Disclaimer: I don not own Totally Spies or Martin Mystery. However, I can own them if I kidnap their creators. Ha hah hah hahhh! I'm just messing around.

Tied Together by HazelEyed Freak

Chapter 1: Sicknesses and Abductions

3:00 pm, Beverly Hills High

"Sammy, it's raining again!" Alex heaved helplessly.

"Oh no, and I wore my blue suede shoes today! They are so totally going to be ruined!" Clover shrieked.

"Don't you two think it's kind of weird that it's raining this bad when it's the last day of school?" Sam asked suspiciously.

The three friends were ordinary Beverly Hills high-schoolers who loved to shop, but they were much more. These three have dedicated their lives to WHOOP, a spying agency, and all espionage. Sam, the long-haired red head with green eyes, is the intellectual of the three, makes great plans on how to operate the mission. Clover, the shoulder length blond with blue eyes, was the major shop-a-holic of the three and the fastest runner, but the slowest thinker, maybe the stereotypical "blond girl". And then there was Alex, chocolate-eyed ebony hair just above the shoulders girl, who is the master martial artist of the trio and the one who comes up with the best Escape plans.

"I just care about my beautiful foot apparel!" was all Clover said. With defiance, Clover removed her shoes and started to Alex's car.

"Clover, are you crazy! You're going to catch a cold!" Alex yelled at her best friend.

"Yes, I'm crazy enough to do this!" she yelled back and reached the car in no time. Alex covered her head with her hood and ran to her car, Sam following her quickly, for she was without a coat either.

"Umm, Alex, why are you the only one with a coat here?" Sam asked, ringing her hair out a bit.

"I always had a coat or jacket in my locker in case of any problems. It's helped me through many rain and thunderstorms." She answered, slowing her speed on the car a bit.

"Wow, you've certainly gotten better at driving, Alex." Clover commented. "Thanks, I've been getting more practice time now that school's out."

"Hey, why don't we hit the mall? The new Starbucks is open and I'm sure we all need a warm cup of cocoa." Sam suggested.

"Right!" both said. When they arrived, Alex searched for the closest parking space to the mall door.


Martin's Room, 3:00 pm

"Martin! Get out of the goop tube," yelled his 16 year old step-sister Diana. The blond flame head hopped out of a small tank filled with green putty.

"Hehe, sorry Diana, I just love the stuff." He laughed, wiping it off of his body. The 16 year old boy walked over to Java, his massive 200,000 year old companion, and sat down. "Hey, Java!"

"What is it Martin?" the caveman replied happily. Martin pulled out a 50 dollar bill. "Take her to the movies or something. Just to get her out of my hair for a minute."

"100." Java said.

"100 bucks! Oh, come on buddy!"

"100." He repeated.


Martin pulled out another bill with a tear in his chocolate eyes. My money, he thought. Martin, his step-sister Diana, and their caveman friend Java are paranormal detectives/agents for the Center for Paranormal. Martin is the goop-loving blond flame-headed leader. Diana is the sophisticated intellectual of the three. And Java is the muscle.

"Hey, Diana, I got 100 bucks! Want to go to the mall!"

"Well, I finished all of my homework and I really want to see a movie…Okay! Let's go!" Diana walked to the door and turned around. "Martin, you want to come?"

"Naw, go ahead." He replied. She left with a shrug.

Once she was gone, his watch beeped. "Yeah, Billy?" "Hey, Martin, Mom wants you," the small green alien said. "Okay, I'm on my way."

"No, Martin, she said come at about 6 o' clock. The person she wants you to meet isn't there yet."

"Oh, okay." He said. Wonder what Mom wants me for, he thought.

3:45pm, Beverly Hills Mall



Sam and Clover sat beside each other, sneezing uncontrollably. "Oh, no, you guys are getting sick." Alex said unhappily. She checked their temperatures. "Goodness, you two are up there!" she exclaimed. Both girls looked at each other and sniffed. The tips of their noses were a nasty pink and their pigment paled a nasty Albino color. She grabbed their purses along with hers. "Come on, I'm taking you guys home." She said.

Clover's House

"Clover, oh dear you have a fever and a cold! Come to bed immediately." Her mother coaxed. She turned to Alex. "Thank you, Alex."

"No problem, Clover's mom."

