Quatre, Trowa and Wufei slowly made their way through the house, surprised at how quiet it was. Too quiet. In all the time that they've lived with Duo the house was vary rarely ever quiet, especially at one in the afternoon.


When he didn't get a reply, Quatre motioned for the others to head upstairs.

"Maybe he is with Heero."

Following Quatre up to Heero's room, the three stopped suddenly at the scene that laid before them. Duo and Heero were fast asleep. Heero was wrapped protectively in Duo's arms and was curled against Duo's side, his head resting on his shoulder.

Silently making his way into the room, Quatre tapped Duo lightly on the shoulder. Instantly Duo's eye's snapped open, though he didn't move a muscle, not wanting to disturb the figure resting against him.

In a low voice, Duo greeted his friends.

"What is it Quat?"

"Nothing. We were just worried when we came home. Every thing was too quiet. Especially when you are home.You usually have the TV or radio on no matter what."

"Sorry guys, but I didn't get around to turning anything on, or getting breakfast either for that matter."

Suddenly concerned, Quatre glanced back at the others waiting in the door way, before turning his attention back to Duo.

"Why, what happened?"

"Heero collapsed in the shower this morning. When he didn't come down for breakfast, I went up to check on him. He was laying on the floor, totally unaware of where he was. I think he had another flashback, but I'm not certain."

Heero woke to soft voices speaking above him, and a comforting warmth beside him.

What? Who would be with me?

It was then that Heero knew who it was that was speaking and what had happened in the bathroom. Shuddering, Heero pressed closer to Duo, needing to feel cared for instead of hated, used, and worthless.

Duo stopped speaking when he felt Heero shudder and leaned closer to him, brushing his fingers through Heero's dark hair.

"Heero, what is it?"

"Why do you do this?"

Confused, Duo paused momentarily in running his fingers through Heero's hair.

"Do what Heero?"


Pushing away from Duo, Heero moved so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed, farthest away from Duo and Quatre.

"Why do you insist on helping me? I'm nothing. All I do is cause trouble and invade on what you guys have."

Heero paused taking in a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm himself down.

"Why try and comfort me, give me a secure place when there are others more deserving... less... less tainted!"

The others stared in shock as Heero spoke. They KNEW that Heero had been feeling undeserving of their friendship, but they hadn't thought that Heero had felt like THIS. Swiftly Wufei and Trowa, who had standing by the door, entered the room and knelt down in front of Heero so that they were looking into his eyes. Duo and Quatre settled themselves close beside their distressed friend.

"Heero, listen to us please. We know that you've been hurt, hurt in more ways and times than anyone deserves. But what happened to you wasn't your fault!

Duo placed an arm around Heero's shoulders.

"Don't let what others have done to you rule your life."

Softly, Duo brushed his lips across Heero's cheek.

Wufei gently took one of Heero's slim hands in his own, moving slowly so as not to make Heero more nervous then he already was.

"Remember what I told you? That it was okay to want and need others to rely on? We are not going to neglect you when you need our help."

Surprise and then confusion flashed across Heero's face.

"But... I..."

Quatre brushed his fingers across Heero's cheek, tenderly drawing Heero's attention to him.

"Heero, you're a strong willed individual, an honorable man, who we're all proud to know. I know you don't think that about yourself. Especially since your recent capture, but that doesn't make you weak or tainted. We all love you for who you are, not what others forced you into."

Heero's eyes widened at the word 'love', never expecting such a word ever to be directed towards him.

They love me?

"But... How... Why?" Heero asked uncertainly.

Seeing the disbelief in Heero's eyes, Trowa decided that it was his turn to say something.

"Heero you're a kind, sensitive, caring person underneath your soldier's mask. Yes we love you, you're a part of us, you make us whole. Besides, what kind of friends would we be if we knowingly left you to suffer alone?"

Heero's eyes bore into each of the others as he tried to understand what it was they were implying.

They couldn't surely mean...

"You... You mean it?"

Since his arm was already around Heero's shoulders, it was easy enough to turn Heero's head so that he could kiss him lightly on the lips.

"We wouldn't be with you now or worry about you if we didn't."

"If we were repulsed by you, would we touch you? Kiss you?"

Wufei brought the hand he was holding up to his lips, and placed a gentle kiss on it.

Still, Heero stared into their eyes, still unsure if he should believe them. He'd put his trust in people before and it only led to pain.

As he locked gazes with everyone in turn, Heero relaxed into their touch. All he saw was genuine concern and love reflecting in their eyes.

Feeling Heero relax against them, Quatre brushed his lips lightly against Heero's forehead while Duo tightened his hold on his shoulders. Slowly, they eased him back so that they were all laying back on the bed, Heero still wrapped protectively in their arms. Trowa and Wufei settled in beside them on each side.

Heero sighed contently, surrounded by those who loved him. No longer an unwanted, used being, but a cherished individual who had finally found a place in life. A place where he could truly be himself, free of the barriers and pain that others saw.


Well, this story is complete... I hope everyone enjoyed it. Sorry for the delay. I know that Heero was OOC throughout, but hey that's the way it is. The last chapter was kinda lovey dovey, but they did need to get Heero to believe them. Oh well, review please, I'd like to know what you thought