Rock Raider: Don't worry, I will use Pepe and Fifi at some point. Thanks for the idea for my global trip but I don't like putting myself in stories. It just looks weird to see people meet their own author in fanfics.

Nightw2: Ptunia and the Pranker are a bit like Jeckyll and Hyde aren't they? And you are right, super villians rarely stay down for good. The question is, will the Pranker? You'll have to wait and see.

PurpleCobra247: Yep, that chapter had a lot of action. Hope you also liked the dialogue. As for your question, I'm not sure at the moment. Like you said in a previous review, there would be fireworks if Bugs and Lola knew who FoxFang was so at a pinch, no.

acosta pérez josé ramiro: Heh, my computer's that slow sometimes. I don't mind the length of reviews, as long as they aren't flames. Believe me, I HAVE been flamed before. Glad you liked the chapter.

As you can porobably guess, there won't be any action in this chapter, with it being the last one. It is a little suggestive as well.

Back to normal?

When FoxFang and cub reached the centre of the city, they took her to the roof of the new ACME superstore. Once there, FoxFang took out several black scarves while Cub pulled out a pocket radio, some earmuffs and some tape.

"Petunia, we're going to have to blindfold you and plug yoour ears now." FoxFang said.

"Why? Is your hideout nearby?" Petunia asked.

"No. It's better to do it here so you have no idea where it is."

"I understand."

"What we'll do is take you into the hideout and one of my allies will make an antidote to that DNA."

"Then we'll take you home." Cub added.

"Ok, and that will put an end to the Praker?" Petunia asked.

"Indeed, but we have to take as many precautions as we can to keep our operation secret." FoxFang replied.

"Ok." Petunia kneeled down so FoxFang could start putting the blindfolds on.

"One question, do you have any memory of what you did while the Pranker was using your body?"

"None at all. The last thing I remember was turning into her in front of you two."

"Ok." FoxFang had put the last of the blindfolds over Petunia's eyes. Cub went up to her face and held up two fingers.

"Right, how many fingers am I holding up?" Cub asked.

"Umm, five?" Petunia asked.

"Ok, you fine." FoxFang replied. Cub put the radio headphones and earmuffs completely over Petunia's ears. He then used the tape too firmly tie them to Petunia's head. The radio was tuned into the local radio station.

"Petunia,can you hear me?" Cub asked. Petunia made no response.

"Fine, we're ready, let's go." FoxFang and Cub then carried Petunia back to the treehouse.

After a few minutes of travel, they had arrived at the treehouse. Shirley was actually waiting in the doorway. She saw FoxFang and Cub coming with Petunia and came out to greet them. She saw the precautions that FoxFang and Cub had taken and smiled to herself.

"We're back. The Pranker was using Petunia's body as a host." FoxFang said when they landed.

"Wow, is there anythhing we can do?" Shirley asked.

"We need to create an antidote to the Pranker DNA within her to destroy it."

"I see. I'll go get our little scientist." Shirley re-entered the treehouse and came back out with Egghead Jr. Egghead walked up to Petunia and had a look at her. He was armed with a hypodermic syringe and a dish. He took a blood sample from Petunia and went back inside the treehouse . FoxFang, Cub and Shirley heard Egghead working his magic with the blood sample. All this time, Petunia remained very co-operative and didn't remove the blindfolds, the radio or the earmuffs.

"So, after this the Pranker will be gone?" Shirley asked.

"With all hope. We're doing everything we can." FoxFang replied.

"I wonder who the origional Pranker was."

"I don't think we'll ever know."

"Ah well, useless knowledge anywa." After a few minutes, Egghead came back out with an antidote. He carefully injected the serum he had created into Petunia. After the injection, he returned to the treehouse.

"There, looks like Petunia will be fine." Shirley said.

"Now we have to take her back home." FoxFang replied.

"We'll be back in a few minutes." Cub added. They picked up Petunia and began rushing off to Perunia's house.

Porky and Petunia's house was a modern two-story house near the centre of the city. The walls were coloured white with a grey edge around the windows. The door was a classic wooden door with a gold number on the front. The number was '25'. The windows were arch shaped but the curtains were closed. The curtains were coloured red with a golden band. FoxFang and Cub stopped at the front door. They thrn removed all the equipment that they had placed on her. Petunia looked around at her surroundings.

"I'm home?" Petunia asked.

"Yes, we brought you home. You'll be perfectly fine now." FoxFang replied.

"Thank you so much!" Petunia bent down to hug both of them but they jumped back.

"No hugs please." Cub scolded.

