Kosmic: I know a lot of you have been waiting for this story to update so here it is. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Omi Meets World

Omi ran off into the trees with his backpack. Omi jumped off one branch to another for some speed.

Omi smiled as he jumped from one branch to another. Omi thought he will be the first to beat this challenge.

Omi stopped to take a drink of his water. Omi felt refreshed as he sat down on a branch.

"I can't wait until I have beaten this challenge. Of course I will set the record because I am the best Xiaolin Dragon ever." Omi said to himself proudly.

Before Omi could sit back up he, dodges an attack from a fast cat like-creature. Omi turned around in fighting position to see lions and tigers.

"Chase Young show yourself this instant!" Omi demanded, as Chase jumped down from another tree.

"I am most glad you think you are the best Omi. It makes it more interesting when I brake your spirit." Chase said as he made a hand movement to his lions and tigers to move away.

Omi ran forward and tried to leg sweep Chase Young who easily jumped and countered attacked with his fist to Omi face. Omi flew back a couple of steps and bounced off a tree. Omi let out a double kick hitting Chase in his chest.

Chase took a step back then caught Omi leg before Omi touched the ground. Chase threw Omi face down into the ground leaving Omi a bit stunned. Chase let out a kick at Omi hitting Omi in the stomach.

Omi flew from the kick and hit a tree. Omi quickly made it to his feet only to get hit my Chase Young fist into his face. Omi felt several other fist pounding into his chest and stomach.

Chase jumped off a couple feet to let Omi falls to the ground. Omi began slowly getting to his feet only once again to meet with Chase Young Foot into his face. Omi crashed into the tree and fell to the ground.

"Come on oh great Omi you can do better can't you? Maybe you have grown soft sense you found your family and your brother Jack. Maybe I should take care off Jack Spicer first." Chase Young said in an evil grin.

"NO!" Omi screamed and as fast as lightning sends a fist at Chase Young's face. Omi's fist was only inches away from Chase Young's face as Chase had a strike at Omi's chest.

Omi fell five feet away and was breathing slowly. Omi's eyes were slowly closing as the image of his friends and his family started to fade away.

I am sorry my friends I have failed you. I have even failed my own family and the Xiaolin Temple. I am so sorry I can't go on anymore. Omi thought has his eyes finally closed.

Omi heard someone walking up to him slowly. He heard Chase Young evil laughter coming close to him. Finally the last thing Omi heard was a sound of cracking bones.

Omi woke up next to a camp fire with bandages all over his body. Omi looked around for a sign of life but could not see anyone.

"Who saved me and why am I not dead?" Omi asked himself trying not to move too much. Omi looks around and saw his backpack with a note attached to it.

Omi moaned a little then began slowly to move to his backpack to read the note. Omi opened the note and began to read.

Omi I am sorry to have left you as you were. I came as fast as I could to save you. I did not expect Chase to go after you at all. The herbs I used on your injures should heal you completely in the morning. Stay safe Omi and I will all ways will protect you. Your Lord and Master(JK) Your Master Katra

Omi smiled as much as he could then looks up at the dark night sky. He kept starring up in the sky until he fell asleep.

Omi woke up and stretched his body. Omi realized he was fully heal. He took off the bandages and grabbed his backpack.

"Thank you Master Katra for saving my life." Omi said before he sprinted off for his destination.

Omi stopped after a while from a call from his stomach. Omi sat down and opened his backpack for his food. Omi found some extra bandages and herbs in his backpack thanks to Katra. Omi took out some rations and began to eat.

Once Omi got full and drank some water from his water skin he packed everything up and ran off. Omi skid to a stop and noticed the land markings. He knew he has made it to his destination.

End of Chapter

Kosmic: First I would like to say sorry to everyone who loves and cares about Omi. I am sorry I made Chase Young beat him up. Well I hope everyone reds and reviews.