"Draco!" I hollered since he stayed in the closet for quite a while, "what on earth are you doing?"

"I am trying to find something!" he shouted back.

"Oh really? Because I thought you were trying to take a bath."

He finally walked out of the closet with a very blank look on his face. "Ha…Ha…Ha. No, you sarcastic little girl, I was looking for this--" and after he finished his sentence he showed me a jar with leaves in it.

"Well, um, that looks very important. Thank you." I really had no idea what the boy was going on about.

"Well, they are very important, they are mint leaves. And unless you want to have two day old breath, I insist that you take some and chew on them. Unless you like two day old breath, then by all means, don't take any."

I gave him a glare and snatched the jar from his hands. Even though he could be insufferable, my breath really was bad. I needed the leaves.

"How did you know to look for the leaves?" I asked as I inserted a couple into my mouth. I handed the jar to Draco and he did the same.

"Well, you see, mint leaves are widely used in cleansing potions. So, I figured that since Snape is the Potions Professor, that he just might have some in his closet."

"Hmm, that was a good idea. I must say that I am actually impressed."

"If that impressed you then you have a lot more to look forward to."

"Like what? You're always insulting either me, or my family, or someone else. How would I actually get to know you beyond that for you to impress me?"

"Well, I don't know. Perhaps we could talk?"

"Um, ok," I said, rather uncomfortably.



"Well, I can see that this conversation is going to go far," he said to me. "How about this," he said as he took a seat leisurely at his desk, "here, I will tell you something that you don't know about me, and then you can have a go at it."

"Ok,' I said as I took a seat at my desk across from him, "go ahead."

"Ok, well, um. My favourite flavour of ice cream is pistachio," he said with a nod of his head.

"Mmm, not bad, but cinnamon is so much better."

He tilted his head in a contemplative manner, "It's befitting."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, your hair is red. Your personality, fiery. Cinnamon is both? I don't know, you seem like cinnamon. Anyway, next fact, I like to read."

"Read what?"

"Novels, preferably ones with romance in them. Hey, don't look at me like that; I can't help it if I like it. I blame my mother."

At this I chuckled. "Your mother?"

"Yes, she is a hopeless romantic; I can't help if I inherited it. Enough of me, you now owe me two facts."


"Yes, mine was in depth, it counts as two."

"Fine, two. One, I hate green peppers. Two, I refuse to keep journals," I finished quietly.

"I'm sorry, I hope you know that." There was an awkward moment of silence in which we were both trying to look any where but at each other. Finally after a while, Draco spoke up, "Hey, I am going to move over by you. I mean, it is kind of awkward with us sitting right across the room from each other."

"Well, there seems to be plenty of room over here."

It was quite amusing to watch Draco carry the bulky desk over to me. He was about half way across the room when he finally gave up.

"Here, get up."


"Get up, we are sitting on the floor." So, we got up and sat on the floor. "Ok, this is better."



"What's your best memory?"

"Best memory? That's a tough one. I would have to say when my mother was pregnant with my little sister."

"Wow, wait!" I said in surprise. "You have a little sister? I never knew that." I said.

"Had a sister, Ginevra. She was never born actually. My father was a very violent man. One night he got carried away while taking his anger out on my mother. She was horribly beaten, the baby never survived."

"I am so sorry Draco. I didn't mean to bring it up. If I had known that then I wouldn't have said anything. Oh, please forgive me, I really di…"

"Shhhhh," he said as he cut me off, "it's ok. It was quite a while ago, and I have pretty much gotten over it."

"You would have made an excellent brother, Draco." With this, his cheeks tinted pink. A rather nice blush compared to my blotchy redness.

"I suppose I've always fancied being an older brother."

"I think Harry would have made a great older brother too. Unfortunately, he was never been given the chance either."

Suddenly the mood in the room shifted. "Damn it! Why the hell did you have to say that for? We were having a perfectly good time, and then you had to go and spoil it!" he said, practically shouting at me as he rose from the floor and started pacing.

I stared at him in shock, "What! I have done nothing for you to be acting like this!"

"Oh, but you have done everything Ginevra, everything. You reminded me of the damned Boy-Who-Lived. A.K.A. the-boy-who-has-every-thing-I-ever-wanted."

"What the hell does Harry have that you want so badly?"

"Love!" he shouted. "All I have ever wanted, thirsted, craved for is love! To have the satisfaction of knowing that someone is so madly infatuated with you that they are nervous, but at the same time intensely relieved when you enter their presence. Or that you're constantly in their thoughts. Or when the person dares not utter your name in fear that the mere mentioning of your name would give a signal to everyone around then that you surely must like them. I know what all that feels like Ginevra, and all I have ever wanted was for someone to return the sentiment. But no, and at every mentioning of "Harry" I am reminded of what I don't have."

"But Draco," I said, still confused, "has Harry ever had that? I don't know what you mean." Then, suddenly, a feeling of conviction washed over me. It was me; it was me he was talking about.

He looked at me with sad, defeated eyes and said, "Of course you don't." His shoulders slumped as he went to go to sit on the other side of the room.

"Wait," I said hurriedly. "Draco!"

"What?" he mumbled.

I crouched down to where he was sitting on the floor and put a hand on his shoulder, "Is it me that you are talking about?"

"It's always been you Gin." He said as he got slightly closer.

"But, I am still confused…" this earned an exasperated sigh from Draco. "Because I have not been Harry's for a very long time."

He stared at me in bewilderment, "Wha…what?"

"Draco," I said, just inches away from his face, "I have not liked him for quite some time now."

I could tell he was still confused. "What do you mean? Do you mean what I think you do? Because if you're not, if you're messing with me, then…"

"Draco," I cut him off.


"Shut up," I chuckled. I then proceeded to silence him further with my lips.

I could tell that he was surprised, but it was definitely pleasant, for both of us. It was absolutely intoxicating, our bodies so close, my hands on his neck and in his hair, one of his hands around my waist and the other tangled in my curls. It was pure bliss.

We were found the next morning, my head in the crook of his arm, with his hands protectively around my waist, by Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Have they been here for two days?" McGonagall said in a shrill whisper, looking at us.

"Why yes," Dumbledore said with his twinkling eyes and small smile. "I do believe they have."

"This is terrible!"

"Contrary Minerva, I think it is the start of something extraordinary." With that he led her out from the door way, to leave us in peace and with a way out.

If I had been told earlier that I was to fall in love with Draco, and that my feelings were going to be completely reciprocated, I would have laughed right in the face of whoever was trying to convince me of it. But, now as I look back, I can't imagine any other way that I would have wanted things to turn out. We are to be married next month, having completed Hogwarts some time ago. And every day, I am so grateful that I did something that I would never have thought of doing, for it gave me the greatest opportunity of my life.