"Sorry." Petuia replied, looking sheepish.

"Do you have a key?" FoxFnag asked. Petunia felt around her pockets.

"No I don't."

"Then we're going to have to wake up Porky."

"I hope he won't be too sore." Petunia went up to the door and rang the doorbell a couple of times. After a few minutes, a very tired Porky came to the door wearing a brown nightrobe.

"Y-y-yes?" Porky asked.

"Hi honey." Petunia exclaimed. Porky opened his eyes and saw Petunia standing in front of him. He immediately ran up to her and hugged.


"How are you?"

"I was more co-co-worried about you! Where w-w-were you?"

"It's a long story, but look who brought me back." Petunia stepped aside and Porky saw nothing. FoxFang and Cub had long gone.

"There's no-no-nobody there." Petunia looked back and saw that FoxFang had gone.

"Where'd they go?"

"Where'd w-w-who go?" Petunia yawned.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. It's a heck of a story." Petunia stepped inside the house and they both retired to bed.

FoxFang and Cub had returned back to the treehouse. When they were safely inside, they changed out of their uniforms and sat down on the floor. Everyone else turned and looked at them. Plucky and Shirley were playing cards while Egghead was busy working on a desk.

"So, Pranker's gone?" Plucky asked.

"She sure is. Unfortunately Petunia had come along for the ride." Jessica replied

"So she should beok now."

"Should be."

"Anyway, what will you be doing tomorrow?"

"Well, I have to go see my parents in the hospital. What I told them will have worried them."

"Will they know that the Pranker will have been defeated?"

"Her base ended in a huge explosion. The media are hardly going to miss it." Plucky looked sheepish.

"Erm, that's true." Jessica then jawned, as did Zach.

"Whew, that battle wore me out."

"Then perhaps we should start heading bed." Shirley suggested.

"Yeah, we were going to sleep at Shirley's house weren't we?" Zach asked.

"Yeah. Your adoptive parents are away, and Jessica's parents are in hospital." Plucky replied.

"Do you have anough room for everyone?" Jessica asked.

"Sure do. If Egghead sleeps on the couch, you two can sleep in the spear rooms." Shhirley replied.

"What about me"? Plucky asked. Shirley walked over to him.

"I have other plans for you."

"Erm, ok." Egghead Jr had shut down his computers and then went over and locked up the treehouse.

"Ready?" Shirley asked. Everyone nodded and they held hands and stood in a circle. Shirley then teleported everyone to her house.

Everyone arrived in a flash in the living room of Shirley's house. The wallpaper was pink with crystal ball patterns. There was a small TV in the corner and a couch just in front of it. In between the couch and the TV was a small glass table. The table had nothing but a deck of cards that Shirler used in her fortune telling. The carpet was brown with a rune pattern. Around the room there were several doors, all of which were open. Three of them led into bedrooms, one of them into a bathroom and one of them into a mitchen. There was a small garden just beyond the kitchen. Egghead Jr. immediately climbed onto the sofa and fell asleep. Jessica began walking towards the outside garden through the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Zach asked.

"I'm just gooing outside for a minute, you can come with me if you want." Jessica replied. Zach then followed her outside, leaving Plucky and Shirley in the living room. Shirley began walking to her room. The room was designed to look like a swami's tent, except there was a double bed in the corner. The bed duvet was blue in colour and had no markings.

"Shirley, where am I sleeping?" Pucky asked. Instead on answering, Shirley motioned him to follow her into her room and walked inside. Plucky hesitated for a moment. Shirley then looked back at him, her hand hollding a shirt over her chest.

"Are you coming?" Shirley asked. Plucky eventualluy clicked as to what she meand and went inside with her. Outside, Jessica and Zach were sitting on a wooden bench in Shirley's garden. There was a small bird bath in the garden and a wide variety of flowers. Jessica was looking up at the full moon.

"Whew, I am so glad that the Pranker is gone." Jessica muttered.

"Me too, she was the hardest villian I've ever faced." Zach replied.

"She's the only major villian you've faced."

"Heh, true."

"But hopefully, we won't have to face a villian like that again."

"I know, she was a clown."

"A dangerous clown, but a clown none the less."

"Have you got in mind what you're going to say to your parents when you see then tomorrow?"

"Yep, I have it all worked out."

"Ok, hope your parent's recover soon."

"I hope so too." Jessica leaned her head on Zach's shoulder.

"The moon sure is pretty isn't it?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, really lights up the sky." Zach replied.

"Such a romantic moment this."

"Yeah." Zach put his arm around Jessica. Jessica turned and looked at him.

