Disclaimer: I do not own Silent Hill, and make no money off of this crap I write. I only gain enjoyment.
Author's Note: The hardest part is coming up with names for reporters and doctors and such people.
Second article: Silent Hill 2, post the "In Water" ending, I suppose. Probably other endings too, depending on how you could twist it.
Collected Articles (2)
From the North Ashfield Gazette
by Rachel Watts
(North Ashfield Gazette Staff)
Married couple James and Mary Sunderland were filed as missing persons yesterday after not being heard from since Sunday.
A search of the Sunderland home in North Ashfield led to little clues to their whereabouts. Police found no sign of forced entry or struggle. Neighbors confirmed that the couple owns a blue sedan that could not be found in the vicinity of the house.
James Sunderland's father, Frank Sunderland of South Ashfield, last heard from his son on Sunday morning. The son said that he and his wife were going to Silent Hill, but did not mention when they would return.
"He sounded strange on the phone," said the missing man's father. "I worried about him. But he never answered the phone again, and no one was home when I stopped by."
Concerns escalated when the younger Sunderland failed to show up for work without notice, and he did not call St. Jerome's Hospital to update him on his ailing wife's condition.
Mary Sunderland suffered from a rare disease for the past three years, and until recently resided in St. Jerome's for close observation and treatment. She was sent home on Saturday when all treatments proved ineffective for the terminal disease. Her husband had been instructed to call and update the hospital the next day.
"Due to her unique condition, we wanted to continue to supply Mary with special attention to the end," said the hospital director. "We were also worried about the stress it was causing not only her, but her husband. When we didn't receive a call, we took steps to contact family."
After two days of hearing no word from his son and daughter-in-law, Frank Sunderland contacted the Ashfield Police Department.
Police are not ruling out the possibility of foul play, including any by James Sunderland himself, based on psychological advice.
"James was crazy about Mary," insisted the elder Sunderland. "I can't see him coming close to what is being suggested."
Dr. Jonathon Louis , clinical psychologist at St. Jerome's, warned otherwise: "The stress that comes with the imminent death of a loved one obviously has drastic effects on our behavior." Dr. Louis supplied Mary Sunderland with psychological treatment in addition to the hospital's disease care. "I find it strange that they would go on a day trip in another state in Mary's fragile condition. She was told to remain in bed."
A search underway in Silent Hill has turned up neither the couple nor their car, though some witnesses claimed to have seen the vehicle and their assertions traced it on a path to the small resort town.
"I remember seeing a clunker like that pass by," said a waitress who saw the car by the diner where she works only three miles from Silent Hill on County Road 73. "It was pretty early, when not a lot of cars are around. But I didn't see a woman, only a guy. He looked really agitated."
"It wouldn't surprise me if they did go there," said another witness on the condition of anonymity. "I hear all the time, so-and-so went on vacation in Silent Hill, but no one's heard or seen them in days or weeks. That place has become infamous. Not a lot of people will go there anymore."
Indeed, this was not the first time Silent Hill had been mentioned in the same breath as this kind of event. An association with the town and missing persons, deaths, and other strange occurrences has risen steadily higher in the last seven years.
If you have information about the disappearance of James and Mary Sunderland, please contact the Ashfield Police Department at (413) 555-0312.
I dunno if the hospital is even allowed to say that Mary was sick. Though, I guess if she's a missing person, it would be important to make note of so people would know how worrisome the disappearance would be.