I've changed the map a bit, just to call the Houses of Salvation by the right name (they were labeled House of Guidance before) and to reverse the positions of the Asgard House of Salvation and the Palmacosta one.

I hope nobody minds that Arin keeps trying to hijack the story. Seriously, I thought to myself "hey, Zelos probably has a few friends among the aristocracy" and made one up and then he started running all over the story like he owned it or something!

The most pressing issues were all resolved a few days later. The new division of land was finalized, the basic new Church doctrine was decided upon, and a list was made of all the laws to be repealed.

"It's amazing how fast everything's been dealt with," Zelos commented over dinner.

"It's a good thing, too," Raine said. "Leaving everything hanging for very long would be asking for trouble."

"Yeah, which is why the king pushed everything through so fast. I'm impressed, though, that he managed it."

"I think it was mostly because of you," Colette said. "Everybody's been taking your lead in everything!"

"I guess."

"I'm glad that most of the laws against half-elves are being repealed," Genis said. "I just wonder how much good it will do..."

"Well, it's a good first step. And I think further steps will have to come from sources other than the government. One cannot legislate people's hearts," Raine said.

"Anyway," Zelos said, "Colette is going to address the populace at the Cathedral tomorrow."

"Oh yeah!" Colette said. "I'll do my best, I promise!"

"Wow, talking in front of all those people? Aren't you nervous?" Lloyd said.

"Lloyd, are you worried about me?" Colette said. "It'll be fine!"

"That doesn't sound like a 'no' to me," Genis said quietly.

"Hey, everyone loves Colette," Zelos said. "It'll be great!"

"Do you really think so?" Colette asked Zelos.

"Sure! Come on, cutie, you're the most qualified person in the world right now to talk about Martel. Of course it'll go well."

"Oh! Of course you're right. Hehe. It'll be great! And everywhere else, too."

"Everywhere else?" Lloyd asked.

"Well, after I talk here, I'm going to visit all the major cities and churches and so forth and talk there, all over the new world. And, um, talk there too."

"Wow!" Lloyd said. "That's a lot of public speaking, Colette!"

"Yeah," Colette said nervously. She brightened. "Oh yeah, so, um, would you come with me? I mean... I understand if you have other things to do, but..."

"I'd love to come with you!" Lloyd said.

"Great!" Colette said.

"Sir," Sebastian said, Lord Couglier has arrived, shall I show him in?"

"Huh? What's Arin doing here?" Zelos said. "Well, yeah, show him in."

Arin looked worried as he entered the dining room. "Zelos, I don't know if you already received word, but..."

"Received word of what?" Zelos said.

"My sister just sent me this letter," Arin said, handing Zelos a piece of paper.

"Nimora? What does this have..." he said as he scanned the letter. "Shit!"

"What is it?" Lloyd said.

"It's Seles. She's run away from the abbey."

"Unsurprising," Raine said. "Now that it's no longer on an island, escape would be much easier."

"Yeah. Those dipwads at the abbey thought they could hide it from me, apparently. She's been gone three days already," Zelos said before turning to Arin again. "Thank goodness Nimora's studying there. She won't get in trouble for telling you, will she?"

Arin shook his head. "Unlikely. But on the off chance she does, I'm counting on you to swoop down and rescue her, okay?"

"Always willing to assist a damsel in distress."

"Great. Knew I could count on you. And Zelos?"


Arin grabbed Zelos's vest and spoke to him with their faces about three inches apart. "Seduce my baby sister and I will cut your balls off with a rusty dagger. Do I make myself quite clear?"

"As crystal." Zelos gulped. "Er, is this before or after you feed me to your uncle's pet dragon?"

"I what?"

"Um. You threatened to feed me to your uncle's pet dragon two years ago if I hit on Nimora."

Arin blinked. "I had entirely forgotten that incident."

"Regardless," Raine interrupted, "I take it that Seles is now on her own?"

"Yeah," Zelos said, "looks like."

"Will she be okay?" Colette asked.

"She seemed pretty strong at the Coliseum," Genis said.

Zelos nodded. "Logic tells me she can take care of herself," he said. "But..."

"Of course you're worried about her!" Colette said. "She's your sister!"


"Maybe you should go to the abbey and see what you can find out," Raine suggested.

Zelos nodded. "I'll do that... day after tomorrow, I suppose."

"Can't miss the party tomorrow, hmm?" Arin said.

"Yeah. I think people would notice."

"That's when the new borders will be revealed, right?" Genis asked.

"Well officially, yes," Arin said, with a grin. "But those of us with... connections, shall we say," he nodded at Zelos, "haven't had any trouble finding them out early."

"Oh?" Raine asked.

"Ardra's in Iselia! It's all thanks to Lloyd, I swear." Arin said.

"Eh, it was bound to go that way anyway," Zelos said.

"I'm glad things worked out for you," Lloyd said.

