Title: Inui's Super Duper Troubles Mixed with Love Juice, Version 6.66 from the Sadistic Side of Seigaku
Series: Prince of Tennis
Category: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13 - R
Pairing: mainly Tezuka/Fuji, Seigaku's regular pairings, and others
Summary: Fuji finds a paper that has a list of things Tezuka is looking for in a girlfriend, and Fuji is determined to change to fit the description. Inui steps in to help, and madness befalls Seigaku High when the result turns out to be... well, against all laws of nature, one way to put it. Mpreg, fluff, kidnapping, evil (or is it?) plots, and lots of confusion.
BE WARNED: of time lapses. I jump from day forward to day back and morning back to night forward to morning. Don't get confused.
A/N: I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/holiday! Here's a late Christmas update for those who are sitting home enjoying a cup of coffee!

Thank you for those who've been reviewing as well as pointing out my mistakes. You've no idea how much that's helped me. Please keep on doing so (nicely), and thank you again for keeping up with my slow updates!

As always, randomness abounds!

Chapter 4 – When Everyone Panics and Generally Does Nothing While Some Stuff Happens…

December 24th, 19XX…morning

The sound of the waves was soothing as it gently called him awake. Eiji happily took the hand of morning and let her pull him back to consciousness…

And then he realized that the conscious consisted of at least five different voices murmuring something very suspicious and possibly illegal near him.

"You imbecile! I asked you to do a simple little thing, and you went and screwed it up!"

"Well, how am I supposed to know! He was wearing Fuji's coat, and with his height, and figure… you can see where I may have had problems!"

"Fuji was your opponent! You're supposed to know!"

"What kind of argument is that?"

"Shup up, will you? I think he's waking up!"

"Shite! Someone, quick! Get the masks!"

"What masks?"

"We're kidnappers! He's not supposed to see our faces!"

"What the hell! We're not kidnappers!"

"No, we just conveniently happened to accidentally knocked him unconscious and purposely dragged him all the way to Okinawa while keeping our identities a mystery. Yeah, totally not kidnappers."

"We have good intentions! Kidnappers don't!"

"He doesn't know that! Hell, the girl he was with most definitely didn't!"

"Will you idiots shut the hell up! He's waking up!"

"Crap! The captain's coming!"

"Damn it, we're so screwed! Kai, there was a reason why I told you this wasn't going to work!"

"This is no time to be blaming each other! Let's get the hell outta here!"

"What about him?"

"Knock him unconscious!"

Eiji, however, was wide awake at that point, and blurred away from his kidnappers with his incredible speed, eyes now open.

"NOOO!" One of the kidnappers yelled, trying to cover his face.

Too late.

Eiji's eyes widened as his jaw dropped. "Y-you…"


Previously, December 23rd, 19XXnight time

When Yuuta got home that day, flustered, confused, and pitifully distracted by certain events that day, he was taken by another… surprise.

Yuuta wondered how many surprises he could take before he dropped dead due to a heart attack.

There were people in his house. Yuuta wasn't exactly bothered by the fact that there were people in his house, but more by the fact that they were all Seigaku's regular players, and they were mean looking (even the nice ones).

But that one thing that really nearly killed him was the sight of his brother in a skirt.

With … breasts.

And… smooth.

Like, the really smooth, hairless, female sort of kind.

It really was no surprise when Yuuta fainted from shock upon hearing a female's voice flowing out from his brother' mouth, calling his name.


"Honey! I'm home!" Yuuta called as he stepped inside the house, pulling his cravat loose as he took in the aromatic smell coming from the kitchen.

"Welcome home, Yuuta-kun!" His wife ran out to greet him, in one hand she held a spork and the other a pair of chopsticks. "You're just in time for dinner."

Yuuta didn't hear a word his wife said, mind lost to the tantalizing sight of his significant other in an apron.

Just.. an apron.

Yuuta dropped his suitcase and proceeded to make babies with his wife.

"Yuuta-kun…" his wife moaned.

Yuuta's hands trailed downward as his lips pressed to the curve of the pretty neck. "Mizuki-chan…"

Yuuta realized what he had just said and pulled back.

