The Characters and situations of Harry Potter depicted in this story are the legal property of J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, and AOL Time Warner, and have been used without permission. No copyright violation is intended. No profit is being made off this site. It is for entertainment purposes only.

This is my first fan-fic. I tried to write it so that the reader could truly envision the sixteen-year-old characters of Ron and Hermione going through the slow process of realizing that they may be more than friends. Enjoy! I hope… : )


Ron felt as though the summer had only just begun as he ran through the brick wall between platforms nine and ten to begin his sixth year at Hogwarts. As soon as he saw the Hogwarts Express, heard the bustle of luggage trolleys, and smelled the engine steam, chills of excitement erupted on his arms. He would miss sleeping-in at the Burrow and nights without homework, but he was more than ready to see his two best friends. Seeing them was what excited him most about each new year at Hogwarts. He missed them both terribly. Although Harry and Hermione had each mailed him numerous times throughout the summer holiday, he had not seen either of them since they left Hogwarts last term.

As great as Owl Post was, there were just some things you couldn't get from a letter. Less than two months ago he and his friends had looked death in the face…well, Death Eaters in the face. How do you discuss something like that with quill and paper? And, although Harry and Hermione both said that they were 'fine,' Ron wasn't so sure.

Letters just weren't sufficient in assuring Ron that Harry was coping with the death of Sirius; Harry never mentioned him in his letters so Ron felt it best to avoid the subject. Harry had mentioned, however, that this summer wasn't all bad due to frequent visits to Mrs. Figg. She was Harry's neighbor, who happened to be a Squib, a non-magical witch or wizard.

Hermione, on the other hand, had mentioned her concern over Harry and how he was going to cope with the death of his godfather. She continually insisted that she was 'fine,' and that it was Harry that worried her. But again, Ron had his doubts. Hermione had narrowly escaped the Killing Curse last term. How could she be 'fine?' It was mainly because of that horrible fact, that Ron was not 'fine.' He probably worried about Hermione as much as she worried about Harry.

However, Hermione had apparently enjoyed her summer despite her worries. She had visited France with her Muggle parents and had sent Ron a postcard of the Eiffel Tower. Personally, Ron couldn't fathom why Muggles adored visits to this gargantuan metal construction, but Hermione had 'had a blast;' she thought the tower was "breathtakingly beautiful."

As Ron approached the Hogwarts Express with his trunk of school things and a caged and squawking Pigwedgeon, he noticed something much more breathtakingly beautiful than the Eiffel Tower could ever hope to be. Hermione was talking animatedly to Ginny, who had come through the wall in front of Ron. Hermione's hair was pulled back in a loose bun with soft brown tendrils curling around her face. Had it only been six weeks since he last saw her? He loved Hermione and Harry both, but he didn't feel like this when he saw Harry after summer holiday. Just the sight of Hermione had made his body feel slightly numb and tingly.

Ginny seemed to have outgrown Hermione in height and was looking down at her friend with interest at their conversation. Ron was so taken aback at Hermione's beauty that he hadn't noticed Fred and George standing directly behind him with looks of amusement on their faces. Ron's twin brothers had come along to see Ron and Ginny off and pass out free samples of their newest joke shop merchandise.

"So, Ron," Fred said suddenly causing Ron to turn to his brother with surprise. "Congratulations on making it through to the platform!" His comment was dripping with sarcasm.

"But, maybe Fred and I should illustrate your next task." George chimed in with the same mocking tone.

"Yeah little brother, watch and learn…watch and learn." Fred and George started making their way toward Ginny and Hermione.

"Watch closely now, Ron!" George yelled over his shoulder.

Ron watched with apprehension after the twins; had they seen him staring at Hermione? He hoped they hadn't, but not as much as he hoped they weren't about to embarrass him further. Should he yell for them to stop whatever they were about to do? No, Ron thought, they wouldn't listen to me anyway. A light sweat was beading along Ron's forehead.

They wouldn't say anything to Hermione would they? Ron didn't know what had come over him. Hermione was his friend and only his friend. He had been telling himself this over and over since their fourth year at Hogwarts when Hermione had become involved with Viktor Krum, an international Quidditch player. Her obvious attraction to Krum had eaten away at Ron like an acid; definitely not the feeling he got when Harry had something going with Cho Chang.

But Hermione was nothing more to Ron than Harry was…a best friend. Ron had come to the conclusion that any boy with a female best friend would at some point think of them in a more-than-friendly way. Eventually, he would get over it. He had to! Hermione was way out of Ron's league, anyway, as was Krum. It's not like he had a chance with her.

