Camping Trip

"So…" D trailed off and looked at his team expectantly, "how'd your trip go?"

Myles and Lucy exchanged sheepish glances, as well as Bobby and Tara, and Jack and Sue. "Just fine," they all chorused in unison.

"Ya know, Garrett's not here, you can tell me, you know." A hint of hurt showed in his tone.

The six agents merely grinned at each other, and D finally noticed that they were standing in subtle pairs, holding hands.

His eyes snapped back to Jack and Sue. "Bound to happen sooner or later," he commented, and slid his gaze to Bobby and Tara, "knew that was coming," he smirked, and gaped when his eyes found the last couple. "But you-" he began incredulously, "I never thought-" he stopped and shook his head. "Amazing."

"Don't feel bad, mate, we still haven't gotten used to it," Bobby grinned.

Myles glared at him. "Thanks for the encouragement," he joked sarcastically, wrapping an arm around Lucy's shoulder and pulling her closer.

"You don't need encouragement," D shot back smoothly.

Myles stared at him speechlessly, and Lucy smothered a laugh.

"Were any of you planning to inform me of this any time soon?" A booming voice floated in from the doorway.

The six friends turned around. "Uh, we can explain, sir," Jack stuttered, "um, we-"

"Don't bother, Hudson. I've figured it out already. Just don't let it interfere with your work, do you hear me?" Garrett eyed them all sternly, and they nodded in perfect unison.

"We promise," they chorused in sync.

D grinned as Garrett suppressed a smile and walked back out the door. He turned to his team and laughed. "I'm glad you had fun. Did anything interesting happen other than the fact that you all paired up on me?"

They all exchanged sheepish glances once more, and Bobby proceeded to spill the whole story; including the pranks.

"Highlights?" D asked.

"Are you kidding, mate? I got to see Tara in a bikini!" Bobby gave him an ear-to-ear grin, and Jack and Myles covered their ears and groaned, causing all the women to burst out laughing and D to shake his head with mock-disgust.

"So, in other words," D made an odd face, "it was productive?"

"YES!" came the enthusiastic response.

"Alright, Bobby, we know."

The friends chattered excitedly to their supervisor about the trip for the next hour, until Bobby made a comment that set them all off again.

"Hey, D?"

"What is it now, Bobby?"

"Next year, you should come too!"

A/N: Words cannot describe how much all your reviews meant to me. I've had an absolute blast writing this, and I sincerely hope you had an absolute blast reading it! There's a part of me that's really sad about ending Camping Trip, but don't worry. I have a new series coming out soon! Here's a sneak preview cause I love you guys so much:

My new series- Degrees of Devotion- will have three parts: Honoured Oath, Cherished Covenant, and Treasured Promise. Honoured Oath will focus mainly on Myles, his past, and how he fights the battle of moving on. Brace yourself for a bombshell…