a great summer. Ginny and Harry started going out, Mione and I started going out. I do think this has been the best summer ever.

With that Ron fell asleep. The next day Ginny would return to Hogwarts, and the summer would truly be over.

A/N: Thanks so much to all of you who stuck it out with me! I know that altogether the flow may not be right, but I feel proud of it for my first fanfiction! I actually had to look back tonight at some of the first chapters to make sure I was consistent with what I was saying. I didn't remember half the stuff I wrote, and it may sound really stupid, but I started laughing at my own story! I've started another story, but I'm afraid that it won't be out for awhile. I have to think of a title, and get more than half a chapter. I'm probably going to wait until I have a good amount of chapters before I start posting because the upcoming semester is going to be extremely busy and I highly doubt that I'll be writing. I hope you all read my next story, though! Thanks again for reading!