Hajime Mizuki's face appeared in front of him.

"M-Mizuki-kun, what are you doing in my house? Where's my wife?" Yuuta asked, confused.

Mizuki smiled sweetly. "What on earth are you talking about, sweetie? I'm your wife, of course!"

And then that face turned to his brother's. "Hi Yuuta, I forgot to tell you, but for the past seventeen years I've been a girl," Syusuke Fuji said, hair growing longer from his head and breasts growing mysteriously from his chest.

In his dream, Yuuta fainted back into reality -

- And screamed when he saw that the horrifying image of his dream had followed him all the way back to the real world, into his living room.

"Yuuta! Yuuta!" Syusuke cried, panic in his voice as he tried to calm Yuuta down, conveniently oblivious to the possibility that it was he who was making the situation worse.

Oishi, bastard!mode on, snapped and pulled Syusuke away, looming frighteningly over Yuuta.

The others held their breath. Everyone knew better than to mess with Yuuta. Syusuke was not the most forgiving person when it came to his little brother.

Apparently, Oishi knew that, too.

"Don't cry, Yuuta," Oishi cooed sweetly. "And go back to sleep, okay?"

Yuuta, confused, shook his head like a baby. "Aniki…?"

"Yes, your aniki is here, and he is not a girl. It is all in your head. You are dreaming and tomorrow you will wake up and your aniki will be a boy again. Now run along back to your dream, little boy," Oishi said all very convincingly.

Yuuta nodded and curled up into a ball on the sofa.

They all sighed and relaxed. They truly thought Yuuta was going to lose his mind. Then again, with Syusuke looking like he had defied all laws of nature and wearing clothes very much like so, they really weren't that surprised.

Takashi was very, very sad, not knowing what he was supposed to do, and so he opted to cry openly. Syusuke handed him a tissue paper. Then he gave him a box of it.

Ryoma yawned, unconsciously leaning closer to Momo as he pulled his legs up. He was tired, but this was urgent and he wasn't about to brush aside his teammates' worry in favor of his own need.

Momo thought as Ryoma, even if he didn't know that he was thinking Ryoma's thoughts (or was it the other way around?). Very normally, as if he had done this too many times to actually consciously realize it, Momo slid down the sofa a bit for Ryoma's head to rest comfortably on his shoulder.

Inui sat very still, face expressionless like always, but Kaidou sat next to him, and the slight increase of his body heat was more than enough to confirm him that Inui was very worried, as well.

Tezuka, on the other hand, looked expressionless.

Syusuke just looked like a girl.

Oishi looked slightly insane.

This was how the regulars of Seigaku expressed their worries over the Eiji's kidnapping incident.


Forwarding to December 24th, 19XXmorning

Eiji was mad.

He was more than mad. He was furious, livid, enraged, incensed, every synonyms of anger you could find in the thesaurus and his kidnappers were having a tough time trying to calm him.

"I want a chocolate brownie! Now!" Eiji whined loudly, stamping his feet on the floor and glaring at each of them in turn.

They panicked, making arm motions which translated into 'Shut the hell up you megaphone-niac' and 'Please someone do something to shut his big mouth off'.

The reason they were bustling around crazily trying to appease Eiji's wishes were mostly due to the fact that they had kidnapped someone very clandestinely, without their captain's consent. If Eiji decided to scream and run for it, they would be in so much trouble with Kite it wouldn't even be funny.

No, it would probably be very painful, and possibly deadly. Even if they were martial artists, they weren't so strong that they'd be able to endure Kite's punishments.

"Chinen! Go get him a brownie!" Kai commanded. Chinen hissed at him.

"I don't take orders from anyone but the captain!" he said stubbornly.

Kai rolled his eyes and looked at Rin. Rin nodded and turned to Chinen, his eyes fluttering madly as he leaned in. "Go get a brownie, yes, Hiroshi?" he asked sensually, breath tickling Chinen's ear.

With an incoherent squeak Chinen disappeared.

Eiji was fascinated at that.

"He's so obedient!" Eiji commented eagerly to Rin, who, completely forgetting about self-reservation, grinned happily.

