
Chapter Four

Dedicated to Shy Susanna Malfoy for being my most loyal reviewer at this point!
*bakes cupcakes*

"That was so much fun!" Ginny exclaimed with a wide smile, climbing into the king-sized bed they were to share.

Draco smirked, pealing his plain white t-shirt over his head in one feline movement, causing her eyes to linger a big longer than they should have on his well-toned shoulder blades. "It definitely feels good to see her without having to worry about tripping over an unwanted subject." He laughed, sauntering into the bathroom that joined their Head rooms.

Somehow enjoying civilly conversing with him, Ginny was swept by the urge to keep the conversation going and continued to chatter on, "I'm convinced we could be an amazing muggle actor and actress after the performance we put on for her." She said with a grin, "Seriously, after only one afternoon parading about town, people think we're madly in love!" she laughed, cuddling into her pillow. "Seriously, a Weasley loving a Malfoy of all people! And stalking him too… that's pure genius."

Obviously Draco hadn't found the situation as amusing as she had, it was evident when he stuck his head out of the bathroom, exposing his foamy face to her curled into a mean sneer. "You're the one that came up with my saving your life!" he scoffed, returning to the bathroom to continue his shave.

The faucet turned on for a moment, signaling that he was rinsing off before he continued. "I just figured that if I had to play the part of the-boy-who-should-have-died-but-saved-everyone-instead, then you might as well play the part of a screaming fan girl." He taunted with a sly grin, "That is, after all, a part that comes naturally to you, isn't it?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, amused, but still somewhat offended. "Oh, shove it, buddy! I've long lost my devotion to St. Potter and you ought to know it!"

Draco smirked, turning off the bathroom light and making his way across the bedroom to the large bed that sat in the center of it. "I wouldn't really consider someone you gave up on maybe twenty four hours ago, at most, as something 'long lost'." He mocked, sliding under the comforter next to her.

She frowned, tears prickling behind her eyes at the fresh wave of rejection and humiliation that thinking about Harry made wash over her. "So what if it's only been a day?" she whispered, trying to keep from sniffling too loudly as to alert him to the fact that she was crying.

"I never stalked Harry, anyway." She defended, rolling over, turning her back to her husband. "I loved him." She whispered into her pillow, "I would have married him; gladly."

Draco glared at the back of her flaming-red head from across the bed. "You weren't the first person I would have chosen to be bound to either, thank you very much." He hissed, his fists digging deeply into the sheets they shared.

Ginny snorted, rolling her eyes. "Shocking."

They were silent for a long while, both staring at a wall; completely engrossed in the cracks and holes in them.

Draco broke the silence first, "What part of being a Malfoy do you resent so much?" he whispered hollowly, glaring up at the ceiling. "I can give you a life you've never imagined, opportunities that you could have never dreamed up before are open to you now. With my name and my power, nothing is impossible for you anymore."

Ginny pulled her knees up to her chest, rolling up into a tight little ball. She didn't want to hear his voice anymore, didn't want to hear about whatever wealth she could embrace now, didn't want to think about the fact that she wasn't a poor little Weasley anymore. Tears poured from her eyes then, she no longer cared if she looked weak crying in front of him.

He frowned, glancing at her quivering back, "Neither of us chose it, so you can stop looking at me like I'm some sort of massive enemy, 'cause I'm not. I didn't do this to you; this wasn't my plan!" he growled, hating her for crying.

It wasn't fair for her to be able to show such obvious weakness, when he, the man, must stay stoic and completely unaffected by the loss of his bachelorhood. "We're just married, Ginevra! It's not the end of the world, stop acting like you hate the idea of it so much!"

In that moment, something broke inside her, thrusting a current of pure rage into her veins, "I'm acting like I hate the idea of being married to you, because I do hate it!" she growled, climbing quickly out of their bed and throwing one of his big, black discarded cloaks over her nightgown-clad body and rushing to the door. "I hate everything about you, your name, your wealth, your bitterness, and especially that I have to be married to you!"

With that, she stormed from their rooms in a complete huff, not stopping until she was altogether lost, sobbing her guts out somewhere near the dungeons.

"Now, now, if it isn't little Mrs. Malfoy crying herself a well?" a chilling voice taunted as Snape stepped out of the shadows. "What's wrong? Finally realize your silly plan's gone amuck?"

"I didn't plan any of this!" Ginny growled, climbing back to her feet, literally shaking with rage.