"Bwye Awex." Clover sniffed, congested. "Bye, Clover. Get some rest!" She said, and ran to the car to get Sam home.

Sam's House

"Oh Sam, my poor baby! Come on, I'll make some soup for you. Thank you Alex for dropping my girl off."

"You're welcome, Sammy's mom."

"Bwye Awex." Sam coughed, congested. "Bye, Sammy," Alex replied and ran to her car.

As soon as she got home, she disinfected her car and herself to make sure she wouldn't get sick. Realization hit her. Oh no, what if we have a mission from Jerry while they're still sick!Alex bit her lip and checked the time. 4:45.

Her worries of Jerry and WHOOP melted away when she thought of the mall. I'll buy Clover and Sammy something nice since they're sick, she thought. "Mommy! Can I go to the mall to get Alex and Clover something because they got sick, please!" she yelled from her door to her mother's. When no comment came back, she walked to her room. "Mommy?" she asked, and then saw a Post-it note on her door. "Hmm? Went to San Francisco for a week… stay at home or Sam's or Clover's until I come back…If you stay at home my credit card is in the kitchen…no wild parties or maxing out my card on useless items…500 dollar limit…don't forget to lock the doors when you leave…Love Mommy." She read aloud and looked up.

"Okay, that means yes!" she said aloud, and grabbed her coat heading out the door.

5:00pm, Martin's Room

Martin was pacing around his room frantically wondering why Mom wanted him at 6pm. I didn't break anything this time, he thought, and looked up, she finally wants to confess her love to me! I knew it! She's a little older, but hey! The older the wiser is what they say! No one can resist the charms of Martin! And the happy teenager got ready for what he thought would be the best day of his life.

5:30pm, Movie Theatre

"The movie was great, Java!" Diana shrieked. Java agreed, "Yeah, Java like that actor, Tom Cruise. He's really good in movie, Java thinks!"

The friends walked down an empty, dark ally to get back. Diana felt another presence. "Java, do you feel that?" she asked quietly.

"Java feels likes someone is following Diana and Java."

"Me too. Do you want to make a run for it?"

"Yeah." Both friends waited a while, and then started to jet out of the ally. They rounded a corner and stopped breathing heavily. "That's… much better." Diana said breathlessly, but was soon disappointed when Java was no longer with her.

"Java?" She started to panic. This is what I need, a person after me, she thought sarcastically. She fell to the ground when something heavy collided with her head. Two figures emerged from the darkness. "Get her," a serpent like voice hissed, "We'll use these two for ransom."

5:45pm, Beverly Hills Mall

"Clover would like this stuffed blue doggy I got her, and Sammy would like that pink pony stuffed animal, too." She thought aloud. When her eyes rested on a stuffed animal of a green duck, she shrieked and hurried to the cashier." I hate ducks! Eww, she thought, shuddering. She completely forgot the ducks when she saw how cute the cashier was.

Oh, a hottie! She thought happily, handing him the animals. "That'll be 25.50, cutie." He said, smirking handsomely. He's flirting with me, she screamed mentally. She handed him the money with an endless toothy smile. He handed her the receipt and she replied, "Thanks," with blush on her cheeks. "No problem," he said, putting his fingers through his wavy red hair.

She walked out of the store and absent-mindedly looked at the receipt to find a telephone number. She glanced through the glass to look at the hottie cashier and he made a sign of a telephone with his hand and put it to his ear, shaking it a little and winking, and went back to work. She couldn't take the smile off of her face. She hadn't been asked to phone someone in a while now and the feeling was great.

Before she could visit another store, the vent next to her opened and sucked her in.

5:55pm, Martin's Room

"Alright, I'm out of here!" he decided aloud and pulled open the dresser drawer.

After entering The Center premises, Billy, the small green alien greeted, "Hey Martin!" "Hey, Billy." Billy and Martin walked to Mom's office and found an older man standing there talking to her.

"Hey, Mom, have you finally thought of confessing your love for me," he boasted. "No," she replied seriously, "I want you to meet my uncle, Jerry."

"Oh, hehe, hello," he said sheepishly.

"Hello," the British man replied.

"Uncle Jerry is the operator of WHOOP, a spy organization."

"Wow, weird jobs must run in your family," Martin joked. "Ha ha, Martin," Mom said sarcastically.

