Jumba sat down in his chair at his desk and explained all of the events leading up to the massive explosion leaving out any information that might link Kyle to project alpha. "I am to be assuming that Hamsterviel died or escaped in escape pod."

The Grand Council Woman nodded. "I'll have troops search the area."

Jumba thought for a moment. "Is strange though…"

Cobra took his sunglasses off. "What's strange?"

Jumba shook his head. "The explosion… damage to lab should have been caused by blast proof armor failing. But…" Jumba turned to his desk and drew a crewed picture of the reactor and its blast armor. "Shape of armor is in sphere shape. Is so all of force is equally distributed on armor." Jumba drew some arrows from the center of the reactor pointing to the armor. "Explosion we saw means that armor failed. Is expected. Was low quality. But, if armor was of equal quality all around, then explosion would have destroyed everything with in certain radius. Explosion I saw was not in sphere shape. Was more like cone. Meaning that there was flaw in armors strength." Jumba thought for a long time. If he stayed quiet than they wouldn't find Kyle. But if he didn't tell them then Kyle might not survive long. "Is possible project alpha compromised the armor and escaped before explosion. Would explain why explosion did not spread out in a sphere shaped pattern. He might still be alive."

The Grand Council Woman headed towards the door. "I'll have the search team search for project alpha as well then."

Jumba stopped her. "Would it being possible that I could send experiment with search team? Is uh experiment specially designed to search debris."

The Grand Council Woman nodded. "Very well. Cobra, escort it to my ship."

Jumba looked at Cobra. "I will be getting it."

Shauni woke up to someone tapping on the tinted window of Kyle's van. She rubbed the dried crusty tears from her eyes and looked at the window. It was Jumba. "Shauni are you being in there?" Shauni walked over to the rear doors of the van and opened them. Finder jumped out of Jumba's hands and scurried off elsewhere. "Come on little one. We have to be going." Shauni slammed the doors closed and sat down in the van with her head in her paws. "Is chance he is still alive!"

Shauni's lifted her head out of her paws and turned around swinging the door wide open. "He's… alive?"

Jumba shrugged his shoulders. "Is possible. I can send you back to lab with galactic federation troops but you have to be pretending to be one of my experiments." Jumba picked Shauni up and started back towards Lilo's house "Pretend you are experiment designed to search debris for single object. Much like needle in haystack. If and when you find him though I have no idea what will happen. Galactic Federation is looking for him as well."