"Yeah, he's like my b or something. He's really adorable even if he is kind of mean!"

"Wow!" Eiji said, eyes sparkling. "How do you make him like that?"

"I don't know, really. We grew up together and he just obeys me." Rin shrugged and turned to Kai. "Right, Kai? Yes?"

Kai, irritated at his personality, slapped him around the head. "Shut the hell up, you baka. If you hadn't noticed, you're cozying up to the enemy."

Rin glared at him. "He's not the enemy. You just don't like him because he beat you at the Nationals like, two, three years ago."

Kai turned red, cracking his knuckles menacingly. "What did you just say?" he growled.

Rin pouted mockingly. "If you touch me the captain will kill you."

Kai shook in anger, and then with a sadistic smirk he retorted, "Only because you're a fake who can't even protect himself."

Rin gave a strangled shout and jumped at Kai. "You bastard!"

Shiranou, at this point, got frustrated at their antics and decided to interfere. "If you both don't stop I'll make Kei kiss you."

Tanishi Kei, standing not too far away, made a face at that. "Shiranou-san, I, er, don't feel very comfortable doing that…"

"Shut up, you imbecile," Shiranou growled, glaring at him. Tanishi grumbled an apology and slinked away, sulking.

Rin and Kai, at this moment, stopped bickering and turned to Eiji, who was watching with face full of curiosity and interest.

"I thought you were only mean to your opponents and their teams. I didn't know you act this way around your own teammates as well," Eiji said, puzzled.

"It's their nature," Aragaki said, joining in the conversation for the first time since Eiji woke up. "We're wild and aggressive."

Eiji grinned. "Well, you did grow up learning martial arts, after all."

Aragaki gave a little smile, touched by Eiji's vibrant nature. "I'm Aragaki, what's your name?"

Eiji happily bounced to his feet and took Aragaki's hand. "Call me Eiji!"

Kai and Rin grumbled at their friendliness, wondering how and why they got to the point of being kidnappers to friends.

"If you have stopped with your little friendly chitchat, then let's get back to being kidnappers and the kidnapped," Rin grumbled.

"That can sound really porn-ish, if you think about it," Kai said, contemplative. They decided to ignore that remark.

"I wasn't the one who wanted to go and kidnap someone, and then accidentally kidnapped someone else," Aragaki said coolly.

Rin blushed. "I told you already, it's not my fault! How am I supposed to distinguish between him and Fuji! Especially when Kikumaru was wearing Fuji's coat! It was a completely innocent mistake."

Eiji tilted his head. "Does that mean you wanted to kidnap Syusuke-chan? But why would you make that mistake? He was right next to me."

Rin gave him a puzzled look. "There was a girl next to you," he stated blankly.

It took Eiji a second to remember that there was a girl next to him, and that girl was also Syusuke.

Eiji scratched his head, wondering if he should reveal this little piece of information, and shrugged. Oh well, he thought, what they don't know won't hurt them.

It wasn't until a little later that Eiji realized how wrong he was.


December 23rd, 19XX

Midnight was approaching. Inui had gone home, promising to work on the case of Eiji's disappearance. Fuji, though frighteningly pissed at being stuck as a girl, couldn't deny that there was another more important matter to attend to, which was Eiji.

On the other hand, Oishi had called to talk to Eiji's family, telling them that the tennis team was going on a trip for a while, so Eiji was not going to be back soon, and since Momo was incredible when it came to faking people's voices, the Kikumaru's family came to believe this lie implicitly and unquestioningly. Oishi had never felt guiltier in his life as Eiji's parents praised him for being such a caring friend.

Yep, definitely guilty.

And most certainly miserable. It seemed like these past two days were filled with nothing but these depressing emotions as Oishi watched Eiji longingly. He missed playing tennis with Eiji. Tezuka had tried to fix the situation, but then Eiji gave such a despairing look that the captain had to pair him off with Echizen. Oishi had never imagined that one day he would become the reason why his partner as well as his closest friend was miserable.

Then again, he had never imagined that one day, not being able to be with Eiji would hurt his heart so much.