"So Arin," Zelos said. "Thanks for telling me about Seles and all, but you could have sent a servant with the letter. Any particular reason you came yourself?"

"Ah, yes, well, actually, I wanted to ask Lloyd if he wanted another sparring session."

"Really?" said Lloyd. "Great! I'd love to!"

Zelos smirked. "Well, you two have fun playing with your swords and getting sweaty then."

Arin glared at Zelos, but grinned.

"Genis," Raine said after Lloyd and Arin had left the room, "would you come with me to the library? There's something I want to discuss with you."

"So," Zelos said to Colette once they were alone.

"Um," she agreed.

"So, uh, the engagement's gonna be announced tomorrow."


"So I take it you're as overjoyed about it as I am?"

"Oh! Yeah! I'm so happy!" Colette said cheerfully. "It'll be great!"

"Um, Colette? I was being sarcastic."

"Oh," she said.

"Um, did you... I mean, I know you haven't objected at all or anything, but are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes," Colette said determinedly. "If it will help bring peace, I'm happy to do it."

"That's what I thought," Zelos said morosely.

"Zelos! I didn't mean.. I really like you, Zelos! I'm not upset about marrying you at all, I'm looking forward to it!" Her eyes widened. "You're not upset about having to marry me, are you?"

Zelos sighed. "I should have known I'd have to get married sooner or later, but... I was really hoping for 'later'. Or a miraculous escape from my fate."

"Zelos... I... I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What for? It's not your fault."

"I... I know I'm not as pretty as other girls and I'm clumsy and not very smart and you could do a lot better than me, but..."

"Colette! Don't... that's not true, you're gorgeous and you're plenty smart and dammit, please don't start crying!" He stood up and moved over to where she sat, enfolding her into his arms. "Sweetie, It's not you I have a problem with. I mean... here, have a handkerchief..."

Colette blew her nose and looked up at him with teary eyes, but smiled a little. "You didn't say I'm not clumsy."

"Well, saying that would be lying, wouldn't it? I hate giving false praise." Zelos sat down and pulled Colette onto his lap. "I promise you, my reservations have nothing at all to do with you. Except that I'm not good enough for you."

"How can you say that? Zelos, you're just fine! There's nothing wrong with you!"

"Only someone like you could say that."

"Zelos! I'm serious!"

"I know you are," Zelos said wonderingly. "You're an amazing person, Colette. You... you see good in everybody, even a schmuck like me."

"That's because you are good."

"Colette, I'm lazy, irresponsible, cynical, promiscuous..."

"Look at what you've been doing the past few days. That doesn't seem lazy or irresponsible to me. Would a truly cynical or lazy person work so hard for peace?"

"...you didn't say I'm not promiscuous."

"Zelos, you're a good person."

"You deserve someone better than me."

Colette shook her head. "We do what we have to do. There's... there's no point in thinking about what could have been." Her eyes strayed to the window, where Lloyd and Arin were intermittently visible.

Zelos followed her gaze. "Lloyd, huh?"

Colette blushed. "It... it's nothing."

"Oh, sweetie." Zelos pulled Colette into a close embrace. "I... I'm sorry I... shit, I..."

"Zelos, it's okay. I'll.." Colette swallowed. "We'll be fine. Right?"

"Yeah. We'll do okay."

They stayed like that for quite some time, listening to the sound of each other breathing.

"Is anyone coming to walk you back to the Cathedral?" Zelos asked after awhile.

"Oh... no, I don't think so. I can go back alone."

"That doesn't sound like the safest idea. When Lloyd and Arin are done, I'll ask Arin to walk you home."


"You should wash your face. I mean..."

"Yeah." Colette got up off Zelos' lap.

Zelos rang for a servant, and asked her to bring water and a towel. She returned with them soon after, and Colette took them gratefully.

"Colette," Zelos said when they were alone again.


"I... nothing."

It wasn't too long before Arin and Lloyd came back inside, grinning like idiots.

"Have fun?" Zelos asked.

"You should join us sometime," Arin said. "You shouldn't get out of practice."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I think he's just afraid we'll kick his ass," Lloyd said.

"Hey! I can beat either of you whenever I want!"

"Oh really?"

"I just... don't feel like it right now, okay?"

"Uh huh. Lloyd, I think your observation is dead on."


"Anyway, I should get going soon."

"Oh yeah, Arin, could you walk Colette home on your way?"

"I'll do it!" Lloyd said.

"Looks like I've been pre-empted," Arin said.

"And I could so kick your ass if I wanted."

"Care to join us next time, then?"

"Yeah, Zelos, I'd like to see you try! This guy is way better than you."

"Gosh, thanks for the vote of confidence, Lloyd."


"Fine. I'll join you next time. Happy?"

Colette yawned.

"Oh, gosh, sorry Colette," Lloyd said. "Here, let's go." He offered her his arm.

She took it and leaned against him. "Thanks, Lloyd."

"Hey," he said, "what else are friends for?"