Prom Problem

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 1: The dilemma

It had been a few months since Lilo and Stitch's quiet evening, a lot had happened. The kids were now a little bit over half their parent's size and could speak perfect English. They sounded like little human children in experiment bodies. Their strength had also increased; it was the end of the school year and the prom was approaching fast. But things were not about to slow down.

Lilo was in Nani's room pacing back and fourth; her sister was printing out some paper's for work. The setting sun was shining through the window, giving the room a reddish glow.

"I don't know what to do Nani! I don't have a dress, a ride or a date and the prom is this weekend!" said Lilo frantically as she paced back and fourth.

"I think your over reacting Lilo, we will get every thing in time don't worry." Said Nani as she grabbed the freshly printed paper.

"But what about a date! Sure we can get a dress and a ride in time, but I don't have a date. Or a boy friend for that matter." Said Lilo as she sat down on the end of Nani's bed.

"Well… that I don't know, but I'm sure you'll find one. I bet Mertle doesn't have a boyfriend yet." Said Nani as she turned towards her sister.

"But she does, she with some guy named Snake."

Nani raised an eyebrow. "Snake huh; Well he sound's like a gentle man." Said Nani sarcastically.

Lilo just fell backwards onto her sister's bed and sighed. 'What am I going to do?' thought Lilo as she stared at the ceiling.

"Why don't you ask Keoni to go with you?" asked Nani as she sat next to her sister.

"But Keoni already has a girl friend; some cheer leader he knows. Besides me and him broke up in middle school remember." Said Lilo.

"Oh that's right; you said he had no personality. Personally I agree with you, him and his perky father." Said Nani almost laughing at the thought of her former boss.

"Come on Nani I'm in trouble here!" moaned Lilo.

Nani sighed and stood up. "Well I don't know what to tell you Lilo. You'll have to figure this out on your own." Said Nani as she walked out of the room and down the hall.

"Argh! Some help you are!" yelled Lilo.

Later that night every one was sitting around the table, enjoying their meal. Except for Lilo, she was still pondering what she was going to do. She could get a dress in time, but her main problem was a date to take her. She could not think of anybody that would take her, all the guy's from school were jerks. She continued to think, so hard that at one point here face was a bright red.

Nani look's at her sister. "Take it easy Lilo, if you don't calm down your head will explode."

"That could be being messy, should I fetch a towel?" asked Jumba she he looked at Nani.

Nani gave Jumba a dumb founded look. "I was kidding." Nani then looked back at Lilo. "Tell you what, tomorrow I'll take you out to get a dress. Ok?"

"Don't be silly Nani; as the fastest and most stylish semstress in the galaxy I can just make Lilo a dress." Said Pleakly.

"Sorry Pleakly but I don't want to go looking like a lesbian." Said Lilo.

"What's a lesbian?" asked Stitch as he cocked his head to the side.

"You don't need to know, none of you need to know." Said Nani as she pointed to Stitch, Angel and the kids.

Stitch and Angel just shrugged and every one continued to enjoy their meal. The next day Nani, Lilo, Angel and Ashley all went down to the store. After looking at hundred's of dresses Lilo finally picked out a beautiful red dress. She also picked up a few accessories; Angel and Ashley also got a few things. Angel and Ashley had gotten a few ribbons to put on their antenna. They paid for their items and proceeded to leave the store, but as they were leaving they ran into a most unwanted person.

Their stood Mertle and her boyfriend Snake. He was built similar to Kioko; tall, muscular, and pretty good looking. His hair was spike and he was wearing dark sun glasses. He wore a black leather jacket and baggy torn blue jeans.

"Well if it isn't the girl with the mutant pet's." said Mertle coldly. "I see your getting a dress and a raggedy one at that. But what good is it if you don't have a boyfriend?" said Mertle as she took Snake's arm.

"Yeah… what she said." Said Snake.

Angel and Ashley both gave a low growl and began to bare their teeth. Lilo's fist tightened, to the point that here knuckles popped. "You may have a boyfriend Mertle… but when I get one at least he won't be as dumb as a box of rocks." Said Lilo angrily.