This had become quite an agonizing crisis.

As Oishi was walking home, wallowing in his own misfortunes and unhappiness, snow started to fall, and then, all of the sudden, something struck the spot right in front of him.

Oishi jumped back a foot before looking up, and his jaw dropped.

In the darkness, the air in front of him seemed to have split in half, and he could see, through that little crack, the image of Rikkai's captain and vice-captain, both lying next to each other, on a sandy beach bordering a jungle, unconscious.

And when he blinked, the image was gone.

It took Oishi a few seconds to gather his wits.

"Oh, not only am I a jerk in making Eiji hate me, I'm also delusional and possibly insane," Oishi sighed, and kept on walking.

The snow just kept on falling.


December 23rd, 19XX

Momo was walking Ryoma home. Ryoma had insisted that he didn't need an escort, but Momo was stubborn and told him that his house was on the way anyway (even if it was a lie) and Ryoma might as well just agree to walking home together.

Some words were exchanged, some protests, and then Ryoma grudgingly agreed. For some reason, inner Momo started jumping and dancing and doing the victory sign mentally.

They walked in silence. Momo would occasionally glance over at him and then look away just as quick. Ryoma, on the other hand, just looked on expressionlessly and rubbed his hands together.

"Are you cold?" Momo finally asked.

Ryoma shook his head as his fingers turned blue. "No."

Momo wanted to hit him for being stubborn. "Where are your gloves?"

"Eiji-senpai took them and forgot to give them back," Ryoma replied, pulling his hat down a bit.

Momo thought for a moment, then feeling somewhat heated and bold, grabbed one of Ryoma's hand and stuffed it into his coat's pocket. "There, at least it should help," Momo said, pretending to inspect a particular wall on the road to cover his blush.

Ryoma didn't say anything, and was glad that the dark was hiding his red face. Even if Momo-senpai was going to put his hand in his pocket, he didn't really have to hold it.

Can't be helped, Ryoma thought, at least I'm getting warmer. And it wasn't just his hand that got warmer. It felt like the temperature had just risen several degrees.

The peaceful and shy silence extended between them as they moved slowly home, until something big and potentially dangerous moved in front of them.

Instinctively Momo pushed Ryoma behind him as his right hand reached for the suspicious figure in front of him.

"Ouch! Ouch! Calm down, Omoshiro-kun!"

Momo froze. That voice… it can't be…

But it could, and was.

"Heya! What're you doing so late at night?" Sengoku asked happily.

The two Seigaku students looked at him with their eyes twitching in irritation. What the hell is this guy doing here near midnight?

"Don't look so glum to see me!" Sengoku said good-naturally. "I'm quite happy to see you guys."

"Sengoku-kun, what are you doing here?" Momo asked impatiently.

At this Sengoku gave a meek smile. "Er, see, that's what I'm trying to figure out."


"See, since Atobe-kun is holding a meeting with the captains of some selected tennis teams in two days, I came here. Technically I'm not a captain of the tennis club, but since Minami couldn't make it, I'm here as the fill-in."


"Well, since I didn't really have anywhere to stay, and hotels are too expensive, I happened to chance upon Sanada-kun, who offered to let me stay at his house for a few days. So I got there, went to his school because I didn't know where his house was, and then I saw the most peculiar thing," he said the last part in a very mystified voice. Momo was hooked.

"There was this weird light that flashed on suddenly in one of the rooms. My curiosity got the better of me, so I entered the school, which was surprisingly unlocked, and made my way toward the place. Well, first of all, I saw Yanagi Renji lying on the floor. I thought he was dead but turned out, he was just sleeping. I was about to wake him up when there was thunder, and then next to him, there was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life.

"It was this tennis ball-looking machine thing, looking evil and weird. I sort of touched it, and the next thing I knew, I was wandering around here, confused and lost." Sengoku brightened up, and clasped Momo's hands. "Good thing I ran into you guys! Lucky!"

Momo and Ryoma, however, felt anything but.

"So, who'll let me sleep over at their house tonight?" Sengoku asked cheerfully.

Momo and Ryoma left.


