Disclaimer: Read it last chapter, I'm too lazy.

A/N: Well, I was right: most of you hate me. But, hey, I guess that's a good thing. Sorry, but I love to do that to people. I would answer reviews, but it was mostly, "I hate you! Continue! WHY?" So, I won't. :passes out free tissue packets: ON WITH THE STORY!

Nick had been knocking on Sara's door for a few moments, until he heard an anguished gasp. He quickly decided to break down the door. Moments later, he cried out, catching a glimpse of his Sara lying in a pool of her own blood. He ran over, and attempted to stop the bleeding with a strip of cloth from his t-shirt. He then called an ambulance. Nick then did the only thing he could do - pray for her life. He couldn't let her go.
Sara began to see this faint white light. It became blinding, migraine causing, and then faded to a more bearable glare. She felt a tingle in her arm, and the recent events flashed back to her. Sitting up, she looked to her right, and saw a most beautiful sight.

There was Nick, hunched in a chair, white t-shirt torn and red-stained, with dark circles under his eyes. He looked so ethereal. Nick was her angel.

"Nick?" she asked, tentatively reaching out with her good arm to touch his shoulder.

"Sara! Oh, my lord, you're okay! They... they said you might not make it. But, you're alive!" he half cried, half whispered. She was alive!

"You actually care? After all my yelling, someone actually cared?" She remarked fresh tears now welling in her eyes.

"Of course! We all care about you! You're our friend; nothing changes that," Nick explained, "We were just under the impression you were fine and could handle yourself."

"I can't believe I was so wrong! I figured after I was so mean... no one would miss me..." trailing off, she realized she almost died, and burst into tears.

After more tears, and sweet reunions with Catherine, Greg, Warrick, and even Grissom, Sara began the road to recovery. She began her life anew. Instead of going home and crying, Sara would hang out with Warrick, Greg, or Catherine. But, she was usually with her new boyfriend, Nick, her savior. A year later, she was cut free, with a new respect for her life and her friends. A new chapter of life, love, and happiness was about to begin.
AH! FLUFF! Hehe. So, do you guys still hate me? Huh? Huh? I saved Sara, and put her with Nick. The Nick part wasn't actually originally in this, but I figured, ah, what the heck. So, there you have it - happy ending, with an extra large side of FLUFF. Thanks for your reviews before, but please tell me how you liked the ending. : )