High School is killing me!

Chapter 14- what? You forgot!

Last time

Inuyasha could smell Kagome's scent much more than the ramen, and could tell how aroused she was. She put her arms around his neck to pull him in closer and stood on her tiptoes. He abruptly stopped. Kagome was confused by his action. Then he smirked. He picked her up off the ground and carried her to her room up stairs and tossed on the bed roughly.

Kagome knew at that point…

This time

...If she didn't stop him, they would end up in a situation she would not be able to explain to other people. Like if they had sex…

But she couldn't help but indulge into his actions. Inuyasha kissed down her neck, slipping her shirt off. He gently kissed her stomach, nipping at it with his fangs. She squirmed, being a bit ticklish to his touch. He arced her back, receiving access to her bra clasp.

Kagome gasped when Inuyasha toyed with her nipples with his tongue. He licked her all over making her giggle and moan all at the same time. Inuyasha got to the pants; he started to unbutton them when he heard a 'no' coming from the wearer. Inuyasha sighed as he buttoned them back. He looked at her, trying to persuade her with his eyes.

"You're persistent today…" Kagome chuckled, "I didn't know you wanted sex that badly…"

"Nani! I…it's just…that I--!"

"What? Hmm, it's like this…I am completely, and utterly and absolutely in…lov--!" Kagome stopped in mid-sentence of mocking him when she noticed he was redder than her reddest lipstick. "OHMYKAMI! Do you love me?"

Inuyasha got off of Kagome, tried to escape through the door, forgetting to use the doorknob. Out of his impatient, he ran straight into the door, and knocked himself unconscious. Kagome got up, and looked down at him. She giggled slightly at his embarrassment. "So Inuyasha loves ME?"

Kagome blushed a light shade of rose, and then tried carry Inuyasha to the bed. She figured that he weighed too much, not that she was too weak, mind you, so she slid him on the ground next to her bed and propped a pillow under his head and gave him an ice pack.

Miroku and Sango

Sango grabbed Miroku's hand for the millionth time to a new ride in the attraction park. They had already road on five roller coasters, the zipper thrice, and she now wanted to ride the Farris wheel.

"Miroku! Come on! I swear this is the last ride tonight, I promise!" Sango whined, as the houshi slowly paced behind the excited girl. Rides were not his interest. Though, the Farris wheel sounded really romantic.

Miroku watched as Sango impatiently jumped up and down in line, excited.

"Sango, what is all the excitement for?"

"I've never been on the Farris wheel before! I've always wanted to go on!"

"Okay…" Miroku sighed, and then thought about it. "Wait, she has been here a million times, yet she has never ridden on the Farris wheel?"

The line slowly moved, as the conductor let people in to each carriage of the sky-circling ride of romance that every teen rides on with their dates. Sango and Miroku were the next to get on. Sango awed at the sight of the ride, while Miroku noticed the conductor smirking at him, and winked. He looked away thinking, "What the?"

Sango pulled on Miroku's arm, beckoning him to get in. They sat down on the plastic surface and faced each other. Sango looked around eagerly as they rose higher and around to the bottom again. They continued a full circle 6 times when the ride stopped when they reached the top.

"Sango, I have honestly never seen you so excited, what is it?"

"I've always wanted to do this!" Sango said so excitedly, crashing her lips on his, the romantic scene of the two teens, against the blanket of stars the night sky revealed.

Kagome and Inuyasha

Kagome yawned as she finished watching her second movie of the evening. She noticed that the sun had set an hour ago. She decided to go check on the love stricken hanyou.

She went up the stairs, leading her to the corridors of the upper level of her house. She walked down the hall, and then opened the door that went to the inside of her room.

She stopped in shock.

The silver hair hanyou was no-where to be seen.

Only leaving a young, black hair teenager.

She gasped, and then started to panic. "OHMYKAMIOHMYKAMIOHMYKAMI! This isn't good! Inuyasha is human! Wait…that's normal. Once a month that happens. Okay." Kagome stopped hyperventilating, and walked over to Inuyasha. She nudged him, urging him to awaken from his slumber. He cringed his face and let out a small whimper of annoyance.