At precisely midnight Atobe woke up to a heavy body on top of his.

"What on earth --?"

But then everything else that he wanted to say was lodged in this throat when someone pressed a very clumsy, very wet kiss to his lips.

Barely five seconds passed when there were giggles mixing in with short kisses and smiles and Atobe knew immediately who it was.

Slowly his arms came around a small waist, and he returned the kisses as if he had not been sleeping and it was not midnight.

Finally the two came up for breaths, and Atobe stared into those wide, bright eyes. "Hello, Jirou, how nice of you to attack me while I'm – was asleep."

Jirou only giggled and hugged him. "It's Christmas' Eve, K-chan!"

It took Atobe a few moments to register this information.

"… It is…" Atobe said. He had forgotten about it since every year he'd be gone somewhere like Egypt or France or other exotic places for the holidays. But this year, with the upcoming tennis' winter competition and the fact that Jirou refused to leave Japan with him, he had decided to stay home.

"Here's your present!" Jirou pushed a decidedly round present into his chest. It was badly wrapped in gold and silver papers, with some ripped parts being attached with random, school worksheets. Atobe distinctly recognized Jirou's European History homework and made a mental note to tell Oshitari to get Jirou another one later.

"Open it!" Jirou urged excitedly, still sitting on his stomach. Atobe hid a smile and complied.

It took Atobe a while to have the thing opened, since it was wrapped with mostly tape and small pieces of paper than actual wrapping sheets. Finally everything was gone, leaving Atobe holding a mud-stained tennis ball.

Jirou, by now, could barely contain his excitement. "Ne, K-chan, read what it says!"

Atobe turned the tennis ball around and saw words written across the green in indistinctive words.

From Jirou, to K-chan with love. Merry Christmas!

And the message ended with two little red hearts drawn connected together.

"Do you like it?" Jirou asked, face flushed with pride and happiness. "It took me forever to write it out, since the ball was all round and it was hard to write on anything but flat surfaces. And then I couldn't wrap it properly. Gakuto offered to help, but I didn't want it because it's my present to you and then I didn't want to give it to you on Christmas because everyone's going to be there and I want just you and m -- umph!"

Jirou shut up when Atobe pulled his head down for a kiss. There was just something about Jirou that made Atobe all gooey and melting inside.

"Despite its outward imperfection," Atobe said against Jirou's lips, "Ore-sama is very pleased. Now, tell me what you want for Christmas."

Jirou snuggled up comfortably in Atobe's arms. "I want K-chan to make me breakfast and then go ice skating with me!"

Atobe thought of all the Christmas events that he had to attend and how much he hated cooking because he didn't know how, and said, "Okay."

"Whee!" Jirou squee-ed and sloppily kissed Atobe on his cheek. "I heart you!"

"Hmm," Atobe said contently and tucked Jirou under the fluffy blanket, "When did you get me my present?" And without me knowing?

"Today, after Choutarou and Shishido finished practice, and you know how they practice until late everyday? Well, I was sleeping and forgot to wake up until they woke me up. Then they asked what I was getting you for a present, so I thought for the longest time and figured it out!

"I got this tennis ball from my J-kun's Secret Stash. It was the first tennis ball I've ever picked up." Jirou was grinning at the memory, his arms squeezing Atobe like a teddy bear. "I fought three boys bigger than me in elementary school for it, so it's very special! And since it's special, it's for K-chan!"

Atobe chuckled. "I'm honored that you think of me so highly."

Jirou gave a half frowning, half pouting look. "It's not that I think of you highly, ne, but I love you."

Jirou tilted his head a little when Atobe didn't say anything. Then he smiled when Atobe hugged him tighter and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "It's hard not to love me," Atobe said, pretending to be aloof. Jirou grinned.

"I saw the strangest thing today, walking here," Jirou said, suddenly remembering.

Atobe was attentive.

"While I was eating my ice cream and walking, there was this person who knocked into me. It was weird because he was carrying that jumping boy from Seigaku on his shoulder and he seemed really excited for some reason."

Atobe frowned. "The jumping boy… Kikumaru Eiji?"

