Uh? Eh? Ah! That was kind of my reaction when I saw the amount of reviews the last chapter got! Thank you all so much! Well, here's the last chapter, and it's all happy-nice. Here are the replies to all those reviews...you know they'll probably end up being longer than the chapter...

Endoh Chiaki: Ah, but he's -really- weird in this story!

Hannah: Hee, Rei's a button-pusher...and he's also extremely hurt and angry but he'll get over that! Ah, you reviewed twice... If you let me up I'll write some more squishy fluffy things...anything for the use of my limbs again...

UlTiMaTe KaI LuVa: It -is- all his fault though...

Mei Kimari: I told you it was a little over dramatic...

Thin-K: Nah, no death this time. I think the next person I'll have to kill off is Bryan, he's the only one I haven't killed yet of the characters I usually use...

Arsinen: Nah, Rei's not pregnant. I've done mpregs in the past, but this isn't one.

WolfDemonQueen: Really really weird weirdo. More than usual, I mean.

darkangelintheshadows: Hee, thanks!

miriam906: I'm glad you liked it, hopw the update didn't take too long...

Ellen: A lot of people have said that Tyson's always a weirdo, but I mean he's being REALLY weird. You'll understand when you get to the end of the story, I promise!

BloodyShadows: Kai was being an idiot, and an over-dramatic one at that, but Rei's going to knock some sense into him, don't worry!

Kiko cat: KaiRei all thw way, of course they're going to make up. But not without a little fluff and Tyson-weridness beforehand...

skimmie: Here it is!

Kanilla: Oh dear, I hope you get better soon! Perhaps this injection of fluffiness will help? If not, just sleep a lot, that's what I always find works!

animeobsession: Cool, I'm enjoying Illawarra so far, although for poor old British me it's a little hard to spell... By the way, did you ever get that Grim and KaRa account up again or did you give up on it?

CreativeChilde: Psychic abilities, but can you predict the exact way in which Tyson is weird before you read this chapter? Muwah, have a go!

Platinum Rei: And kind reviewers like you never cease to make me smile! Thank you very much!

PandaPjays: It was very opportune, but I think it added to the over-drama of that chapter...

Lady Shiora: Yay! A fellow angst lover! Here's the update, it's a pity it's the last one!

Echo in the Dark: I could have made them all miserable, but I was in a good mood. They all get to live happily ever after.

keisan: 'Cause he's a moron, that's why he cheated. Also, I know -I'd- find it very hard to reject Tala, so I reckon Kai would have just as hard a time!

Anyway, on with the chapter. And for all those who said Tyson's always weird...well I've never seen him do anything like that on TV (it's not graphic porn or anything, this is still T-rated)!

Kai took a deep breath and walked into Rei's hospital room, eyes flitting around the white walls and carpet before settling on Rei himself. "Rei...I..."

"Suicide?" Kai blinked.

"How...did you know?"

"Max said he heard you talking." Kai looked at the floor, unable to think of a reply. "Kai...come here." Kai blinked and moved closer, drifting to the side of Rei's bed. "Look at me." Kai looked, and Rei could see in his eyes that he expected further retribution. "Did it really mean nothing, you and Tala?"

"Less than nothing."

"Then why did you do it? Why did you sleep with him?"

Kai sat down in the plush visitor's chair. "I..." He stopped. "I wanted...someone who I could talk to about...the past. And then...it went on from there. But I...once I'd done it...I didn't know how to say no... But he understands me, Rei. And I can talk to him about...the things that happened to me when I was younger...because I never wanted to talk to you about it. Because...it's painful, Rei. I didn't know how to finish with him...and I didn't think...I just...didn't think."

"I was angry, you know. I didn't mean...that I hated you."

"Rei, I...I'm sorry..."

"You would have killed yourself?"

"Yes." Rei reached over and took hold of Kai's hand impulsively, unsure of what to say. Kai looked down at their joined hands, then blinked. "I can't think of anything to say to make up for what I did..."

"Are you sorry?"


"Then don't say anything." Kai looked up, tears in his eyes.

"You'd forgive me that easily?"

"Well we've got a lot to talk about...but I don't want you dead. I don't think I'm capable of hate, Kai. Not really."

"I don't deserve you, Rei."

"No, you don't. But...I still love you, and I want to try again. If you promise...that you're going to be honest with me."

"I got good at that while you were asleep." Kai bit his lip. "...Boris used to have us beaten if he didn't think our skills were good enough." Rei nodded, knowing what Kai was trying to say by telling him about the abbey. "And...my Grandfather...did as well. Rei...I..."

"Come here, Kai."

"I am here." Rei opened his arms, as a further explanation. Kai sat beside him, and let Rei fold his arms around his waist. Kai sighed and wrapped his arms around Rei's back, holding him closer. "I like your chest, Kai."

"Do you?"

"Mm-hm." Rei said happily. "I would have missed it if you'd killed yourself. You're not allowed to do that, by the way."

"Okay." Said Kai quietly, smiling softly. "God, Rei, I love you."

"You'd better." Kai stroked Rei's back, feeling comfortable with Rei's warm figure in his arms again.