The twins had snuck up behind Hermione, giving Ginny a shushing sign before they each grabbed one of Hermione's arms and lifted her off the ground to kiss her on her cheeks. Hermione had gasped when she left the ground, but her face had broken into a broad smile as the twins lowered her back down. They were all laughing, Ginny smiling and shaking her head. Those two could make any task look like a walk in the park, Ron thought, even picking up and kissing an outright gorgeous girl! With a sigh, Ron decided to make his way toward them.

Hermione's eyes got suddenly wide as she spotted Ron approaching, and she practically ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Ron stumbled back a step as he clumsily returned her hug.

"Ron!" Hermione squealed in his ear before she released her viselike grip around his neck to look up into his face. "I've missed you! And…wow, I really like your hair!"

Ron smiled awkwardly as Hermione reached up to poke at his flaming red hair. Ginny had convinced him to let her cut it over the summer; it was now shorter than it had ever been and gelled all over into short scarlet spikes. He couldn't squelch the excited feeling he got from knowing that Hermione had noticed it.

"Ah, yeah, thanks…and…missed you, too." They smiled at each other for a moment before Ron broke the stare with an awkward jerk of his head downward. "Um, have you seen…"

"Harry!" Before he could finish Hermione let out another squeal. Ron waved at Harry, who was dragging his trunk and a caged Hedwig toward them with a tired smile. Hermione gave him a quick, sisterly hug before stepping back with a slightly worried look. "Are you alright, Harry? You look exhausted."

"Oh, I'm fine. This is just the look of someone who's been trapped in a vehicle with the Dursley's for an hour." Harry said with a disgruntled look, but then a small smile crept onto his face as his eyes drifted toward the train.

Ron followed Harry's line of vision to see Fred, George, and Ginny talking to Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. They were all in pleasant conversation except, Ron noticed, his sister. She was looking over in Harry's direction with a coy smile. Ron raised one eyebrow. So…she doesn't fancy Harry anymore, huh? I can see through that, he thought smiling to himself. Oh crap! Am I that obvious? Ron cast a nervous sideways glance at Hermione as the train whistle blew shrilly through the crowd announcing boarding time.

Lugging their heavy trunks, Hermione, Ron, and Harry managed to get a compartment with Ginny, Luna, and Neville. Hermione felt an almost giddy feeling at the thought of going back to Hogwarts. 'Finally!' Her insides were screaming. She loved her Muggle parents and France had been great, but she never felt truly 'at home' unless she was with Ron and Harry. Plus, she had much more access to informative books at Hogwarts than she had at home. Her personal library was expanding quickly, but she'd already read all of those books…at least twice.

Hermione sat down next to Luna, who was wistfully telling them all about her summer in Ireland with her father. They had been studying a new breed of "Crumple-headed Snortflanks" for an article in the Quibbler. Just ignore her, Hermione told herself sternly. She knew her other friends were thinking the same thing as she, that there were no such things as "Crumple-headed Snortflanks." However, they didn't seem to have any trouble just nodding politely and continuing in the discussion of what they'd done for their summer holidays. So, why was it that such blatant disregard for reality drove her through the wall?

Hermione glanced up and noticed that Ron, who was sitting directly across from her, had been looking at her but quickly looked down once she caught his eye. Oh, yes, I remember now. Blatant disregard for reality causes girlish things like 'stomach butterflies' to occur. Reality, such as the fact that her friend, Ron Weasley, had simply been looking around the compartment and not purposefully at her, was what one must hold onto. People like Luna, living in dream worlds, were only setting themselves up to be hurt. Dream worlds were just…dreams.

This dream of being more than a friend to Ron had been plaguing her for too long. Too long for Hermione to actually kid herself into thinking that it would go away anytime soon. It was just going to be one of those horrible crushes that wouldn't go away unless she found someone else to love. Love? Did she love Ron? Yes, of course she loved him as a friend … but …

Hermione glanced over at Ginny; she was really growing up. The introverted yet jumpy little girl from a couple of years ago was almost unrecognizable. Hermione had always felt a deep emotional connection with Ron's sister because she knew that Ginny felt the same way about Harry as Hermione felt about Ron. Of course, Hermione had never told Ginny about her feelings toward Ron; she hadn't told and wouldn't tell anyone.

