Cat: How it started is back up! Oh and before you try and ban it. I am Tormented Innocence the writer of this story and before I put it up I've tooken care of all the mistakes!

Disclaimer: Chained and Torchered does not own YGO.


"Awww man. I am so hungry!" shouted Joey while Tristan and Tea were playing duel-monsters.

"I play the black dark magicion!" shouted Tristan,

Tea sweatdroped. "Ummm...Tristan. You know It's my turn. Right?"

"Ummm sure Tea. But that is kinda hard to remember."

"Guys! I'm Hungry!" shouted Joey again.

"Joey, we ate 5 minutes ago." said Tea rolling her eyes.

"Correction. You, Tristan and Yugi ate 5 minutes ago. All I had was a large pizza, two burgers, 3 cans of coke, two peices of cake and fries." said Joey as though explaining two add two to her.

Tea and Tristan sweatdropped. "Joey don't you think you ate a little too much to be hungry?"

"You should talk Tea, after all you eat like a cow." said Joey.

"What! All I had was veggie buger medium size, a can of coke and small fries!" she screamed at him.

"Why do you look so angry Tea?" asked Yugi who just entered the room.

"Hey to you to Yugi." mumbled Tea sarcasticly.

"Yugi! I'm hungry! Let's go to burger king!" said Joey with a light bulb on his head.

"But Joey we just ate 5 min-" he was cut of by Tea's hand.

"Let's just go to burger king." she mumbled

on the their way to burger king the YGO cast bumped into Mokuba and Kaiba.

"Hey guys," said Mokuba "Where are you going?"

"Well Mokuba we were going to Burger king." said Yugi smiling.

"Oh cool! Can we come to?" asked Mokuba.

"Mokuba. I hope that by 'we' you mean you and your bodyguard. Because I will go no where with that dog." said Kaiba pointing to Joey.

"Hey I resent tha'!" shouted Joey at Kaiba.

"You mean you represent, don't you puppy." It was more of a statement then a question. Joey pouted.

"We dont have time for you Kaiba, Mokuba can come if he wants." said Tea,

"Why? So Mokuba can become a geek. I don't think so. Mokuba I'm coming with you." said Kaiba dramaticly.

A little while from Burger king they met Ryou and Bakura.

"Bloody hell! What do you mean you killed a dog! Answer me Bakura!" shouted Ryou as the YGO Cast watched in horrer. Ryou was a good kid one of the best actually but when he got mad...oh boy. Bakura looked at his hikari as though he was an idiot.

"Stupid hikari I mean I stuck a knife through a dog. Therefore killing it." said Bakura.

"And why did you kill it!" shouted Ryou earning odd stares from bypassers.

"Because hikari. It was cute." Now it was Ryou's turn to look at Bakura like he was an Idiot.

"So Bakura, You killed a dog cause it was cute? Does that mean you'll also kill T-"

"Shut up hikari! Or else everyone will find out! Who knows what could happen. Marik could blackmail me. Malik would kill me and...and the pharaoh? Don't even get me started!" Apparantly they hadn't noticed the rest of the YGO Cast either that or they were doing very well in ignoring them.

"Ehm." coughed Tea. Ryou and Bakura both looked at her. Bakura scowled and Ryou smiled it was amazing how different they looked.

"Hello ol' chaps! Hello Tea!" said Ryou. "What brings you lot here?"

"We were going to burger king!" shouted Joey.

"Really? Well it just so happens me and Bakura were also going. Do you mind if we tag along with you lot?" asked Ryou.

"No ofcourse not Ryou!" said Tea before anyone else could. "We'd love it. Wouldn't we guys?" she asked looking at the rest of the YGO cast.

"Some more then other's." muttered Tristan to Joey making him laugh.

"What was that Tristan?" asked Tea.

"Err we wouldn't mind It would be kinda cool." said Tristan while sweating nervously.

"Tristan you baka, that's not what you said. You said som-" Tristan quickly covered Joey's mouth but since he was still holding duel-monsters he couldn't use his hands so he used his mouth.

The rest of the YGO Cats watched in horrer as Tristan's mouth covered Joey's. Tea fainted and Ryou looked like he was gonna to, Bakura looked disgusted almost like he was gonna loose his lunch. And Yugi covered his eyes Kaiba covered Mokuba's while Yami looked kinda interested.

Joey quickly pushed of Tristan. "Eeeew I've just been molested by my best friend! I never want to kiss anyone again! -Pauses- Unless It's Mai!" Tristan got up of the floor.

"Oh man I am so sick. Both ways!" everyone stared at him blankly. "Hey guys what's wrong with Tea?"

20 minutes later:

"Were finally here!" shouted Tea while clutching to Ryou as she had been ever since she had gotten up. Ryou was still blushing and Bakura was sending him confused looks. 'Does hikari like friendship preacher? Does friendship preacher like hikari? And how would I feel If they did like each other? Sick.'

"FOOD!" Screamed Joey running inside.

"I'm afraid were closed." said a woman outside of Burger king.

"Why?" asked Mokuba.

"Some fucking bastard by the name of Seto Kaiba is building a museum here!" shouted the woman.

Everyone looked at Kaiba.

"What?" he asked sweating nervously.

"Kaiba you dolt! Why didn't you tell us! made me faint It's all your fault and in return your going to pay for everyone's dinner! Got that!" shouted Tea angrily.