"Yeah!" came Angel and Ashley's comment; making a mockery of Mertle's gang.

"My man is not as dumb as a box of rocks! Isn't that right Snake?"

"Ooh pop rocks? I love pop rocks!" said Snake; he was the perfect model for the air headed jock.

Lilo looked at Mertle with a raised eyebrow and a fiendish smirk. "I prove my point." Said Lilo.

"It does not matter because my boyfriend is cooler, stronger and sexier then any other guy around. No one can stand up to him." Said Mertle defensively.

Mertle then turns and walk's into the store, with Snake following close behind. Angel and Ashley continue to growl and Lilo just stand's there thinking of way's to humiliate Mertle.

"You know the way her mom act's you would never figure that she would act like that." Said Nani as she looked at Lilo.

"I bet she wouldn't act like that if you left me alone with her for just a few minutes." Said Ashley as she looked at her dark blue claws.

"You know Ashley… that's one person that I wouldn't care about if you clawed her to death." Said Angel as she too extended her claws.

"Let's just forget about it." Said Lilo as she turned away. "Come on let's get home."

Later that night; Lilo sat in her room thinking about what she could do. She constantly thought about what Mertle had said. That no one could stand up to Snake, she knew that was wrong because Stitch could take him on. But she couldn't take Stitch to the prom for obvious reasons, plus Angel might not like the idea.

'Who then? Who could I take?' thought Lilo as she paced back and fourth. 'I can't possibly find a boyfriend by the weekend.'

Lilo sat down on her bed and put her face in her hands. She gave a frustrated sigh and then looked around her room. She had a hologram set to look like the forest; the only thing not disguised was her bed. She heard the chirping of exotic bird's and the wind blowing through the lush green foliage.

Lilo's mind slipped away from her dilemma for just a moment, but that's all it took. 'Kioko did a really good job with these holograms.' Just then Lilo's eye's shot open. 'Wait Kioko, he's strong enough to stand up to Snake. It would also look good going to the prom with a guy like him standing next to me!' thought Lilo.

She clapped her hands and the hologram disappeared revealing her regular room. She quickly put her shoes on, ash she prepared to go to Kioko's house.

"I'm sure he'll love to go as well." Said Lilo as she rushed out the door.

A couple of minutes later Lilo had arrived at Kioko's house and had asked the question.

"What! Why me?" yelled Kioko

"Because you're the only one that I can take to stand up to Snake."

"I don't think so Lilo… I mean it's a prom and it's all so… you know." Said Kioko as he frantically searched for a way out.

"Oh come on it won't be that bad and you get to beat up some body. Come on please for me." Asked Lilo as she made puppy eyes.

Kioko looked at her, amazed by her persistence. Kioko growled and wiped his face with his hand. "Fine… I'll take you to the… the… prom." Kioko said almost gagging on his words.

Lilo leaped forward and wrapped her arms around Kioko. "Oh thank you Kioko, you don't know what this means to me." Squealed Lilo.

She gave Kioko a quick kiss on the cheek and then ran back to her car. Kioko walk's to the front door and watches her. "See you this weekend!" yelled Lilo as she drove off.

"Alright." Said Kioko as he waved good bye. After she was out of sight Kioko lost his smile. 'Oh Kioko how far you have slipped.' Thought Kioko as he looked down the road. 'You were once the scourge of the universe, reducing entire cities to ash, crushing men's skulls and hearing their screams of agony.' Kioko gave a big sigh as he leaned against the door way. 'Now… now you're taking a teenage girl to the prom. Oh how I've let myself slip. Why did I ever get involved with them?' thought Kioko.

"I need a drink." Moaned Kioko as he walked back in side; slamming the door behind him.

Well I'm not to pleased with this first chapter; it seemed a bit rushed. But I actually did not change very much from the written version. Anyway the next chapter should be better, please review. Oh by the way I'm leaving July 9th and wont be back until July 24th. I'm going to Los Cabos, on the Baja peninsula. So you'll have to wait until then for an update. Later.