Hi everyone! I'm back with a new story! This story is rated M for mature because it deals with rape, extreme violence, gore, and other things. The pairing is this story is Luffy/Nami, cuz I like that pairing. Here is a full summary on this story: When the straw hats encounter a strange girl floating in the ocean, they take her in. She tried to take Nami off board with her, because they knew each other in the past. What exactly is there connection? What secrets are they hiding? Who are the Black Rose pirates? Why is Nami's friend afraid of them so much? All these questions will be answered! I don't own One Piece. Read and Review!

Fighting the Past

Episode One: Saved

She floated there, barely hanging on to the small piece of driftwood. A shiver ran down her spine. Kayla was only 19 years old. She had mid length black hair with two red spots atop her head, that was tied into a low ponytail and fire red eyes. On her left arm the numbers "91735" were carved into her skin.

On her right arm, was Arlong's symbol, though it looked like it had been clawed at. She wore a crimson V-neck top that had no sleeves on it and low waist cut black pants so you could see her belly. Also, she wore black navy boots and a red belt. Tied onto her back were two sais, thought the ends were corked so they couldn't hurt her. She was rather slim.

In the distance she could see a ship. It had, in her opinion, the weirdest looking flag. It had the Jolly Roger symbol that signaled that it was a pirate ship, and on the Jolly Roger was a straw hat. A small smirk crossed her lips, allowing her fangs to show.

'Oh, the irony. Stay here and be dragged under, or be saved by pirates. I hope they see my signal or I'm a goner…'

"Meat! I need meat! Sanji! Is lunch ready yet?"

Luffy ran into the kitchen, only to be thrown out by an enraged Sanji.

"Stay out of my kitchen until lunch is READY!"

"Is it ready yet? Cause I need meat!"

"NO!" Sanji yelled as he slammed the door.

Luffy sighed and stood up. He began to walk over to the sheep's head that he loved to sit on. As he walked on, he saw Usopp telling Chopper stories, and Zoro sleeping on the deck like always, and Nami was just looking over the side of the ship. It was a normal day, well, as normal as a day could be anyways. Nothing interesting had happened in a while.

He wished something interesting would happen, just because he was board. Luffy didn't like being board. It was well…boring being board. Not only was he board, he was hungry. He needed meat, right now. Maybe, if he was really quiet he could sneak into the kitchen and grab the meat. It sounded like a good idea.


Luffy stopped in his tracks, and turned so he was facing the kitchen door, where once again, the enraged Sanji stood.

"What happened to all the beef? We just stopped at a town to get some beef and now it's all gone! Did you eat it all…again?!"


"Why did you eat it all?!"

"Because I was hungry," Luffy stated.

Sanji sweat-dropped, as Nami, Usopp and Chopper just looked at Luffy.

"You ate 3 weeks of meat because you were hungry?" Nami asked.

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

The three just sweat-dropped with Sanji.

"I need a smoke."

Sanji pulled out his pack of cigarettes and his lighter. He lit his cigarette then put the pack and lighter away.

"Sanji! You need to cut back, you realize we're about a week away from the closest island and you're on your second to last pack of cigarettes?" Nami scolded.

"I'm sorry my dearest Nami-swan! Please forgive me!"

Nami sighed, "Whatever, and you Luffy, need to stop eating so much damn meat!"

Zoro yawned and sat up, "what's going on? Why everyone is yelling?"

"Nami is just chewing out Sanji for smoking and Luffy for eating all the beef…again," Usopp spoke up.

"And Usopp was just telling me about the time he beat the giant fish monster gang, and saved a whole town!" Chopper happily yelled.

"Oh really?" Zoro said eyeing Usopp.

"Yeah, tell em Usopp!"

"Yeah, well...ya see…um…hey, what's that?" Usopp pointed in the distance.

A huge fireball flew up in the air, and a huge black ball followed it.

"Whoa, what was that?" Chopper asked bewildered.

"It looked like a distress flare, anyway it came from the east, about three minutes away from our current location," Nami answered.

Luffy clapped his hands, "those were so cool! Do it again!"

Everyone sighed and shook their heads.

"Luffy, do you wanna go check it out?" Zoro asked.