"We called you here to give you a bit of bad news," Jerry began, "Your step-sister and friend, Diana and Java was kidnapped earlier this evening." Martin stopped suddenly. Diana, Java, kidnapped!

"Who would kidnap my sister and Java?"

"We are getting to that right now," Mom said, "Some say that a soul of someone came back and possessed the body of a large man and a serpent from Brazil that was possessed by a demon was kidnapping people for ransom."

"What would a demon and a soul want with money?" Martin asked.

"They're working for someone," Jerry answered, "We just don't know who. My spies will help you find your friends. This job can not be done alone. Speaking of my spies, they should be here in three… two… one…" The scream of a girl echoed through the room and Alex appeared from the chute on the ceiling and landed… on Martin.

"Ouch," Martin said slowly, twitching under the unconscious Alex. "Well, I meant spy," Jerry corrected when only one of his girls popped out of the chute.

Five minutes later, Alex stirred and blinked her eyes. Once her eyes adjusted, the blob of yellow and orange turned into a guy with a smile on his face.

"Ah!" she screamed, accidentally punching him.


"Oh my God, where am I?" she asked dizzily. "Alex, over here," Jerry replied.

"Jerry, hi," she greeted, and looked around. This certainly wasn't his WHOOP office, besides the chute trip took a bit too long for it to be his office. "Jerry? Where am I? Who's that guy?" she asked, pointing to the tearing boy holding his nose.

"Alex, before I explain the situation, where's Sam and Clover?" he asked.

"With the weird weather, they got sick." She explained.

Martin stopped holding his nose and quickly sat next to Alex. She's pretty and she hurts. I sure did get a package. "Well, that narrows it down to you two. This is The Center, organization for the Paranormal. Two of our agents were kidnapped earlier by two mysterious figures. They were rumored to be a soul possessing a large man's body and a demon possessing the body of a large Brazilian serpent." Mom explained.

"We are sure they're working for someone, for they hold the kidnapped for ransom, and what would a snake and a possessed man do with money?" Jerry told them, "So your mission is to find the wandering possessed and the kidnapped agents."

"Well, that answers all but one question," she said.

"What else is there to answer?" Mom asked. "Who's this flame-headed guy starring at me!" she shrieked, scooting to the end of the couch. Martin scooted closer.

"I'm Martin! And what may I ask of your name?" he asked, taking her hand in his.

He's weird, but he's kind of cute.

"Alex," she said, taking her hand out of his. He frowned at the absence of Alex's hand.

"Now, before you leave Alex, you'll need a few gadgets. Jerry tossed a bag to her and another to Martin.

"Oh, gadgets!" he squeaked, scaring her. Okay, ditch the cute thing, he's just weird!

"In these bags are X-ray sunglasses, able to see through any wall. A com-powder for you Alex, and a watch for you Martin, which you already have on. A heart-shaped rope-extractor belt for you Alex and a circle-shaped one for you Martin. A laser lipstick for you Alex and a laser gum pack for you Martin. Don't eat the gum whatsoever. Your backpacks are also jets, and these," he had a pair of yellow boots and a pair of blue boots in his hands, "are Invisi-boots, able to turn you completely invisible. And these, too," He tossed her a key and Martin's followed, "are the keys to the Any-element motorcycles, land, water or sky."

The couch turned upside down, sending the two screaming teens into a chute. "Now, Mom, what are we doing for the family reunion? You know your Cousin Al wants your famous apple pie." Jerry asked.

An Author's Comment: I think, as an African-American, I'm upset they made Alex look like an idiot in the show. She's slow and clumsy and the weakest of the three. However, I made her the best fighter in my story and the one that comes up with the plans of escape in case the spies do get into trouble. I still like Totally Spies, but they should've made hr character a little bit better. At least a little bit better than Clover. It's not that I don't like Clover; it's just that her voice is annoying and she's pretty slow, too. I have no problems with blond haired persons!

And I just started watching Martin Mystery, so if I made any mistakes, feel free to let me know. After watching all those episodes of Totally Spies, I forgot all of the gadgets' names, so I made some up. I think that this is a good crossover. I have to give Alex a little credit, you know? Out of all the Totally Spies episodes I've watched, I've only seen her like four guys. That's just horrible. Okay, bye!