"Whatever." answered Kaiba. "Wait where are we going to eat?"

"That place." said Tea pointing to a large sign that said. 'Everything shop.'

They all went inside and took a table.

"Um I'll take a large shake, large fries, large burger and a piece of hot fudge pie!" said Joey

"I'm afraid we don't have any of that" said an old looking waiter.

"Oh." said Tea "What do you have?"

"Vanilla flawn," answered the man.

"Great!" shouted Mokuba "we'll have 9 vanilla flawns!"

"Are you sure." asked the waiter.

"Yes, now get the flawn before we eat you."said Bakura.

"Okie dokie!" said the waiter and walked away.

One hour later...

"ZZZzzzzzz..." Tea and Ryou had both fallen asleep. Tea had her head on his shoulder and Ryou had his arm around her.

Bakura and YGO gang were staring at them not moving like they had been for almost fifteen minutes.

"Seto?" asked Mokuba

"Yes Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Yes Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Yea' Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don' know Mokuba."


"Yes Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Shutup already!" shouted Bakura angrily causing Tea and Ryou to wake up both seeing each other's faces first. They both blushed beet red separating from each other, both muttering apoligies.

"Enough already!" shouted Bakura. "Why don't you just kiss already! You know what I have a better Idea!" he grabbed them both and pushed them in to a closet half way across the room.

"Hey Bakura! Let us out!" shouted Tea

"Yes Bakura onegai (please.)! It's dark!" shouted Ryou

"Oh shutup both of you. I'm not letting you out unless you makeout." he said walking over to the table.

30 minutes later...

"Seto?" asked Mokuba

"Yes Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Yes Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Yea' Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don' know Mokuba."


"Yes Mokuba."

"When will the flawn get here?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Shutup already!"

"Let us out!" shouted Ryou and Tea.

"Why hikari, last I checked you were dreaming of being alone with friendship preacher on a bed, in a room half naked. Why are you unhappy of having her alone in a closet?"


Pause again.

More pause.

Ok now this is stupid.

"You dreamed of what!" shouted Tea, right after that was heard a large slap. and then...

"Ahhh! That hurt!"

"I can't believe you dreamed about something so!" shouted Tea.

"Tea, you don't know the half of it. Would you like the details?" asked Bakura from outside.


More silence.

"Ok this is my fic! Enough silence already!" shouted me.

Everyone: Oo


"Yes Mokuba."

"Who was that?"

"I don't know Mokuba."


"Yes Mokuba."

"Was that a god?"

"I don't know Mokuba."

"Holy Ra! The day of judgement is upon us!" shouted Yami falling to the ground.

"Calm down Pharaoh It's just the autheramos." said Bakura



"Yes twirp."

"What's an autheramos?"

"The authoress of this story."

"Then why is she an autheramos?"

"Because I don't like her."

"Oh. Why?"

"Shutup! You little twerp."

"Let us out! Onegai!" shouted Ryou.

"Ryou move your hand It's on my breast!"

"Oh. No wonder it felt comfortable."


Silence again...

Do I need to shout like an Idiot again!

"Ryou you... you... Hentai!"

"Tea I can explain! Ouch!"

"Bakura! Let us out! Before I break down the door."

"Whatever Gardner." said Bakura before opening the door.

"Oooh sorry I'm late but we don't have any vanilla flawns anymore." said the waiter.

Everyone: Oo

"Did you even have them to begin with?" asked Kaiba

"Nope!" said the waiter. "But you owe me money for staying at my shop for two hours. 500 yen." he said smiling.

Everyone: OO

"We don't have that kind of money," said Ryou crying waterfalls.

"But Kaiba does." said Joey pointing at Kaiba. "And It doesn't matter that we 'aven't ate I've lost my appetite denks to dose dree." pointing to Bakura, Ryou and Tea.

"What? It's his fault!" said Ryou and Tea together pointing to Bakura.

Bakura looked around before pointing to himself and asking, "Who me?"

Everyone: Anime fall

"I've had enogh let's just go home!" souted Tea.

"Good Idea... Tea" said Kaiba everyone looked at him like this OO.

"Err Kaiba?" asked Joey. "Dis is gonna sound weird, but did you call Tea... Tea?"

"Yes Dog I did."

"Oh. Do you like Tea?"

"More then a friend less then a sister." said Kaiba.

"Wow!" said Tea shocked. "I must be the first person aside from Mokuba who Kaiba's called their first name, and in a nice way too. I see stars."

"He'd better think of you as nothing more then a friend." muttered Ryou but luckily no one heard.


"Bye Joey!" shouted Tea. They had come from the so called everything shop and now everone except Tea, Ryou and Bakura were home.

"There that's my house. Just walk me there and I'll be fine." said Tea.

Ryou walked up to the door with her while Bakura said he'd go on ahead.

"Goodnight Tea." said Ryou smiling

"You know Ryou, my parents aren't in so do you wanna watch a movie? I mean It's only eight." asked Tea blushing.

Ryou felt as though his birthday had come early. "Sure Tea!" he said walking inside.


Ryou: Hurray you finally made a me and Tea! Normally she's either with Bakura, Marik or Malik.

Cat: Yeah, I guess I'm just generous is all.

Ryou: And you really modest to. -sarcasm-

Cat: You know I think your right. I'm one of the modestest people in the world.

Ryou: -Sweatdrop- Review please to find out what happens next!