Luffy nodded, "yeah! It looks like fun!"

Nami ran to the front of the ship and grabbed the helm, turning the ship in the right direction. Zoro stood up and followed her, as did Luffy. Chopper and Usopp ran downstairs to grab some medical supplies just in case. Sanji walked back into the kitchen to finish making the food and a little extra just in case they were rescuing someone.

Kayla smiled as she saw the ship change course into her direction.


Kayla shut her eyes, and sighed sadly. She was saved…but...what of the people that saved her? Did they have good intentions…or were like THEM. The last two pirates that OWNED her. She noticed the ship was pretty close, and she made sure to hide the red dots on her head, and tighten her belt. Kayla winced in pain as she looked at her hand; blood covered it.

"Hey! Down here!"

Luffy looked over the side of the ship, and saw a girl.

"Hey guys look, there's a girl in the water!" he shouted.

Kayla just starred at him, 'what an idiot!'

A rope was thrown to her. She smiled graciously and reached for it, but it was just out of her grasp.

"What are you waiting for? Swim over to it?"

She looked up to see a man with light green hair standing by the boy with the straw hat on his head.

"I can't, I don't know how to swim!"

Zoro sighed and walked over to the kitchen. Kayla wandered why the green-haired man disappeared.

"Oh Sanji, there is a damsel in distress in the water that needs saving!"

Sanji ran out of the kitchen and looked at Zoro, who just pointed to where Luffy was.

"She said she couldn't swim."

"And you just left her in there? Shitty swordsman! That's not how you treat a lady!"

"Stupid love-cook, don't insult me!"

"What are you gunna do about it cabbage head!"

Zoro drew his swords, "fight!"

Right before Sanji could make an attempt to kick Zoro, the sound of a body hitting wood was heard.

"Chopper, Usopp, hurry and get up here with those medical supplies!" Nami yelled.

"Are you okay?" Luffy asked the coughing girl.

Kayla just lay on the deck coughing, she felt so weak. Chopper and Usopp ran towards them, as did Sanji and Zoro. Kayla shut her eyes, taking in their scents. One smelled like a deer and different kinds of medicine, another smelled like iron and sweat, another like straw, meat and sweat, another like gunpowder and medical supplies, another smelled like herbs, spices, meat and the last sent, was a very familiar sent. One she could never forget the smell of tangerines, fear and tears.

Kayla opened her eyes, and pushed her self up. No wonder why she could smell fear on her, the ship was run by men. Dirty, disgusting, evil men. She let a growl escape her lips.

'I'll help her escape; I won't let these men hurt her anymore!'

Kayla stood up with much difficulty.

"Hey, you shouldn't be standing up! You're bleeding!" the little deer exclaimed.

Kayla smirked and swiped at him, "back off!"

Chopper staggered back and fell on his butt, "what's wrong with you?"

Luffy stared at the girl, "hey, why'd you do that? He was only trying to help!"

"Yeah! Chopper's a doctor!" Usopp yelled.

"Stupid men…Nami…are you alright?"

Nami was snapped out of her daze, that voice, was so very familiar suddenly it hit her.


Me: Wow! This is probably gunna be my best story ever! I'm so excited!

Luffy: I want meat!

Me: Not my problem, stop buggin me bout that! You'll get it soon enough!

Luffy: But I want it now!

Me: Sanji! Kick his ass for me!

Sanji: With pleasure...:puts out his cigarette and walks towards Luffy:

Luffy: Ahhhh! Save me:Luffy runs away:

Me: Thank you.

Sanji: No problem.

Me: Okay, now for the first time ever I have news for you all! This story will be divided into arks! This ark is the "Kayla Ark"! Here is a sneak preview of the next episode of One Piece:

" You know better then to interrupt me when I'm with Nami! How dare you defy your orders! You belong to ME Kayla! Have you forgotten that?"

Nami stopped crying and looked at Kayla. Kayla was smirking evilly.

" I BELONG to no one Arlong! Not your associates, not your men and certainly not YOU!"

Nami gasped, Kayla always intruded on her beatings. Nami knew that Kayla got far worse treatment then herself.

Me: That's next time on Episode Two: Memories!

Sanji: Read and Review for the authouress!