"Inuyasha" Kagome whispered into his ears with a small, gentle melody. Inuyasha immediately awaken to Kagome's voice. He looked up at Kagome, and then closed his eyes as fast as he could.

"I'm human, aren't I?" he mumble, disappointed.

"Yeah…" Kagome mumbled back, "I can't believe this…he's hot as a hanyou AND as a human, how can you get so lucky?" She started to blush lightly. "Are you okay? You ran into the door and knocked unconscious and--!" Inuyasha kissed her on the lips and then released her.

"What are you talking about? I don't remember anything like that. I remember coming up here with you in my arms, and then I wanted sex, and you said no, so I fell asleep for some reason."

"Yeah, well I guess you don't remember what happened…"

"What happened?"

"Umm, well you were saying something, then I mocked you, then--!"

"Then what?"

"You know what, it's not important."

"Ahh, sure?"

"Want some ramen?"

"YEAH! That sounds really good right now, and an aspirin…I have a really bad headache."

"Okay, you can have both."

Kagome help Inuyasha get up, and lead him down the stairs. He sat on a bar stool that went to the kitchen island. Vivid memory of Kagome appeared in his mind was reminded to him, despite the fact that it happened at his house, and not Kagome's.

She handed him to aspirin and a glass of water. She then started to clean up earlier spilled ramen that lead to an exotic moment. After it got cleaned up, she started on two beef ramen noodle bowls.

"So, in a couple days it'll be October?" Inuyasha noted.

"Yeah…I wonder if anyone is going to have Halloween Parties and such…"

"Probably…keh, can I see your calendar?"

"Yeah, here." Kagome pulled out a calendar that resided in a drawer near the silver wear.

"Oh…okay…" Inuyasha handed the calendar back to her, which got put back in the drawer. "As you can probably tell, my human nights are on moonless nights."

"Yeah, figured as much."

Inuyasha huffed, and the ramen noodles were done. Kagome carefully placed the steaming bowls on the counter top. Inuyasha intensely watched her, "What is it about her and ramen noodle that get me rallied up?" Inuyasha looked in another direction to avoid getting another erection.

Miroku and Sango!

Sango squealed as though she was going on a new ride, but it perplexed Miroku. "We're just in line for food, and we are leaving afterwards, why so much energy?"

"Can I have one funnel cake, two hotdogs, four pizzas and a large diet coke?"

"Okay, that will be 2.500,00 yen."

"Okay! Miroku, could get my money out of my back pocket?" Sango chirped.

"What? Is she asking me to grope her or something?" Miroku shook his head in confusion, and just pulled out his wallet and paid for her mass amount of food.

Sango walked to the closest clean table and started eating. "Want to eat something?"

"Ah, sure?" Miroku grabbed a slice of the pizza and piece of her funnel cake. "How can you eat so much food and look like that?"

Sango looked down and blushed from his comment. "I guess high metabolism?" Sango took a bite of pizza and a sip of soda. "Miroku, where is your family?"

"I—ah, I don't have one?" Miroku responded, choking slightly.

"Aww, what happened?"

"Well, my mom died of disease and the Yakuza killed my dad…he a—made a mistake."

"Oh…" Sango said, with big eyes, "…what a sad story!" Sango got out of her seat and gave Miroku an unsuspecting hug. "MY POOR WHITTLE HOUSHI!"

"Sango…what's upsetting you?"

Sango froze. She started to feel an uncontrollable urge to cry. Tears swelled in her eyes, and poured down her cheeks, she let out a small sob. Sango lost the ability to speak correctly. Miroku picked her up and headed towards the car and drove her home.

Miroku drove up into Sango's driveway, and picked her up from the car. "Hmm, no lights, I guess Kohaku isn't home." He fished in his pocket and pulled out a house key and opened the door. He set her on the couch and went the kitchen to make her tea.

Miroku impatiently tapped the counter, has something caught the corner of his eye. It was a letter from the doctor's office…

A/n: LMFAO I leave you with yet another cliffy, but soon I'll stop, I swear!

Mia-san, in and out!