Jirou shrugged. "Guess so. It was sad, because he made me drop my ice cream."

Atobe absentmindedly stroke Jirou's hair, listening to him purr contently while thinking. Kikumaru being carried off by someone… what did it mean?

"Did he seem conscious, the jumping boy?" Atobe asked.

Jirou scrunched up his face in thought. "Um, well, he has his eyes closed, and he wasn't moving…"

Atobe felt a foreboding feeling in his stomach and added a note in his head to call Tezuka the next morning. But first…

"I'll buy you another ice cream tomorrow, Jirou," Atobe said and smiled when Jirou brightened up. "But now, let's sleep."


December 24, 19XX

When Fuji woke up the next morning, he was back to normal.

Or as … normal as one could be when he lost his personality, again.

"Good morning, Yuuta," Fuji said sweetly, gracing his brother with a lovely smile. Yuuta, mentally prepared, did not freak out like he did yesterday.

He was just glad that everything he saw last night, of his brother being a girl and all, was just one horrible, horrible dream.

"Breakfast today is just bacon and egg, I hope you don't mind," Fuji said as he set out the dishes.

"Aniki," Yuuta said uncertainly. He was still talking very strangely, and acting very much like so.

"Yes?" Fuji said, and Yuuta was momentarily blinded by his brilliance.

"Um, is there anything wrong?" Yuuta asked hesitantly.

Fuji promptly burst into tears.

"It's h-horrible!" Fuji sobbed, and Yuuta suddenly found his arms full of Fuji. "Yuuta, I d-don't know what to d-d-do!" And he cried on.

Never once in his entire life, had anyone ever attempted to jump into his arms and ask for comfort. So obviously he had no bleeding clue what he was supposed to do.

"Er ..." Yuuta began awkwardly.

Apparently Fuji thought that was enough of an encouragement to pour out his heart, so he did.

Yuuta spent the next five minutes wishing all gods listening to give him back his brother. And feeling tremendously relieved that he had no girlfriend.

When Fuji had calmed down and was dabbing the corner of his eye with a fluffy pink handkerchief, Yuuta took the moment to say "I'm sorry" even if all he heard between the wails were "Eiji" and "kidnapped" and "hairy cunts".

Or was that "not really fun"?

Yuuta shook his head. "It must be terrible."

"Yes it is," Fuji agreed. "But Tezuka said everything would be alright, and we'll try to find him today, so it'll be okay." He turned his large eyes to Yuuta. "Right?"

Yuuta sweated, mentally dying from his brother's sheer cuteness/strangeness. "O-of course," he said. "We need to go."

Fuji smiled happily, as if the last five minutes didn't just happen. "I packed you lunch!"


The sunlight was bright against his face. Yukimura frowned and opened his eyes, awakening from his slumber.

The sounds of the seagulls and waves slapping against the shore filled his ears. Yukimura sat up, feeling quite confused when he was met with the sight of the beach.

After pondering upon this abnormal circumstance, Yukimura noticed a body lying not too far away.

It took him a full minute to realize it was Sanada, with is head stuck in the sand.

Upon realizing that Sanada's oxygen pathway was probably cut off due to his odd position, Yukimura panicked and clambered over to his friend.

"Genichirou," he cried, grabbing the back of Sanada's t-shirt and pulled hard. Sanada came free from the sand in seconds, spluttering and coughing and breathing all at once.

"You alright?" Yukimura asked, concerned.

Having regained his composure, Sanada grabbed Yukimura and squeezed him tight. "I thought you were gone!"

Yukimura didn't know what to say. He found it rather difficult to say anything when Sanada was hugging him so hard that his breaths were short and his heart was pounding so loudly and his stomach was acting like there were butterflies fluttering inside it, and it was all so dizzying and Sanada smelled like the ocean and the sun and Yukimura was very, very aware of his lips being pressed to Sanada's neck…

Yukimura discovered that he was very flustered. "Genichirou," he muffled, lips moving against Sanada's throat.

This was the point when Sanada became very self-conscious of the heat emanating from his captain. He pulled away quickly. "Sorry," he mumbled, embarrassed.

