A/N: Hi people! This is my first W.I.T.C.H. fanfic! Ok, so I was looking through the W.I.T.C.H fanfics and I noticed that there weren't many CalebxCornelia story so i decided to make one! Hope you enjoy!

' ' means thoughts ok? ok!

I don't own W.I.T.C.H. but I do own Jenna

Chapter 1: Jelousy part 1

As Cornelia Hale walked down the sidewalk of her home town she tried to remember what had happen with her devilish sister that morning.

Flash back

Cornelia woke up with the sun shining brightly in her eyes. She slowly and reluctantly got out of bed, got dressed, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and went down to breakfast with a dreamy stare in her big blue eyes. She was thinking about her favorite rebel leader, Caleb.

Her sister, Lillian, noticed this and decided to use it to her advantage. As Cornelia sat down at the table she wasn't paying attention to her sister asking her if she wanted her pancakes. Since she didn't hear Lillian asking, she just shook her head silently.

Once she realized what her sister had done, she told her mom she was going to get some doghnuts and sent off. She could use a little fresh air any way.

End flash back

Cornalia then remembered why she want a doughnut. "because of the cute counter guy" she told herself as she giggled thinkin of him.

As she turned around the corner of the buidlding she saw her current crush, Caleb. At first she was going to go say hi , but then she saw he was waiting for someone. She hid around the corner of the building and waited for the person Caleb was waiting for to arrive. 'Who would Caleb be waiting for? It's probably another rebel, but what would they be doing ont he Earth end of the veil' cornelia wondered as she waited anxiously.

After five minutes, Cornelia saw a pretty 15 year old girl walking up the strrey toward Caleb. She had short brown hair with green eyes. As she approached Caleb, they gave each other a short hug. Once they broke away, they started talking. Cornelia was furious about what jsut happened and tried to hear what those two were talking about. She heard the name Jenna, ('that must be that brats name' thought Cornelia angerly) meeting at the library, study, tommorow, and she heard "Jenna" say: "We will go on what do Earth people call it? Oh, yes... a study date." Caleb had a shocked look on his cute features after this statement but quickly shook it off.

Then they left eachother smiling, 'If that brat thinks she cant take my Caleb out on a date and away from me, she has another thing coming.' Cornelia thought furiously.

As she started to walk away in the direction she was oringinally going, she bumped into the boy she was just spying on. "Oh ah, hey Cornelia! Ummm...is something wrong? You seem a little tense. " Caleb asked she the infuriated look on her face. "Oh no, no! Nothing wrong here everythings peachy." Cornelia replied annoyed as she started to stomp away. "What's wrong with her? I'll never understand girls" Caleb sighed as thought out loud taken back by how she acted toward him moments ago. By now she was stomping down the sidewalk pushing anybody or anything that got in her way.

Once she got to the doughnut shop, Cornelia had cooled off a bit. She then got a doughnut, flirted with the doughnut counter guy a bit, and sat down in her seat trying to find a way to get Caleb back. Then, an idea came to her like a lighting flash and she thought out loud " two can play that game" as she smiled devilishly.

To Be Continued...

The next chapter will be longer, believe me! I am working on it now, it's going to be long!

So what do you think. Review please! Critisism acpepted but no flames.

Ok, here's a contest ho ever can guess what is going to happen next get to pick out a name for a special person in Chapter 3 who's motive I can not say now 'cause then it will give it away. Answer in your reveiws. Oh and please put the date and time of ypur reveiw if you try to guess so I can see who won the contest, ok? Good luck


P.S.-If you like the CalebxCornelia pairing, but don't see much of it, all you have to do is write one! It's not that hard. I would know.