"I learnt to use the washing machine for the first time..." Kai whispered. "But I forgot you have to separate white and colour...and all my shirts ended up a sort of greyish-brown..." Rei laughed and nuzzled further into his chest.

"You're hopeless, Kai. Absolutely hopeless."

"I know. "

"You do realise that I'm not going to be able to trust you for a while after this, don't you?"

"Yes. But I don't deserve to be trusted anyway."

"What did he have that I don't, Kai? I don't understand. You said you loved me."

"I did love you, and I still do. But it's hard to say no to Tala. And it's even harder to admit that you can't say no. And...it was quite nice, having someone dominate me for a change." Rei laughed.

"You're just asking for trouble now, Kai." Kai nodded. "Is our apartment still like it was?"

"Well it should be...I...couldn't stand being there alone. I've been staying in a hotel."

Rei looked up into Kai's sad but smiling eyes, and reached up a hand to touch the Russian's cheek. "I've never seen you look like that before, Kai." He stretched up and kissed the older boy, a tender, sweet kiss that made tears spring into both of their eyes. "I love you. I love you so much that I don't even care about you sleeping with Tala. But you'd better not do it again or I'll cut your penis off. Understand?"

Kai nodded. "I love you too." Rei smiled, then burst out laughing, flinging his arms around Kai's neck and kissing his cheek. Somehow, everything was right again, even after all the pain and anger. It wasn't perfect, but it was alright.

Many nights later, Kai woke to the sound of something clinking. He went to yawn, and found himself strangely limited...and then... "Oh sweet Jesus..." His mouth dropped open in shock as he took in the sight waiting for him at the end of the bed. Rei was standing there in a leather mini-dress, black lace-up boots going up to his mid-thigh, a leather whip in one hand. Kai looked up and saw that he was handcuffed to the bed, absolutely stark naked.

Rei prowled round to him, a feral grin on his face, and tweaked one of Kai's nipples sharply. Kai gasped with pain, and Rei slapped him. "Shut up. You've been a bad boy, Kai. And bad boys need to be punished..." He clawed his nails down Kai's chest, making him wince.

"Rei-" Kai grunted as Rei flicked the whip across his stomach.

"Shut your face, bitch. I'm in charge now. Who's in charge?"


"I said shut up!" Rei slapped him again, then licked the area of Kai's face that was already reddening, yanking Kai into a furious kiss and biting into his lip, leaving it bleeding. Kai stared up at his boyfriend, face a mask of lust and desire. Rei growled. "Shut your eyes." Kai obeyed, absolutely delighted...all his kinky fantasies about Rei were coming true at once...

He gasped as harsh fingers scraped along his thigh then spanked him playfully. "Rei...oh God, Rei..." Kai groaned, opening his eyes to take in Rei in all his leathery glory as he sat on his stomach. Kai whimpered as Rei moved back, sitting right on top of his crotch. "You opened your eyes, Kai. You disobeyed me. And that means you're in big trouble."

"Oh God, yes..." Rei lunged forwards and bit into his shoulder, sucking his way up his lover's neck and kissing him teasingly. "Hurt me, Rei...I'm your bitch..."

"Did Tala ever do this for you?"

"No...God, no...he would have looked fat in leather anyway..." Rei purred.

"Good boy, Kai. Now you get a present. What would you like?"

Kai took a deep breath. "I'd like...Rei...don't turn around, but someone's pointing a camera through the window..." Rei nodded.

"Well now you've really made me angry, Kai...I'm going to find myself a nice stick to spank you with..." He leapt over to the window and flung it open, hearing a muffled 'urk'. Someone dropped to the floor and Rei jumped on them, pinning them. He squinted in the half-light, then gasped. "Tyson!"


"What in the name of God do you think you're doing?" Rei snatched the camera and ripped the tape out of it, cracking it in half and flinging it over into the room. "Well? Explain yourself, you little pervert!"

"I thought...Kai was...um...I thought you were a woman!"

"You thought Kai was cheating on me, didn't you? So you filmed it! Horrible-little-pervert!" Rei hissed, punctuating the last words with slaps to Tyson's face. "Go back to bed! And don't you ever -dare- film through our window again!"

He stood up, hands on his hips, and Tyson sniggered. "You're not wearing any underwear!" Rei blushed and took a step back, away from Tyson's prying gaze.

"Stop eyeing up my boyfriend, Granger!" Came Kai's enraged cry. Tyson sniggered.

"Like you could do anything, tied to the bed like that!" He was suddenly the victim of a slap round the side of his head by Rei.

"Go away! Mood ruining little idiot!" He climbed back through the window and yanked the curtains shut, turning back to Kai. "I think he's just turned me completely off. Little pervert..." Kai nodded.

"Any chance of you taking these cuffs off me then?"

"Absolutely not!" Rei giggled, before relenting and letting Kai free. Kai immediately wound his arms around Rei's waist, pulling him closer and snuggling up to him. "You look really good in leather, Rei, did you know that?"

"Go to sleep, you little flatterer."

"Night, dominatrix..."


Well, there's the end. What did you folks think of it? I always love getting to the end of a fic, because that means I can start another. Hmm...what to write next? Anyway, R&R please!