Rolling his eyes, Snape shook his head and droned in his always-bored tone, "Go back to your husband."

"And why should I go back?" she hissed, hands curling up into tightly formed fists. "It's not like he's worried about me or even cares, for that matter. The only reason he wants me around is because of stupid Voldemort and his illogical plots." She stormed on, "What the hell does my marrying Malfoy and having his children have to do with this war anyway?"

By then, she was pacing, gripping fistfuls of her robes in each hand and practically raving, "This whole thing is bloody fucking ridiculous!" she admonished, her pacing coming to an abrupt halt. "And you know what the best worst part is?"

Snape didn't even give her the satisfaction of a curiously quirked brow to acknowledge that she'd spoken at all.

"I shouldn't even care." Ginny grimaced, her voice dropping down to almost a whisper. "I don't care. Weasley Incantium Canaldo!" she hissed. "There; now Draco can do whatever and whoever he likes without a worry."

The seal that she had placed on Draco's arm, bonding him to her, slowly disintegrated into his skin, leaving a patch of red, burning skin in it's place and reappearing on Ginny's hip, where it had come from. Where it belonged until she was truly ready to place it upon the one she loved and wanted to spend eternity with.

"Malfoy Incantium Canaldo!" she heard Draco call from a spot down the corridor that had been shadowed from the torches. The mark he'd placed on her lower back disintegrated as well, reappearing on his shoulder blades. "Go fuck Potter for all I care anymore."

"Fine! If that's what you want of me, oh darling husband, I'll go screw around, but it sure as hell won't be with Potter!" She shouted to him, whirling on her heel and storming deeper into the dungeons in search of the Slytherin Common Room.

After almost a half hour stomping around in the dungeons and almost giving up hope altogether on ever losing her virginity… again, thankfully just the person she'd been looking for stuck his head out from behind a grotesque-looking statue of who was presumably Salazar Slytherin.

"What's all the bloody racket?" Blaise Zabini questioned, wiping the sleep from his eyes before he really looked at her. When his big hazel eyes finally landed on her, he staggered back into the hole that he'd poked out of for a moment before sticking his head out again, "Ginny?!" he hissed, jumping out from behind the statue.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing here?!" he demanded quietly, glancing every now and again back at the entrance to the Common Room to make sure nobody else could hear him. "And in that!" he hissed, eyes raking appreciatively over her barely-hidden body wrapped in a skin-tight maroon night gown and a short black bath robe.

"Draco's being an ass, as usual…" she ground out, clenching her teeth around the words. "Would it be too much to ask for you to lend me a place to sleep tonight?"

After biting his lip for a moment, clearly hesitant, Blaise nodded his acceptance and allowed her to squeeze past him into the Common Room. "So what'd he do this time?" he questioned politely, obviously not too interested.

Ginny rolled her eyes and shrugged, plopping down on one of the uncomfortable-looking green sofas by the dreary fireplace. "Lots of things, really… he kind of told his mum I was his stalker and that's why we got married."

He grinned and leaned against the stone wall closer to the fireplace, running his top row of teeth over his bottom lip in what must have been a pretty frequent habit. "It's as good a lie as any, I suppose."

"Tch," she scoffed, glaring at him behind her long lashes. "I get that we need a story to explain how it," she gestured to the ring on her left hand, "But there are plenty more reasonable explanations than that I'm some kind of creep!"

"Sure," he agreed with a noncommittal shrug, "But you have to admit… if someone else was in your shoes and that's the explanation you got, wouldn't it be great?"

Her caramel eyes narrowed further.

"I mean, it's great for comedic effect, you know?"

Ginny frowned, shaking her head.

His full mouth turned down into a frown to match her own, "For example, if I were to be forced into a marriage with Loony Lovegood and that was the explanation we gave?"

"I think Luna's a wonderful person, she's always been a great friend to me and I really don't see where people get off making fun of her." She defended, crossing her arms over her chest and jutting her chin out defiantly. "Just because she likes to see things in a different way than normal, doesn't mean that she's crazy."

"I never said she was crazy, Gin."

With a defeated sigh, she turned her gaze away from him and into the fire. He was right, he hadn't said anything too terribly offensive; her nerves were just driving her mad. "Draco took his bond off of me…" she whispered, biting her lip innocently enough, her eyes nervously meeting Blaise's again.

She could see his entire body tense as the words left her lips. "Gin," he started, only to have her cut him off before he could go on.