Neville had started showing them his new wand; 12 ½ inches, birch wood, four hairs from a Wemic's tail. His old one had been broken last term in the Department of Mysteries when they had all fought for their lives against Voldemort's Death Eaters. Apparently, Neville's grandmother had been so pleased to have him back in one piece; she had taken Neville to a famous wandmaker in Germany. Hermione knew that Ollivander didn't use Wemic's tail hairs in his wands, and she made a mental note to research their magic.

Glancing over at Harry, she thought he looked more worn and…sad, than she had ever seen him. He wasn't really acting any differently, but she could see a change in his eyes. She wished Neville would stop talking about his wand; she was afraid it was reminding Harry too much of that awful night. She'd told Ron over the summer that she was worried about Harry. He'd lost his godfather, his parents' murderer was back, and Hermione wondered if he were still having those horrible dreams.

She had been more frightened than she had ever been in her life that night at the Ministry; that is, before Dolohov had attempted the Killing Curse on her…she couldn't remember anything after that. She gave an involuntary shudder. It was just luck that she had put that silencing charm on him right before he cast it. Yes, she had been very lucky. They had all been lucky…except for one.

"Harry," Luna said suddenly breaking into Hermione's thoughts. "Why do you think the war hasn't started yet? Do you think Mr. Voldemort was frightened into hiding by his encounter with Headmaster Dumbledore at the Department of Mysteries?"

Hermione's mouth fell open. There seemed to be a pregnant pause hanging over their heads. How could she just ask him that as if she were asking the time? Mr. Voldemort? She nudged Ron's foot with hers and he looked up with a nervous frown. 'What in the world is she thinking?' Hermione attempted to ask him silently with her wide eyes. He shook his head slightly.

"Well," Harry began quietly, "I've wondered the same thing, actually. I guess it's possible that he's frightened." Hermione caught a small glance that Harry gave her and Ron after these words. The pregnant pause returned.

"So…Luna, Neville, would you two like to go with me to track down the food trolley? I'm starving!" Ginny said suddenly, breaking the awkward silence. She was looking at Harry suspiciously as she left the compartment with the other two.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Harry scooted down to Ron and leaned in toward him and Hermione. "Listen. I think Ginny could tell I wanted to tell you two something." He paused with a brief smile before resuming in a serious tone. "I had another dream over the summer. I told Dumbledore and he's told the Order."

Hermione's heart felt as if it were being crushed by an invisible hand. "Oh, Harry…" Hermione whispered. Ron ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Dumbledore says the Order is doing all they can, but there's no way of knowing if it were a real vision or not."

"What was it about…the dream?" Ron asked tensely.

"I was seeing it through his eyes…Voldemort's. He was really angry because Wormtail had failed at some important mission. Voldemort did the Cruciatus Curse on him, and there was a woman in the corner laughing…I…I think it was Bellatrix." Harry finished softly. He had said Lestrange's name through clenched teeth.

Hermione began reaching a hand out to Harry, but he stood up quickly and started pacing the small compartment. "Look, the mission had something to do with kidnapping a…a Muggle-Born."

Hermione's hand flew to her mouth. Ron's head jerked away from Harry to look at Hermione. A Muggle-Born? Hermione felt suddenly sick to her stomach. Harry sat down slowly beside Hermione and put an arm around her.

"Look, Hermione. I don't even know if the dream was real…and even if it was, there are tons of Muggle-Borns. You really don't have anything to worry about." He looked down briefly and released his arm from around her. "I shouldn't have told you. You're going to worry."

"No, Harry. I want you to tell us about your dreams." Hermione said sincerely, willing herself not to shed the tears that were stinging her eyes. She took a deep breath. Okay, she thought, there are tons of Muggle-Borns, like Harry said. But…there aren't tons of Muggle-Borns that are close friends with Harry Potter…Ron was still staring at her with a horribly fearful look. It wasn't helping her nerves.

"It's not you, Hermione. Harry, it's not her. What would he need with her? Nothing. It's not you." Ron said fervently. He didn't sound convincing at all, and Hermione wasn't convinced.

It's not her. It's not her. It's not her. Ron felt like his heart had exploded in his chest and was slowly rebuilding itself. Harry was wrong. That's just one of those fake dreams from Voldemort…it had to be.

"Dumbledore has promised to teach me Occlumency this term." Harry said plainly. "I won't have to worry about these dreams after that."

"Oh, Harry that's wonderful." Hermione said in approval. She had gone ghostly pale after Harry's description of his dream, but now her color was returning.

