A/N - I know that there is no character called Nicole on Friends, but just bear with me! Oh and i do not own any of the characters, but i sure wish i owned Matt Perry! Hot Damn!

Nicole glanced at her watch, scowling at the time.

"I'm so late," she muttered to herself, quickly applying blush. She took her hair out of the rollers and ran a brush through, satisfied with the way her blond hair now sat.

Checking her watch once more, she hissed at the time.

"Jesus Christ, Michelle is going to kill me," she groaned as she grabbed her purse and fled the room. "Bye Fluffy!" she called to her cat as she exited the house.

"Where are they?" she muttered to herself, rummaging through her purse for her keys. "Where the hell are they? Shit!" she cried as she went sprawling to the ground, the contents of her purse spilling out. She glared at her heel, which had gotten caught on a rock.

"Oh this is just not my night," she groaned, picking up the items from the ground. Her keys still were missing.

"Looking for these?" Nicole whirled around to find a man holding her keys.

"Yes! God, thankyou! You made my day!" she said breathlessly, standing up to face him.

"Really? Must have been a crappy day," he mused.

"Oh you have no idea! I got off work late, got stuck in a traffic jam, spilled apple juice all down the front of the dress I was meant to be wearing tonight, which has all resulted in me being 45 minutes late for a party."

"Well then, you shouldn't be standing here chatting to me then," he smiled, handing her the keys.

"God, you're so right! Thanks for the keys," she turned towards her car.

"Unless you want to blow off the party and hang with me?" the man said hopefully. Nicole turned to face him again.

"I'm sorry, I'm flattered, but this party is sort of a big deal. I can't miss it," she explained.

"You've already missed 45 minutes," he countered.

"Which is why I really have to go! See you." Nicole once again started for her car.

"Don't walk away from me," the man hissed. Nicole froze, except for her hand, which slowly reached into her purse for her pepper spray. Something smacked into her from behind and she was thrown against her car, her pepper spray rolling under the car. Nicole spun around just in time to see a fist rushing towards her. She fell back against the car, her vision blurring.

"Looks like you are going to be a bit later than you thought," the man sneered down at her.

"Help!" Nicole screamed, looking around frantically. The man roughly covered her mouth with his hand, causing her head to smack into the car window.

"Man, is your friend going to be pissed at you," he continued to taunt her, leaning closer. "I'm sure she will understand, given the circumstances."

Nicole let out a choked cry as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. The man removed his hand from her mouth and she looked down. The hilt of a knife was sticking out of her stomach. She hadn't even seen him move.

"Oh…god," she managed to gasp as she slid down the side of her car. The man watched smiling as she crumpled to the ground. He reached down and yanked the knife out, eliciting another choked cry from Nicole.

"And you were worried about apple juice staining a dress," he mocked. Nicole moaned as she felt her blood dripping on her face, coming from the car door. She knew she was dying; she could feel her life slipping away from her. Groaning, she turned her head to the side and spotted the pepper spray just out of reach.

Stifling a cry, she threw her arm out to grab it and gasped in horror as her fingers knocked it away. She looked back at the man, who had watched her actions with amusement. He shrugged.

"Tough break toots," he lifted the knife up high, its blade dripping with her blood. Nicole squeezed her eyes shut as the knife came plunging down.

Please read and review! Be gentle! I'll update soon!