"I want you to teach me how to make love, Blaise." She gulped out, jumping to explain herself before he could flat out refuse her. "I want to know what I'm doing when the… time comes..."

Her words were coming faster then, more boldly than before, "Draco already thinks I'm inept enough without the added stress of what happens when we finally decide to have sex… and-"

Blaise reached out to stop her, his hand resting on her shoulder, "Gin, please don't."

She frowned, determined to finish her spiel. "And I really want my first time to be with someone I can actually stand, if not maybe trust."

He knelt before her, grasping both of her wrists in his hands, "Ginny, no offer I've been presented with in the past has ever been more enticing than what you've said just now."

Ginny's frown deepened, "Please don't reject me, Blaise."

"I can't accept what you're trying to give." He proclaimed, releasing her wrists and standing to turn away from her. "Draco is as close to a best friend as I'll ever have… and what you think you want right now, you will regret. I won't aid you in hurting either of you."

She shot to her feet, circling around him to get to his front, pouting sweetly at him. "Come on, Zabini. What happened to earlier when you so kindly offered your assistance in getting rid of my pesky virginity?"

She pressed herself against his chest, trying to blink seductively up at him through hooded eyes. "I know you want me."

Blaise suppressed a groan, grabbing her roughly by the shoulders and pulling her soft body hard against his own, reveling in the feeling of it. His kiss was harsh as his tongue plunged into her mouth without a moment's notice, exploring her mouth with a raw hunger.

Ginny leaned in to him, meshing to him as close as humanly possible, both terrified and exhilarated by the sheer power his searching tongue and hands had on her senses.

His hands were everywhere, sending shivers up and down her spine and arms, as he trailed kisses starting at her mouth and ending at her neck, where he lingered, sucking and nibbling, causing a choked moan to escape her mouth, to which he replied with a deep-throated groan of his own just before he shoved her away from him.

Before she could even blink, he was across the room, panting heavily and clutching at his stomach, "Yes, Ginny. More than anything, I want you in this very moment." He growled in a voice she hardly recognized. "I think it'd be best if you left now, before I'm forced to do something we'll both later regret."

Shocked by what had just happened and the words that had come out of his mouth, Ginny nodded mutely, practically running out of the Common Room. Tears were leaking out of the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks before she could even grasp what had happened.

Halfway back to her dorm, she fell to her knees, so confused and bruised emotionally that she didn't think she could go on.

"Nobody wants me…" she whispered, trying to rationalize with herself as to why Blaise had turned her down after what had seemed like such a passionate kiss. For what seemed like the hundredth time that day, she looked to the ceiling and screamed, "I'M GOING TO DIE A VIRGIN!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it."

For the first time since their marriage, Ginny was almost happy to see Draco coming towards her from across the corridor. He was beautiful, as always, smirking down at her in a way that almost looked not-so-condescending.

"Seeing as I am your husband, eventually, I assume we'll shag. Sooner or later, you'll lose that blasted virginity of yours, and if you put that bloody seal back on me, it will definitely be sooner. I'm a man with needs, after all." He grinned, helping her to her feet. "Will you come back to bed now?"

Ginny nodded, her bottom lip still quivering. She allowed him to wrap his arm around her.

"I know neither of us chose this whole marriage thing… but you're still my wife and I don't want to see you hurt, and if you try that with Blaise again, believe me… you'll get hurt." He counseled on the way back to their room, causing her to stiffen under his arm.

"I'm a Gryffendor, Draco." She reminded him, wanting to glare at him and hate him for trying to scare her.

Draco grinned, shaking his head, "It's not a threat, Gin. It's a promise directly from Blaise, he's half vampire, it is his nature. You keep tempting him and he'll end up raping and killing you… it's just how his kind is programmed."

The End

Disclaimer: I am in no way making profit by writing this fan fiction, I have no ties to JK Rowling or Warner Bros. This work is purely made and shared for personal enjoyment.

A/N: Sorry this chapter took a bit longer to push out than the others so far! First of all, it was like 3 pages originally and choppy and totally un-follow-able… and now it's a beautiful, flowing 7 pages, haha. And I just so happened to take the big leap out of mah mummer's place and into an apartment with a few roommates! Lots of excitement =D

Thank you to all the people who reviewed! I hope you got my replies =3

To everybody that didn't/doesn't review, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease don't be shy!
I would love to hear what all my readers have to say about my work!
Even the cute little one-liners like 'more more more' are cooler than not saying anything at all!