Sorry..this is taken me so long to update. But thanx for the quick reminder from ………Anyways I think I took a little…well actually I took waayyyyy too long to update and for that im so sorry. But look on the bright least I finally updated?


Chapter 10:

"…….The wind was so strong now that it could easily pick up the remaining blade breakers and throw them off somewhere. Ray clung onto Kai as he didn't want Kai to be separated alone again. No way you're going to go anywhere without me or Max. Ray thought as finally a huge wind rippled through, which was followed by a huge blast of light and finally everything became black once again…."

Chapter 11: Picking up the pieces

As Ray blearily opened his eyes, he squinted at the sunlight flowing in from the opened window in Tyson's dojo. The warmth enveloped him like a soft blanket, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. After a moment, his brain began properly functioning again, and he tried to recall how he had gotten here. Ray remembered he was in a forest…and then there was Kai and Max… and now he was here. He scanned his surroundings and noticed that he was sitting on a couch with a blanket draped over his legs. Ray yawned ad immediantly began to wonder where the others were. He quickly got up from the couch and regretted his fretful decision. His entire body was so sore, that his muscles protested to any kind of movement of all. Plus, his head was now spinning as if he had jus emerged from a rinse cycle in a washing machine. That is, if he were able to fit inside the infernal machine. Placing a hand on his forehead to make sure he wasn't having a fever, he slowly and painfully made his way across the kitchen threshold. The dojo was neat and tidy, no thanks to Tyson, but Ray couldn't help but feel slightly out of place with the ongoing silence. He took another step and bumped into something, or in this case, someone that was crouched on the floor. Ray peered downward, and saw it was Tyson.

"Tyson…? What are you doing…?" Ray asked, and took a seat beside Tyson on the ground seeing as his muscles refused to take another step.

Tyson glanced at the person behind him, and smiled immediately. "RAY! It's so good to see you again! I thought you would never wake up!" Tyson happily exclaimed.

"…What are you talking about Tyson?" Ray asked as he felt another headache creeping forward. Ray slapped his head with his right hand, and felt his head pulsing in pain. Argh…no more headaches… "You mean you don't remember.?" Tyson worriedly asked. "Remember what?" Ray asked. "All I know was there was a beybattle..and then I woke up here….hey!" Ray suddenly yelled. "'re beybattle…how did it go?" "I..uh…" With that Tyson looked downward again, and his navy blue hair shadowed his eyes. Ray quickly got the cue, and noted not to ask about this again. "Tyson…I'm just glad you gave it you're best…" Ray stated and smiled. Tyson turned around, and Ray could see he was wiping his face with his sleeve. "I...know..Ray…but I just wanted to get back Dranzer…for..Kai…" Tyson answered, his voice wavering slightly.

Reality hit Ray like a brick wall coming up from around the bend. "KAI! Wasn't he injured! And Max..! Where are they!" Ray loudly yelled, and frantically felt panic creep toward him. "Ray! I'm glad you weren't going to faint from panicking…but they're being taken care of…they're okay Ray." Tyson calmly stated. Ray was surprised that Tyson could be able to stay so calm. Almost surprisingly calm. But then again, Ray had been knocked out for almost 6 hours, or so Tyson had said, and it was hard to remain calm when memories resurface like a blast of wind. Ray kept his calm composure, and with the help of Tyson, got up and walked into one of the many rooms in the dojo.

Tyson had brought Ray to a brightly lit room with the window on the side of the room. Sunlight was streaming in and the door creaked open to reveal a very neatly furnished room. It smelt of a nice airy fragrance, almost as if this room had been used recently. There were two beds adjacent from each other, leaving a small isle to walk in between the beds. The room was rather calm, and the wallpaper was a light green. Almost a pale green. The curtains were drawn half way, allowing sunlight to stream into half of the room. Like the room was split into two different moods. One of happiness, and one of darkness. It was the way Ray was feeling right now. Part of him felt responsible for what had happened, and part of him just didn't know how to feel anymore, he felt so helpless. Ray sighed and frowned wearily. This all happened so quickly. He needed time to think.

