Blah. School plays, a totally classic. A must do!

If you read "Forget me not", you should know I already have many chapters typed out, but not uploaded. To slow myself down, I decided to work on yet, another fic.

I can't say too much happens between Ichigo and Rukia in this fic, but I'll see how things go.

Murmurs filled the auditorium as a group of students were seating down.

"Quiet down, class." Instructed the teacher. They ignored her and kept talking. "Class, I asked you guys to quiet down. Class. Class!"

Tatsuki was getting annoyed, she wanted to get this done and over with. "SHE SAID SHUT UP!" Tatsuki screamed, holding up her fist. The class stared at her, frightened. After she heard complete silence except for a cough that echoed, she smiled and sat down.

"Ah, yes, thanks Tatsuki."

"My pleasure." She said with a grin.

"Anyways, you all are probably wondering why we're in here. We're going to start on a play."

The kids got rowdy again and girls were chatting about parts already.

"What is it about?" A voice range out from the crowd.

"I'm getting into that. It's called 'Destiny of Two Hearts.'"

"Sounds romantic!" Michiru yelled out.

"It is. It's about a lovely princess and a witch who hates her because of her lovely beauty. When the witch puts a spell over the princess, a prince comes and slays the witch. But no! The witch puts a spell on the prince's best friend and the prince gets stabbed! So a fairy comes can heals his wound and gives him a sword to slay the evil witch. Then, the prince goes to the church were the cold princess's body lays and gives her a kiss of love, waking her up! Happy ending!"

The class was silent.

'That's retarded..' Ichigo thought.

'I didn't get what she said..' Rukia sighed to herself

'KISS? I WANT TO BE THE PRINCE!' Keigo yelled in his head.

"Why does it sound like every other fairy tale?" Tatsuki sighed out loud.

"We'll need sceenary props creators and costume designing." The teacher spoke, ignoring Tatsuki's comment.

Ishida stood up from his seat and raised his hand. "Please leave the costume job to me."

"Alright, we got the costumes covered. Props?"

"I'll help." Chad volunteered.

"I'll help Chad!" Mizuiro smiled.

"We'll need more people to help move things around."

"Keigo and Ichigo are going to help too, right?" Mizuiro turned to his two friends.

"NO! I WANT TO BE THE PRINCE!" Keigo cried.

"NO! Inoue is the princess and I am the prince that gets to kiss her!" Chizuru yelled, kicking the boy.

"Actually, since this is an European-based play, I was hoping to use Kurosaki because of his hair as the prince."

"WHAT!" Keigo cried out.

"No!" Ichigo shouted, he didn't want to be involved.

"Alright! You got the part as Enrique, Kurosaki!" The teacher smiled.

Ichigo was speechless. He didn't agree to yet he got the part. "NO!"

"Yes, people are shocked once they get important roles. Quiet down, Kurosaki. Now, for the rest of the cast."

"You said the prince's best friend gets to stab him, right?" Tatsuki asked.

"Yes. That's… Pedro."

"If Ichigo's the prince, I'll take that part." Tatsuki chuckled evilly.

"Alright, that's covered. How about… the Princess?"

"Inoue has strange colored hair too." Michiru pointed out.

"Ah, yes. I thought of that, but the stage balcony that the princess has to strand on is quite weak, we need a small figure."

Everyone turned to Rukia, being the smallest and shortest girl in the class, it was quite obvious.

"…What!" Rukia asked when she saw everyone's eyes on her.

"That part of the princess. Accept the offer, Rukia?"

"Oh, no. I'm sure Orihime would do a much better job than I will!" Rukia said in her false voice laughing nervously.

"No! It's okay! I want to be the evil witch!" Everyone sweat dropped at the cute bouncing girl wanting to be the witch.

"Then it's settled, Rukia, you're Princess Desiree (Pronounced Dez-ser-ray. It means 'to be desired', lovely naaame.) and Inoue, you're the witch."

"Well, if Inoue's the witch! I want to be the fairy, and then we can match! That would be so cute!" Chizuru squealed. Tatsuki made a face and sighed.

"Alrighty then. How about the maid?"

"How many lines does she have? I want an easy part!" Michuru explained.

"All she does is serve the princess in one scene and report the princess's lifeless body to the King later on."

"I'll take it!" Michiru smiled.

After the teacher finished assigning the parts. Everyone was excused for lunch.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Ichigo yelled and Tatsuki hit him with a stick.

"Just practicing. I'll be stabbing you after all."

"During the play! Like I asked to be the prince anyways."

"Like I asked to be a princess too?" Rukia sighed.

"Hey guys.. I just remembered something thanks to Keigo's yelling." Ishida looked up from his bento box.

"What?" everyone said in unison.

"The prince has to kiss the princess."

Everyone froze. Rukia dropped her juice box. Keigo started sobbing.

"That's perfect." Mizuiro spoke up.

"What!" Rukia and Ichigo spat at him.

"I'm sure you two had a lot of practice." The two stared at Mizuiro with a 'You better start explaining' look on their faces.

"Well, you two are always together, running off with each other and all that. Plus, going to the bathroom at the same time during class? It's quite obvious, I blame the idiot that doesn't suspect anything."

"Now that you say so…" Tatsuki said quietly.

Rukia sat there, jaw open. Tatsuki seemed to notice this because she went over and pat Rukia's back.

"Its okay, Rukia. Nothing to be embarrassed about." Tatsuki smiled. Rukia just stared at her , having nothing to say.

"YOU GUYS GOT IT ALL WRONG!" Ichigo yelled out on top of his lungs.

"Eh, Ichigo, we all know what's going on, nothing to hide." Ishida smiled deviously and patted his friend's shoulder.


"Alright! Alright! If you say so. Sheesh." Tatsuki shook her head.

The walk home between Ichigo and Rukia wasn't so quiet.


"What?" Rukia questioned him.


"Your image?" What is this.. image that you speak off?"


"… What ever."

After a few minutes, Ichigo calmed down and spoke, "Well, now I have an excuse to keep you in the house during the day time."

"True, so I can actually use the door today?"

"I guess so."