Disclaimer: As much as I wished I owned John Cena I don't. I don't own anyone you recognize even though it'd fuckin rock if I did. I only own Delaney and Jessica owns herself.
Chapter 1
West Newbury, MassachusettsDelaney McIntyre walked into her house and sighed. It was so lonely without her boyfriend of two years John Cena. They had met when John became friends with her older brother Rob while they were going to Cushing Academy. She walked over to the answering machine and pressed play.
"Hey baby girl…I hope you had a good trip visitin Jessica and Trademarc. I miss you so much. I should be home on Tuesday night. I was thinking of going to see everyone at Smackdown. I love you baby girl."Delaney smiled as she yet again heard John's voice come through the machine.
"Hey baby girl…I did it! I got my title still! I wish you could've been there last night baby girl. I miss you. I love you. Stupid fuck Bischoff has scheduled me in a six-man tag team match against Christian, Tyson Tomko, and Chris Jericho. I have to find 2 tag team partners by tonight. Well I'll call you tonight after RAW so your cute ass better answer the phone. I love you baby girl."
Delaney smiled and wiped the few tears that had fallen from her eyes. She was one of the many girls to have a crush on John when she had met him. And when she turned eighteen she had done everything she could think of to get him to notice her. Finally two years and two weeks ago he began to notice her on her twenty-third birthday. Then on June 27, 2003, sixteen days after her birthday, he asked her to be his girlfriend. She picked up the cordless phone and called her best friend Jessica who was dating John's cousin Marc Predka.
"Hey Trademarc…it's Dee. Can I talk to your girl?"
"Yeah hold on…"
Delaney waited until Jessica got on the phone and sighed.
"What's wrong girl?"
"I miss John. I haven't seen him in almost a month. Our two year anniversary is tonight and he's got a RAW show."
"Where at?"
"Anaheim, California I believe why?"
"Why don't you get your ass over there?"
Delaney began to tell her best friend about John's match.
"Girl Marc just bought your ass a plane ticket to get to John. Go pack your bag and get your ass to the airport."
"Thanks Jess. Tell Trademarc I said thanks and I love yall."
"Your welcome Delaney. We love you too. Also when you get there don't call John. I've got someone else picking you up. You'll know who it is when you see them."
Delaney thanked her friends again, packed a bag, and had John's brother Matt drive her to the airport. When she got off the plane she noticed Shawn Michaels waiting at baggage claim for her. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Shawn led her out to his rented vehicle after they got her bag.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure Shawn."
"Do you think John would be ok with me offering to be one of his partners?"
"I sure as hell do. He's got a lot of respect for you Shawn…and I know exactly who to get as his other partner."
Shawn looked at the young woman confused and then had a pretty good idea who she was talking about.
"You think he'll do it? Should I call him?"
"He'll do it if I call and ask him. He's like an uncle to me. I've known him my whole life."
Shawn nodded and was a little surprised to hear that bit of information.
"You ever heard of him talk about someone named Sunny?"
"Yeah…wait that's you?"
Delaney took her cell phone off of the belt clip and dialed a number.
"Hello Sunny."
"Hi Uncle H."
"What can I do for you tonight?"
"How fast can you get to Anaheim?"
"I can get on a plane there right now why?"
"That stupid fuck Eric Bischoff put John in a six man tag team match against Chris Jericho, Tyson Tomko, and Christian. He has to find his own tag team partners and if he can't then it's a 3 on 1 handicap match."
"Shawn's offering to be his partner and I was hoping you would be his other. He is one of your biggest fans…as big of a fan of your as I am in fact. He idolizes you Uncle H."
Delaney heard the other man sigh on the phone and she knew she had him. She gave Shawn the thumbs up and smiled.
"Ok. I'll be there…on one condition."
"No one tells John. I want it to be a surprise."
"You got it. Thank you. I love you Uncle H."
"Love you too Sunny."
Shawn parked the car just as she ended the call and led her into the arena and to John's locker room. She noticed he was pacing and could tell he was angry. She leaned against the doorway and smiled. She looked at his outfit choice for the night. He was wearing a Chang Gang Visor, his new T-shirt, and black jean shorts along with his pump sneakers. She could tell his temper was slowly rising and decided to speak up.
"Have I ever told you how incredibly sexy you look when you're angry?"
John turned around and was surprised to see his girlfriend leaning against the doorway smiling. He noticed she was wearing one of his Chain Gang jerseys with a white tank top on underneath, blue jeans, and black flip-flops. On her head was a fitted Chain Gang cap that was worn over her hair, which was braided into pigtails.
"Hi baby! Are you going to come greet me or do I need to go find another man?"
John ran over to where she began to walk away and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He placed a gentle kiss on her neck and smiled.
"You aren't going anywhere. You're mine baby girl."
Delaney smiled and turned around to face him. She looked into his eyes and could tell he was dealing with a lot of different emotions.
"Happy Anniversary baby girl."
Delaney looked at him and was a little surprised he'd remembered.
"And they say men can't remember dates…Happy Anniversary John."
John placed one hand on her cheek and brought her lips to his. It was their first kiss in two weeks and it turned passionate very quickly.
"Well guess she got here ok."
John and Delaney pulled apart surprised to see John's cousin Marc and Delaney's best friend and his girlfriend Jessica Martin standing there.
"How did you two get here?"
Marc looked at Delaney and grinned.
"What you think your ticket was the only one I bought?"
Jessica walked over and gave the couple a hug and then looked at Delaney.
"So? Is he gonna do it?"
John looked at his girlfriend and Jessica confused. He noticed the smirk on his cousin's face and really became confused.
"Yeah. I called him before Shawn and I got here. He's on a plane as we speak…"
Delaney stopped talking and realized she hadn't told John about Shawn wanting to be one of his partners.
"Dee…what are you talking about baby girl? Is he gonna do what?"
Delaney smiled at her boyfriend and pulled him over to one of the couches in the room.
"Well do you remember the message on the machine you left for me about the tag team match? You haven't found any partners yet right?"
"No why?"
"Well what if I told you I found you two men who were willing to be your two mystery partners?"
"I'd like to know who and how…"
"I can only tell you one and he offered before I could ask. Shawn Michaels is who picked me up from the airport and offered to be one of the partners. The other one that is to remain nameless for now is on his way here."
Before John could respond Shawn Michaels came in the room.
"So partner?"
John looked at the outstretched hand and placed his own in it and shook Shawn's hand.
"Thanks man."
"Well I came to tell you we have a promo to shoot. Also Dee…he's here. He said you would know where he is."
Delaney nodded and kissed her boyfriend.
"Baby I'm going to go talk to your other partner. I love you."
"I love you too baby girl."
On her way to talk to the 'secret' team partner with Jessica, Delaney turned a corner and ran straight into what she thought was a wall. She almost fell backwards but felt two arms wrap around her waist. She looked up and noticed Tyson Tomko.
"Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going."