Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me.Warning: Sexual situations between three men (eventually).A/N: It's getting there. Thank you all so much for the feedback. Please review.
Gray Haru
As Yuki hung up the phone, he couldn't help but wonder what had come over himself and Kyou. Haru had been surprised to hear from him; their conversation had been brief, and it had been decided that Haru would come over the next day. Kyou hadn't moved from his position on the floor and was regarding Yuki with a bemused expression.
Yuki wondered if he should lay down on the tile and cuddle with him. He wasn't sure what the etiquette was for the aftermath of screwing one's rival, but now that he thought about it, Yuki realized that it probably didn't include jumping up and calling the guy you had been making out with the week before. "He's coming over tomorrow," Yuki announced.
"Great," Kyou replied, wincing as he sat up. "You two gonna kiss and make up?"
Yuki shrugged not sure that it was so bad that he wanted to make up with Haru. "Are you feeling okay?" Yuki reached out a hand to help his cousin up, but Kyou snarled and struggled to his fee unaided.
"I guess you got what you wanted. He'll be really jealous when he finds out about us," Kyou said sulkily.
Yuki stared at his cousin. "You are such an imbecile. If you think that I would go that far just to make someone jealous…"
Kyou stretched and gazed at Yuki for a moment before going into the bathroom. Soon Yuki heard running water and went to join him. Although he hadn't been with Kyou to make Haru jealous, the truth was that he had thought of Haru during the encounter. He wondered what it would have been like to be beneath him. He wondered what Kyou looked like when he came for Haru. He wondered what Haru would think if he was watching.
He slipped into the shower; Kyou was standing facing the spray. Yuki slid his hand up the cat's side.
"Stop it, asshole, that tickles," Kyou snapped.
Yuki traced a finger along his ribcage.
"I said stop it, damn rat, or I'll kick your scrawny ass!" Kyou turned suddenly.
Yuki tried to keep the hurt form his expression. He had only wanted to touch him.
Kyou stared at him for a moment. "Listen, don't look at me like some lovesick rat. If you think I'll be nice to you just because you got me off, then you should see me and Haru when we go at it."
Yuki bit his lip. "Actually…I'd like that."
Kyou laughed before pulling him into a rough kiss.
Kyou almost felt sorry for Haru as he sat across from them and tried to stutter through an obviously thought out speech. The three of them were seated cross-legged on the floor.
"…sometimes I just don't think before I do things…" Kyou was only half paying attention to Haru's ramblings. He made eye contact with Yuki, and the two of them shared a secret smile. They had each went to their own beds after giving each other manual release in the shower, and Kyou had stayed awake for a long while trying to sort it all out. What did he feel for Yuki, Tohru, and Haru?
"Kyou?" Yuki's voice had called tentatively, "Are you awake?"
Kyou had debated staying silent before answering, "Yeah."
"Did it hurt too much?"
"Don't flatter yourself."
"Are you sorry it happened?"
"I guess not," Kyou answered amazed that he really wasn't. "Why is someone missing his virginity?"
"It's not like you had ever…" Yuki was silent for a moment. "Right? Did you and Haru ever…"
"Not technically," Kyou answered. "Black Haru. Ouch!"
"You have a point. I'd want him to be white…no…gray."
Kyou's breath caught. "What did you say?"
"I said I'd want him gray. The way he is when he's torn between his two sides, like when we've been kissing for too long."
"Hey, I'm the one who always thought of him as gray. It's the way he is after he comes." Kyou knew he sounded ridiculously pissed.
"It's not like you own the term."
"Well, I thought of it first."
"It's not exactly ingenious. If you mix white and black you get gray."
"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid, asshole."
"Then don't talk like you're stupid."
"Don't make me attack you," Kyou snarled.
"I'd like that, but I think I'm too tired," Yuki answered almost apologetically punctuating it with a yawn.
Kyou let out a long sigh. "Goodnight, jerk."
"Goodnight, darling," Yuki had answered in a sickening tone.
