(Sanzo: Oi! It's time to go now
Goku: But- Saaaaaaannnnnzzoooooooo!!! I really like talking to this Goku! I like her!
Sanzo:*takes out a paper fan; thwackthwackthwack!*
Sanzo: You broke my paper fan!*holds up broken paper fan; reveals a spare*)

Eh heh..back to the story ^^

Between Men and Women

Chapter Eight: You're Hired!

Goku was sad, for the other Goku had left(See-Angry/pissed off/peeved/bitchy/bastard-like/deadly/baleful/tick-marked Sanzo) and Vegeta was -still- agruing with Bulma. She had lost track of time! But they probably had been agruing for at least a day or so, and to mention it, she was hungry! Then her stomach decided to confirm that why wailing out to the world. All was still, except for that dog barking in the distance, but that's not as important. Even Bulma and Vegeta had stopped yelling, until Vegeta went,"You times infinityxinfinityxinfinity to the 100th power!" and then she cackled, much like an guy like Badidi would, only more weirder, and this time more people stared at her.

Meanwhile somewhere...uh somewhere, Videl was being persistent and all and gathered the dragon balls again, even though Gohan had continiously went,"Iiiiiie!" Screw him! Er..her! He would get to dragon to grant that wish, even if he had to bitch slap it to make it wake up! Just then Pan stumbled down the stairs, with a look on that face that could only mean 'Cofffeeeeeeee-eventhoughit'sjustacupofickystinkytastlessmuckybrownbland water' or something like that. He noticed the orange spheres within his mother's/dad's grasp and suddenly he didn't need that crap called coffee!

"The dragon balls! But I thought we couldn't use them for a year!"

"Well, Panny-wanny, my dear,"(Skim to-tick-marked Pan),"I -am- going to make this no good excuse for a god to awaken and grant that f*****' wish!!!!!!!!! Even if I have to bitch slap it to death! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!"

"Um..that's nice...I need to go to school now-sayonara!"And Pan left the cackling Videl...in his underwear( See-OhmygodIforgottogetdressedforschoolandnowI'mgonnagetlaughedatO_____O).

As for Bra and Trunks, Bra had gotten them lost. I mean really lost. Like in the forest type..lost. yeah. Bra kicked the smoking piece that -was- a car. Keyword: was.

"There goes our car. Mom's gonna freak. Dad's gonna freak."


"We should go on to digging our graves."

Trunks sweatdropped,"Later, Bra. Let's just go home."

"Oh, um Trunks..?"


"Should I dig my grave first, or do you want to? Or do you wanna find a stone big enough to be our tombstones?"


Meanwhile, Piccolo was off to kill the author! So off she was! Into the air! Faster than a speeding bullet! Able to leap a buliding in a single bound! Able to carry all the food Goku can consume in one day! It's Super-Piccolo! Whooooooooooo! Her mission - she won't tell us. Her age - she won't tell us. Her hit-list - Sakura Blackwolf, Sakura Blackwolf, and the list goes on and on with Sakura Blackwolf written all over it. Oh! And at the bottom was Cloud Strife, for he had freed the evil that was the author, by manipulating all the reviews she had gotten into a...seal-breaking thingy...Oh who cares!?

She was just pissed. Pissed enough to kill a school. But wait..can you kill a school? A school is an inanimate object after all so it wouldn't be killing, or would be more like destroying. Seek and destroy. A grin spread across her lips. Yes, that was what she should do! [insert addings of School to the hit-list] And in the back of her mind, her mind was starting to crack.

Pan stomped home, red across his face. The good thing was - her school was somehow burnt down. The bad thing - everyone was looking at him! Geez! You'd think they'd have something better to do! He ignored Videl who was still mwahahahaha'ing(Gohan had to remind him to breathe) and got changed. He should meet Marron in the treehouse they made. When he got to the rendevous, he saw Marron just starring into the tree with a look of O_O on his face.


"Pan...um..I think you should look into the tree here."

Pan walked over to the O_O'ed blonde and looked up and went O_O too..only tthere was an extra line to the mouth so it was more like O__O. Kay.

Up in the treetop was Piccolo, dressed in a high school girl's uniform, munching on a doughnut like..like a chaotic chipmunk!(Muse - a hell squrriel!) A deranged beaver! (Muse - A pink clown!) Evil!

Piccolo looked down upon the two boys and jumped off her perch, Doughnut hanging off her pointed ear. Her eyes were wide with perkiness(probably from the treat she just had) and internally her mind was cracked. But now they couldn't see that, they just thought she had gone nutters on her way up there.

She popped a plunger outta nowhere and pointed it at the two of them,"I have bulit a kingdom high in that tree( Pan - but we bulit it..)! What do you peons have to offer to my humble abode?"

"I can be a fool!"Marron perked. Pan looked at Marron.

Pan - O___O

Marron - ^-^!

Pan - O___O

Marron - ^-^!

This went on for the next half hour or so.


"You're hired!"said Piccolo after a half hour of pondering.

