Hello, everyone! Thanks for the reviews, and sorry for the wait on this. Without further ado, here is the latest chapter…

Disclaimer: Guess who doesn't own Teen Titans? Yes, that would be me….

On with the show….

The Pendant

Chapter IX: The Beginning of the end

Professor Finson ran up to the front door of Titans tower and pounded as hard as he could on the door. A moment later it was opened by the leader, Robin.

"Who are you?" Asked Robin, obviously busy trying to stop the utter chaos that was happening.

"Ah, where are my manners. My name is John Finson, and I'm a professor of science. But that's not the point. I have contracted an antidote to the gas that is being used to terrorize the city. With one shot of this you can go in and fight and solve and whatever you kids do for 2 hours, or treat someone who has already inhaled dangerous amounts of the toxin." Professor Finson said, holding out the flask.

Robin's expression changed to an almost smile "Come on in"

The Titans and professor Finson sat in the main room a few moments later.

"I have enough for all of you to take on shot of it. I understand you have a lot of technical equipment here?" Professor Finson asked.

Cyborg nodded "Oh, do we ever! We got high-tech computers, and watches, and science equipment, and microscopes and-"

Professor Finson was one of Cyborg's heroes- just recently he had invented a device to make cars go 3 times faster then their normal speed.

"Well, you get the point," Cyborg continued "If me and you worked together I'm sure we could mass produce a whole ton of this stuff in about an hour."

Finson nodded "Excellent. Let's get to work, shall we?"

Cyborg led Finson downstairs to the Tower's laboratory while Robin brought up a map of the city on the screen.

"Raven, you and Beastboy will take the East side of the city. Star, you and me will stay here and stop anything else from happening," Robin said

Starfire took her head "Perhaps I should go with Raven and Beastboy should stay-"

"No time for our differences," Robin interrupted "You'll stay here with me."

Starfire nodded. Differences. Such a weird word to describe the rift that was between them. In truth, there was no word to describe the rift. You can't describe a rift when you don't even remember what started it in the first place.


They stood on the roof of Titans tower. Robin patrolled the city with his pair of high-powered binoculars.

"Anything?" Starfire asked.

Robin shook his head "Seems to be fine here. We should be fine. For now"

Starfire nodded as she stared out on the city. The east side was burning. You could hear the people scream. She wanted to get up, to go help. But that wasn't her assignment. Her job was to wait for danger here, with Robin. Robin, her ex-best friend.

Breaking the silence, Starfire asked "What was it about?"

Robin put down binoculars "What was what about, Starfire?"

"Our….fight. What started it?" Starfire asked, sitting on the ledge of the roof and dangling her feet over the edge.

"It was…" Robin started to answer, figuring there was one, "….I really don't remember."

Starfire sighed and frowned. It was cold and she started to shiver. Without thinking he did what he used to do when the two sat up here, on the roof, back when they were friends: He took his cape off and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Think we'll ever be the same?" Robin asked, sitting next to her.

Starfire hugged the cape to her shoulders tighter "that is a question I do not know the answer to. I was never mad at you, Robin. You were mad at me and in turn I became exceedingly frustrated with you. So I am not sure because I have always…" She drifted off, her gaze pulled away from Robin and towards the skyline of the city. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"Always what, Starfire?"

Starfire looked back at him. She opened her mouth to answer when suddenly a blast ricocheted off the side of the Tower. Both Robin and Starfire were blasted on their backs. Robin quickly stood up and helped Starfire to her feet. He sprang and moved to grab his binoculars. As he reached for them a black shadow hurled itself over the ledge of the roof and punched Robin square in the face.

"Robin!" Starfire shouted as she readied Starbolts on her hands and moved into attack position. The black-clad shadowy figure turned to face her. A Ninja. She fired rapid Starbolts at him. The Ninja dodged almost all of them, but her last one hit him and knocked him off his feet. Starfire then swung at him and punched him hard. Limply, he stood up in a weak defensive stance. He threw a weak punch at Starfire, which she easily blocked. With a sweeping kick she knocked him down. The Ninja fell back and tripped to the ledge, falling off of the roof. She looked away and a second later she heard a splash as the Ninja hit the bay below.

Starfire ran over to Robin, who was just coming back to full consciousness.

"He gone?" Robin asked as he wiped some blood away from his bleeding nose. Starfire nodded and helped him to his feet.

There was a strange sound in the distance, and suddenly the whole city erupted in screams. The gas. They had begun to circulate it throughout the city. It was only moments before it would reach the tower.

If that wasn't enough, 10 black shadows appeared on the roof. They had climbed up the building. They were more Ninjas.

Poisonous fear gas pending, and ninjas standing with bo-staffs ready and in stall-defense position, Robin knew that this might be his last chance to do what had always needed to be done, what he had always wanted to do: He grabbed Starfire by the neck, and kissed her.

In that moment the world of Chaos sank away and their own personal world was built, one where all fights were forgotten. They had never fought, they were best friends again, and they were in what they had always been but afraid to admit it: love.

They broke the kiss and he said "If we die, I just want you to know that I love you"

"Yes and what I was going to say before, best friend Robin? It was going to be that I have always loved you Robin, I love you too" Starfire said, readying her Starbolts.

Robin smiled "Good, 'cause now if I die, at least I'll die a happy man."

And the battle began….

To Be Continued….