Yukimura looked around, unable to look Sanada in the eyes, and found Sanada's hat.

"Your hat," Yukimura said, reaching to get it.

An arrow flew out of nowhere and embedded itself right next to the hat, millimeters away from Yukimura's fingers.

Yukimura stared at it for five seconds before danger registered in his head.

"Seiichi!" Sanada cried, apparently realizing that there was danger, too, and grabbed Yukimura around the waist, rolling them away just as five more arrows hit the place where they had been before.

Sanada and Yukimura turned around.

There, coming out from the forest behind them, was a herd of screaming, half naked men holding various weapons and charging at them.

And they did not look happy.


All the regulars of Seigaku met up in the locker room.

"Our mission is to search for our missing friend Eiji Kikumaru. We have today and tomorrow before school starts again, so everyone, let's get to it," Tezuka said, and then sat down.

Oishi stood up. He was wearing what could only be described as a soldier uniform. There was a rifle dangling from his side. Everyone sincerely hoped it was fake.

Oishi magically produced a pointer out of nowhere and extended it. He then cracked the tip to the board, where a picture of Eiji appeared with his information next to it.

"This is our target. We must retrieve him back before the two days are over. All we know is that he is kidnapped. And his kidnapper is very agile on feet."

In other words, we don't know anything, everyone thought simultaneously.

"We'll spread out and ask people if they've seen Eiji. Someone is bound to have, so don't lose hope, guys!" Oishi said hotly, obviously very charged up.

"Now, is there any question?"

Momo raised his hand. "Yes, Momo?"

"Why," Momo said, a vein twitching on his forehead, "IS THIS GUY HERE?"

Sengoku blinked as everyone turned to look at him, and then he grinned. "Heyo!"

Fuji smiled. "Hello, Sengoku, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

Sengoku beamed at Fuji. "Yes, it has. You still remember me, genius boy?"

Fuji blushed. Takashi had a nosebleed at his cuteness.

"I'm not really," Fuji stammered, tucking a strayed hair behind his ear. Tezuka glanced at him and tried not to stare. Ryoma rolled his eyes.

"Focus, boys!" Oishi cried, bringing everyone's attention back to the presence. "Now, if Sengoku is here, then you might as well help us. Other than that, everyone, let's go!"

"YEAH!" The regulars (plus Sengoku) stood up, ready to go.

"What's with all the commotion?" a voice from the door spoke up.

It was a very familiar voice. Ryoma groaned. It couldn't be possible.

But it was.

There stood at the doorway, was none other than Atobe, smirking like he knew a secret. "It seems like Seigaku is in the middle of a crisis," he drawled, examining his manicured nails delicately.

"What are you doing here, Atobe?" Tezuka asked, stepping forward.

Atobe looked hurt. "I'm here to help, naturally!"

Oishi narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Help?"

"Of course," Atobe said, pushing himself away from the door and coming inside. "Do you think I have free time to roam around sticking my pretty nose into other people's business?"

Yes, everyone thought.

Atobe sighed dramatically. "Fortunately for you, Ore-sama has come upon valuable information that can aid you in your search for the cat boy."

Now he really did have everyone's attention. Atobe saw this and was overwhelmed with joy.

"Tell us what you know," Oishi said, actually feeling civilized for the first time since Eiji's disappearance.

At that moment Jirou appeared next to Atobe. "Hello!" he said happily.

Atobe's eyes softened at the sight of Jirou.

"This boy here will tell you exactly what happened to kitty boy last night."

Jirou grinned happily.


At Rikkai, on the morning of Christmas' Eve, Yanagi came running into the tennis court looking flustered and slightly insane.

"Yanagi, what's going on?" Bunta asked, his mouth full of cake. The other regulars stopped what they were doing and came over to Yanagi, concerned.

Yanagi gripped Kirihara's arm and panted, "The captain… and vice captain…"

Kirihara narrowed his eyes. "What's going on?"

"They've… Yukimura and Sanada have disappeared!"

To Be Continued…
Chapter 4 – Operation: White Knights and Black Princes, Attempt No. 1
End of Chapter's Note: REVIEW :P