Kyou was now surprised by the fact that for once in his life he was in the same room as both Yuki and Haru and didn't feel awkward or insecure. He wanted them both. So what? He was also perfectly aware of what Yuki wanted, so the only person in question was Haru.
"I care about you both," Haru was telling them. "It took me so long to call because I wanted to make a decision first, but I cant. Yuki, you are my first love, but Kyou you're my best friend. So I decided it would be best if I was just friends with you both because I can't choose." Haru was quiet for a moment.
Kyou felt a wave of elation. Haru didn't want Yuki more; he hadn't come in second place.
"I'm sorry," Haru said miserably. "I can only hope that you both want to be friends with me because I can't stand the thought of losing either of you."
Yuki stared at Haru for a moment. He had been relieved by Haru's admission. Kyou would have been insufferable if Haru had said he wanted Yuki, and Yuki would have been heartbroken if his younger cousin had chose Kyou. It was perfect and now the cow was in for a surprise.
Yuki shook his head. "I don't want to just be your friend."
Haru was stricken.
Kyou gazed at Yuki in understanding. "Me either."
"Oh," Haru sounded small. "Okay." He stood to leave. Yuki and Kyou stood also. "I'll just get out of your way."
"I didn't say I wanted you to leave," Yuki said as he approached Haru and kissed his stunned cousin suddenly on the mouth. Haru was too shocked to return the kiss, but Yuki took the opportunity to run his tongue along his lips.
Yuki pulled away after a moment and Kyou slid his head between them and kissed Haru fiercely. Yuki had never seen them kiss and felt an immediate stirring at the sight of their mouths open and probing.
When Kyou pulled away, Haru stepped back quickly his face flushed and his demeanor already shifting to gray. "What the hell?"
"You don't have to choose," Yuki said softly. "You can have us both."
"On one condition." Kyou put his arm around Yuki. "Only if you don't mind sharing." Yuki gasped when Kyou tilted his chin and met his lips hungrily. Yuki opened his eyes so that he could watch Haru watch them kiss. Haru had changed to black.
"Something wrong, Haru?" Yuki asked not completely breaking contact with Kyou's mouth. Kyou purred and slid a hand up his shirt caressing his chest muscles. Yuki trailed a finger up and down Kyou's zipper.
"Just what the hell is going on here?" Black Haru boomed. "What happened between you two?"
Kyou traced his mouth along Yuki's jaw as he said, "Oh, Yuki fucked me last night. Right there on the kitchen floor."
"Right before you called, actually," Yuki added fumbling with his cousin's pants button.
Haru let out a roar of fury before overturning the lamp and kicking the wall several times. Yuki really hoped the neighbors wouldn't call the police.
"Do you have a problem with it, or something?" Kyou asked with a smirk as he traced Yuki's belly button.
"Mmmn," Yuki moaned. "Someone's being a hypocrite."
"You're the hypocrites, you bastards! You get all pissy with me because I'm messing with you both. You actually made me feel guilty you assholes. I groveled like a pussy! You are so going to pay."
Yuki caught a glint in Kyou's eye as he said. "So lets fight. We'll see how you handle two on one."
"I'm not surprised you were the uke, so I guess you are a queer," Haru snarled back.
Yuki watched them tackle one another and Kyou pull Haru into the bedroom, motioning with his head that Yuki should follow.
Yuki helped Kyou undress their younger cousin and had kissed Haru as Kyou prepared him and then pushed against him causing Haru to gasp with pain. Yuki held Haru's hips steady aroused by the passion in their eyes as he kissed each of them in turn. Haru sucking on his collar bone while he kissed Kyou. Kyou's hand working between Haru and Yuki.
Haru fumbled with Yuki's pants before gasping, "Sit on the bed."
"What are you doing?" Yuki gasped when Haru bent and took him in his mouth.
Haru stopped and said, "I'm disappointed in you, Kyou," before resuming.
"Shut up, idiot," Kyou hissed lost in passion. All three seemed to convulse simultaneously before resting in a tangle on the twin bed. By the end of the night they had tried several combinations, and Yuki was no longer a virgin in any respect. They ended up on the floor between the two beds wrapped together, taking turns kissing.