"One of these moments that I'd like to last forever." Zach turned his head and gave Jessica a loving look.

"So do I." They both looked at each other for a few moments before finally kissing. They remained in a liplock for five minutes before Jessica stopped. She stood up from the bench.

"Zach, I'm heading to bed now." Jessica said. Zach stood up after her.

"Ok, I'll follow suit." Zach replied. They walked together back into the living room and stood outside their bedrooms. They were both plain and only had a single bed. The wall paper was white with a rune design.

"Well, goodnight Zach."

"Goodnight Jessica." With one last goodnight kiss, they went into their respective rooms and went to bed.

"Last night, two explosions were reported in two separate warehouses on opposite sides of the city. The first was the abandoned ACME factory. A search of the area have suggested that the explosion was caused by a fire in a fuel container in some sortof rocket. The second was an old warehouse. A search of the area has given evidence that it was the hideout of the Pranker. It can only be assumed that foxFang has defeated the Pranker, although no bodies have yet been discovered. Whether anyone was killed in either explosion is still unclear, although it is assumed that the Pranker is no more."

Bugs and Lola were in the hospital watching this headline on the news. They were resting in the recovery ward with a bowl of carrots each. They were both sitting in their beds with a hospital robe wrapped around them. Both of them had recovered substantilaly from the Pranker's attack, although they were both traumatised. They were both worried about Jessica, as they had no way of knowing whether she was ok.

"I hope Jessica is ok." Lola moaned.

"Lo, if FoxFang did defeat the Pranker, he would have rescued Jessica at the same time. We don't need to worry." Bugs replied.

"I suppose you're right, but I can't shalke off a constant worry."

"Eh, I suppose it's only natural." A nurse came walking up over to their beds.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bunny?" The nurse asked.

"Eh… what's up doc?" Bugs asked.

"How appropriate." Lola said with a giggle. The nurse giggled a little as well.

"Anyway, thee's some visitors to see you." The nurse added. Suddenly, Yakko, Wakko and Dot suddenly poppedout from under the beds.

"HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE!" They all shouted. The nurse screamed and ran off, with the Warners in pursuit. They ran right past Jessica, Zach, Plucky and Shirley.

"Darn Warner brothers." Plucky muttered. Dot ran up to him and stood right in his face.

"Don't forget the Warner sister!" Dot snapped before chasing after her brothers. Everyone shrugged and walked over to where Bugs and Lola were resting. Jessica climbed onto a stool and looked at her parents.

"Hi mum, Hi dad." Jessica greeted. Lola's eyes filled with tears.

"Jessica, you're ok!" Lola squealed. She immediately leant over and hugged her daughter.

"Yes mum, I'm still traumatised by what happened." Jessica replied.

"What did happen?" Bugs asked.

"I remember being grabbed by the Pranker and taken to some warehouse. I was kept there overnight until FoxFang rescued me." Zach, Plucky and Shirley remained silent.

"Looks like we all owe that dud our lives."

"Yeah. After he rescued me, he took me to Shirley's house. She's going to look after me until you guys are better."

"Wow, thank you." Lola exclaimed.

"It's no big deal." Shirley replied. A doctor then came up to the bed.

"Bugs, Lola, I have good news." The doctor began.

"Eh, what news is that?" Bugs asked.

"That you'll be able to leave tomorrow morning." Everyone cheered.

"Finally, we can get back to normal." Jessica said.

"Thanks doc." Bugs said.

"Sure, see you later." The doctor replied before walking off.

"Shirley, we'll come and pick up Jessica tomorrow morning ok?" Lola asked.

"Sure." Shirley replied.

"And hope this doesn't happen again." Plucky added.

"It'd better not." Jessica snapped. Everyone then started laughing.

That night, at Porky and Petunia's house, Petunia's daughter Christine was up later than she should be looking up at the ceiling. The ceiling was covered in glow in the dark plastic stars. Christine kept on looking at the stars. She then lay back down on the bed. Her eyes then glowed green.

"I will have my revenge FoxFang!" A voice from the room came. Christine's eyes stopped glowing and she then fell asleep.


A/N: Well, that's my second FoxFang story. I thank everyone who read and reviewed it and sincerely hope you liked it. Now, will the Pranker return? You'll have to wait and see. In the meanwhile, here's a sneak peek at my next FoxFang.

Title yet to be devised

The next story will be a massive hostage scenario. To free everyone, FoxFang and Cub will need some help from a mysterious criminal spoofing the Catwoman. Again, I won't post his/her name. Trying to guiess his/her identity won't do much good as I don't know myself.