With a nod of approval from Tyson, Ray walked out of the room, taking one last look at the unconscious sleepers, feeling worry wash over him like a wave hitting shore. He silently closed the door, and walked onto the porch of the dojo to think. The day had not seemed to have moved at all. The sun was still shining brightly, and Ray climbed skillfully into one of the many trees in the backyard. He stared at the canopy of the tree leaves, and smiled as he felt surrounded by happiness.

After another moments thought, he began to think.

With Tyson and the others:

Tyson watched Ray shut the door silently behind him, and smiled. It was so easily to fool these worthless bladers who called themselves the world champions…. With the pale mist surrounding Tyson, the intruder finally revealed his true identity. Heh heh… When the mist cleared, there was a teenager about the same age as Tyson, with a dark clock attire. The elemental bladers will strip these worthless fools of their meaningless title…and their bitbeasts…. The blader glanced around at the unconscious bladers and smiled deviously. "…This is way too easy…" The blader thought.

He flipped the hood of this cloak back to reveal bluish hair. It was slightly spiked in some areas, but his hair had two different shades. The outer sides were darker blue, almost navy blue, while the inner parts were a deep ocean blue. He was a about a half a head shorter than Ray but had cold onyx eyes. Reaching deep within his attire, he searched until he found what he was looking for. With a satisfied smile, he took out his launcher and blade. The owner of the blade held it like it was nothing more than a mere weapon for power. The blue and silver blade gleamed in response, and awaited its master's command. "Waviken! It is time to arise and once again take victory for the elemental bladers…!" He shifted his goggles that sat on his ruffled hair a bit, and grinned widely.

"..Its now time to take Draciel from his pathetic blader and blade. He walked towards Max's bed and glared intensely at the blader. Draciel lay innocently on top of the covers and wobbled slightly as Max was breathing in and out. The water elemental blader smiled, and prepared to launch Waviken. He slid his ripcord through, and smiled deviously when the rip cord has met the launcher with a quiet click. "This is way to easy…but then again..these bladers are nothing more than mere fools, so I would expect nothing more." With his target set, and unable to defend himself, he launched his blade with a mighty force.

"With that fool Tyson being taken care of by Zeke, and Kai and Ray out of the picture…Max is as good as gone." The blade slammed into the wooden floorboards sending wooden chip pieces flying in all directions. "NOW WAVIKEN! GET DRACIEL!" The blader commanded. With e ferocious growl, and a large flash of light, a sea serpent had appeared from the blade. It was a fearful sight, as the water creature spiraled out of its blade and roared loudly. The serpent was light blue, with a little bit of green. There were red spikes along its back and its tail fin whished around dangerously. The head of the serpent had a slight silver marking on it, and the serpent silently waited its command.

The blade continued to spin as if there was no flaw and it became no more than a blue and silver blur. His water creature roared in annoyance, and the blader decided he would get this over with soon. "WAVIKEN! TORRENTAL HURRICANE!" The bit beast circled around the green blade that lay motionless on the bed covers and produced a huge amount of water. With a final spinning motion, the blue blade was flying toward the helpless green blade. "END THIS NOW!" The blader hollered and the beast pounced on its prey…..

A sudden flash of light zoomed across the room just as the serpent was about to make its final move. The beast roared in annoyance, and slammed the introducing object into the wall. The blader growled furiously and yelled in frustration. "Whose there!" Smoke had began to form around the room, and the serpent recoiled in a failed attempt to attack the intruder. "Who are you?" The mysterious person asked in response. "I believed I asked you first…" Angrily replied the water element blader as he silently seethed.

"I'm you're worst nightmare"

"Hah…and I'm your best dream. Enough trash talk. Waviken attack!" "I think not." The stranger countered and the object that was rammed into the wall clashed loudly with the serpent's blade. "A beyblade?" The water element blader asked. "No..its a rubber duck…" Mocked the stranger. The elemental blader growled furiously and his blade charged to attack the intruding opponent. "Wise guy or not…I'm getting Draciel and there's nothing you or your pathetic blade can do!"

"I beg to differ. Because when I say I'm your worst nightmare…I mean what I say…"


YAY! I finished the update….sorry about the weird ending..i got I think the chapters are almost getting shorter and shorter! Ah well..anyways thanks for reading and plz plz remember to review!

Next Chapter: A Dark Presence