"What I always wanted," gray Haru said as he watched them kiss over him. Yuki kissed him softly in response before watching Kyou do the same. "There're only two things that could make this better: Rin…and Tohru," Haru added before bracing himself to be attacked.
Eight Months Later
Kyou scowled over at Yuki and Haru who were leaning over the railing as they talked animatedly. Kyou had come to the roof for some solitude. It seemed neither knew what it meant to give him his space.
He looked over the full moon illuminated them perfectly, and he could clearly see Yuki's hand on the small of Haru's back, and Haru lean in to kiss Yuki on the cheek. Yuki whispered something in Haru's ear which Kyou imagined was his undying love.
"Gross! Go back down to the apartment if you want to be all mushy. This area isn't for snuggling," Kyou announced. The two turned to face him, and Yuki put his head on Haru's shoulder and Haru nuzzled into his hair. Kyou had never told them how hot it made him to see them like that or how cute he thought they were together, but somehow the bastards knew.
They kissed each other tenderly for a moment before crossing the roof and flopping down on either side of Kyou.
"Someone need a little love?" Gray Haru asked purposefully trying to provoke Kyou.
Yuki leaned over and kissed behind his ear. "We wouldn't leave out our precious uke." He stroked Kyou's cheek with his hand.
Kyou scowled. "Knock it off, you damn rat. Don't act like you've never been under me. Both of you have," he added smacking Haru's hand as it snaked up his thigh.
"But neither of us are as pretty when we come," Haru quipped.
"That's it!" Kyou found himself on top of Haru and they wrestled for a moment to remove each other's clothes before Kyou pulled him into his lap and showed him that he wasn't the only one who liked to receive. Yuki stayed where he was and watched for a moment his eyes glazed with desire. Kyou stared into his eyes as he and Haru moved together. They all enjoyed playing the voyeur at times and would even create situations for the third party to walk in on. Soon Haru would be moving in with them to go to the same school, and Kyou wondered how any of them would pass their classes.
Yuki finally came over and straddled Haru, kissing him lingeringly before leaning over his shoulder and capturing Kyou's mouth. Kyou's body shuddered with release. He wasn't completely comfortable with the situation, but there was no way in hell he'd give it up.
"Oh, My!" Ayame's voice came from behind him. Yuki's eyes were closed so he hadn't been able to warn them of the trio's arrival. Kyou's stomach dropped in horror. How could they always be so sneaky?
"I guess that swapping fluids comment makes sense now." Shigure's voice was cheerful. "And why Haru's been practically living here. Are you okay Haa-san?"
Kyou turned to see Hatori puking over the railing. The three of them pulled apart quickly throwing their clothes over their laps.
"What are you three perverts doing here?" Black Haru asked angrily.
"We were privy to an all girls' production of Cyrano de Bergerac at the flower's school. Little did we know that a much more interesting love triangle was going on here," Shigure replied.
Ayame giggled. "I hope you all appreciate how lucky you are. We never could quite talk 'tori into it. We'll have to tell you the story sometime."
"That's quite enough Aaya," Hatori snapped, wiping his mouth and fishing for a cigarette.
Shigure beamed. "We'll be by again. At a more convenient time."
Ayame flashed them a gaze of pure lust before following Shigure and Hatori down the stairs.
Kyou watched them leave. "If you had left me alone like I wanted…"
"Don't you dare blame this on us," Yuki spat, "you definitely played your part in this."
"Whatever, ass, if you two would stop tempting me by making out all the time, then we'd only do it safely behind locked doors."
"Behind locked doors. What the hell are you talking about, stupid cat? You're the one who got us both off on the subway," Yuki retorted.
Kyou flushed. "No one knew. You had coats on your laps."
"Just shut the hell up, you bastards!" Haru boomed.
"Are you black?" Yuki asked.
"Maybe. Who cares? All I know is that you both got me warmed up and you better damn well finish me."
Kyou found himself laughing along with Yuki, and as their bodies melted together, Kyou realized the relationship was a perfect mix of dark and light.
Thanks for reading. Please give your opinion of this fic. It was a challenge to write.