"Yeah. I'm finally ready for these dreams to stop." Harry said gruffly; Ron thought there was something strange about his tone when he'd said it. Something that made Ron doubt his friend's sincerity. Hermione hadn't caught it, thankfully. She was looking at Harry with a relieved smile.

Ron's current feeling was nothing close to relief, however. He really wished that Harry had not told Hermione about that dream. It's not her anyway. Now she'll be worrying for nothing. Ron looked up at Hermione's now quiet expression…maybe she's not the one that will be worrying for nothing, he thought miserably.

Harry was looking at Ron apologetically when he suddenly pulled his trunk down from the overhead luggage carrier. He rummaged through it for a second before pulling out a large red envelope with gold lettering. "Who wants to go first?" Harry asked unexpectedly.

Hermione sat up straight and smiled brightly. "Oh yes! O.W.L. grades! Just a second!" Hermione shot up from her seat to retrieve her O.W.L. results from her own trunk as Ron silently thanked Harry with his eyes. Brilliant way to change the subject, Ron thought. Only exam results could take Hermione's mind off of that dream so quickly. Ron stood up to retrieve his red letter as well.

"Okay, Harry you go first." Hermione said happily after sitting down with her envelope resting in her lap. Ron had just sat down with his envelope when Harry tossed his at Ron, who caught it just before it hit him in the face.

"You read them out, Ron." Harry said, turning a bit pink. What did he look nervous for? Ron was pleased with his own scores; Harry must've done well. He opened up Harry's envelope and pulled out the thick, gold paper inside. Ron cleared his throat, Hermione was sitting so close to the edge of her seat he was afraid she'd fall out in the aisle if he didn't hurry.

"Twelve O.W.L.'s and an overall grade of Outstanding! Blimey, Harry…our scores are almost identical!" Ron exclaimed excitedly. He had been sure that Harry would've done much better than him. Hermione was glowing. "Hey, how'd you get an Outstanding in Snape's practical?" Ron asked as an afterthought. Harry shrugged modestly.

"Twelve O.W.L.'s? Oh, that's wonderful! You can choose any career path you want now!" She stood up quickly and hugged Harry around the neck before sitting next to Ron. "Now, your turn, your turn." She said hastily, looking at Ron and almost bouncing up and down on her seat with excitement. Ron smiled at her and handed her his envelope. She opened it quickly, her hands shaking slightly and then her eyes went wide as she squealed with delight.

"Oh, Ron! Thirteen O.W.L.'s? And your overall grade is Outstanding, too!" She hugged him around the neck and Ron had to resist the urge to squeeze her to him. He was very excited about his O.W.L.'s, and more so now that Hermione was hanging around his neck. He had never expected to do so well. Hermione pulled away from him and took both Harry and Ron's hands. "I am so proud of both of you!"

"I probably would've gotten all D's if it weren't for your study schedule, Hermione." Ron said truthfully. Harry nodded enthusiastically as he sat down on the other side of Ron. Hermione smiled at them, turning a bit pink. Pink was a great color for her, Ron thought absently as Hermione stood up and went back to her side of the compartment. She opened her envelope and handed her gold paper shyly to Ron.

Ron looked down at the paper and stood up so quickly he hit his head on the bottom of the luggage carrier. Grabbing his head and rubbing it, he exclaimed, "Sixteen Outstanding O.W.L.'s! Across the board! Hermione, that's probably a new record in Hogwart's history!" He looked down at Hermione, who was smiling sheepishly. Harry's eyes were round as he stared at her open-mouthed.

"And…and…" Ron sputtered. "How in the bloody hell did you get an Outstanding O.W.L. in Astronomy? Hagrid and McGonagall were being attacked right under our noses!" He sat down slowly looking at Hermione with pure astonishment. She was now a deeper pink.

"Well, I was already finished with my star chart when all that started…and actually, Dumbledore holds the record for the most O.W.L.'s. He received eighteen…and Ronald, don't swear!" She finished, holding back a smile. Ron just continued to stare at her, shaking his head. He wished he could kiss her; he truly was proud of her.

"Well," Harry began matter-of-factly, "it feels pretty good to be best mates with the brightest witch at Hogwarts, eh Ron?"

"That it does." Ron said smiling at Harry. Hermione giggled a little.

"Well, it probably feels about the same as being best friends with the two brightest wizards at Hogwarts." She said kindheartedly.

"Oh really?" Ron began jokingly. "When do we get to meet these two geniuses?"

