Obligatory Disclaimer: Laserbeak is owned by Hasbro Inc, Cho and Draco are owned by JK Rowling.

As Decepticon Laserbeak approached, he saw the usual fifteen figures flying about, each tending to his individual position. He quickly focused on the object of his hunt, another addition to his collection. He heard the familiar whirring wings, saw the target whizzing about, and moved in. Before anyone could intervene, Laserbeak snagged the target in his beak and streaked off to rejoin the other Decepticons before he was missed.

Watching the intruder escape, Cho Chang cursed the repeated intrusion: "Blast it, that's the tenth Snitch he's stolen this term!"

Draco Malfoy snickered and grinned: "Terrible. And it's still November, even."