Hermione, Ron, and Harry enjoyed the rest of the train ride discussing their chosen career paths. Hermione had secretly been pleased that Ron had received one more O.W.L. than Harry. It was good for his self-esteem to excel at something a bit better than his best friend. Of course, Harry would have gotten thirteen O.W.L.'s if he hadn't passed out in agonizing painbefore finishinghis history exam, but that was beside the point. They each had worked hard for their grades, and now they would be rewarded with the option of becoming Aurors.

She was glad that the three of them had decided not to share their O.W.L. results or chosen N.E.W.T. classes over the summer because it was much better seeing the excitement on Harry's and Ron's faces as they talked on and on about Auror training. Hermione already knew that that was probably what they would each choose, but she was excited for them nonetheless.

Harry would be taking the Field Agent path while Ron took the Logistics path. They would both be certified Aurors if and when they made it through training, but Ron's work would be done safely behind a desk, coordinating missions. Hermione couldn't help the fact that she had been relieved to hear that Ron wouldn't attempt the Field Agent path. She knew he would have been great at it, but she couldn't stand it if something happened to him!

Hermione, on the other hand, did not desire to be an Auror. It made her nervous beyond comprehension just thinking about the many dangerous missions she had heard about from Tonks, Kingsley, and Mad-Eye. No…she wanted to take the Administration path. This offered many options, her favorite being Education. Maybe she could be a Professor at Hogwarts, or even Headmistress! That was getting a tad bit ahead of herself, though. But, the thought excited her, nevertheless.

After reaching Hogwarts, they quickly descended the stairs of the train. They spotted Hagrid at the other end of the platform, rounding up the first years. Hermione noticed that he didn't have any new cuts or bruises and she wondered if he were still seeing his brother, Grawp. They waved at him excitedly before making their ways to the thestral-drawn carriages. Although Hermione couldn't see the thestrals she noticed Harry, Neville, and Luna eyeing the empty spaces in front of the carriages with slight interest.

"I'm sure they're beautiful, but if seeing death is the only way to see them, I prefer not to." Hermione whispered beside Ron for only him to hear. He looked down at her face, and she felt a flutter deep in her stomach. Did he realize how piercing his stare was?

The moonlight was shining on his red hair and deep blue eyes. Hermione noticed that his features were beginning to get a more harsh edge to them, and when he looked at her as he was doing now, she could see a muscle working in his jaw. How long was he going to stare at her? It may not affect him, but her face was beginning to feel on fire!

"What?" Hermione asked abruptly; she silently cursed herself for sounding so breathless. Ron immediately looked away from her. Was that embarrassment she saw tinting his freckled ears?

"Sorry." Ron said quietly, looking away, fully aware of the increasing redness on his ears and neck. He was really slipping. Well, that can't happen again, he told himself firmly! He had been staring at her in a daze for at least fifteen seconds! Ron made a mental note to avoid looking at Hermione when the moonlight shone on her face like that.

"Guys! Over here!" They both looked up to see Harry waving at them from a nearby carriage. They weaved their way through the crowd of students until they reached the carriage, and Ron was slightly surprised when he looked inside.

"Uh, Harry, it's a bit full already, don't you think?" Ron said, peering inside the coach at Neville, Luna, and Ginny.

"Just get in, you two!" Ginny said exasperatedly.

Ron stepped back to let Hermione in, who used his and Harry's shoulders to boost herself up into the carriage across from Ginny and beside Neville. Harry got inside next, squeezing in next to Ginny. The only space left was beside Hermione, and it was hardly enough room for a small person, much less a six foot tall boy. Ron hoisted himself into the carriage, nevertheless, and somehow managed to sit beside Hermione. Ron had to put his arm over the back of their seat to accommodate himself, and he could have sworn Hermione shifted her weight away from Neville to lean into his side. Was Neville that disgusting to her…or…?

Wishful thinking, he thought, but even so…Hermione seemed to fit so perfectly in the crook of his arm, and he could smell her shampooed hair. It was a lovely smell in Ron's opinion; much better than the flowery perfumes most girls wore. Like the one he had given Hermione last Christmas…what a dolt! Hermione shifted slightly, and her leg rubbed against his own. Ron swallowed hard as he was brought out of his reverie. It was an extremely enjoyable trip, and Ron found himself wishing the trail to the castle were much, much longer.

Author's Note:I will continue to write chapters for this storyline even though JK's HBP is coming out in a little over a week. I already have a plotline and summary for my own story, so hopefully my readers can enjoy my story regardless that it was written pre-HBP.And, I promise a lot more romance is coming:)